

This was published 9 years ago

Operation rescue: the Christians of the Middle East face extinction

By Paul Sheehan

The body of a little boy washes up in the surf on a Turkish beach is photographed and broadcast around the world. The world is appalled.

But what if the world were to see the real scale of the sectarian civil war dismembering the Arab world? About 12,000 children have been killed in Syria alone.

Illustration: Michael Mucci

Illustration: Michael Mucci

Twelve thousand children. This is the estimate of both the Oxford Research Group and the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights. The United Nations has a smaller but still horrific estimate.

What if the world were to see the faces of the thousands of young girls abducted and raped by members of Islamic State?

The world only sees glimpses of the atavistic bloodletting carried out in the schism between Sunni and Shia Muslims, compounded by secondary guerrilla wars between moderate and fundamentalist Sunni Muslims.

The wreckage extends far beyond individual tragedies and destroyed communities. To traverse the arc of nations in the Arab world is to traverse a disaster zone that is spreading, not contracting.

Where once Australian tourists used to travel overland to Europe via Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, that entire route is now too dangerous. Much of it is a disaster zone.

Syria is finished. It will never be put back together as a single state. Eleven million Syrians have been displaced.


Iraq is now three states, Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish. The lines on the map of the region drawn by European colonisers have proved to be ephemeral compared to the real borders formed by religion, ethnicity and geography.

The list of failed states now extends to Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. The rest of the Arab states are dictatorships by various names, at best monarchies or emirates, with Egypt under military control.

There is no end in sight. The Arab spring was a Western fantasy. Saudi Arabia and Iran continue to mobilising resources to fund their proxies in the Sunni-Shiite struggle, a reason why the Saudis are pumping as much oil as they can and Iran is desperate to re-join the international oil marketplace.

Syria is thus the eye of a broader storm and the Muslim world is exporting its instability to Europe, via a mass exodus of people.

What can or should Australia do? There is nothing we can do about the ancient Sunni-Shia schism, but we can protect those who have become collateral damage – Christians.

One of the reasons a majority of the electorate supported the Coalition's tough line on people smugglers was that the biggest beneficiaries would be genuine refugees.

Now is the hour. Because the border policies have been effective, Australia is placed to significantly ramp up its intake of refugees.

There is no chance the electorate wants to import the Sunni-Shia schism into Australia via a large influx of Muslims dislocated by this conflict. That is a political reality. There have already been too many incidents of Sunni-Shia conflict in Australia, and far too many incidents of anti-Western Muslim militancy, or worse.

If either the Coalition or Labor were to announce a large-scale program of humanitarian immigration from the war zone, it would encounter the public's aversion to the systemic failure of democracy, pluralism and religious tolerance in the Arab world. But that does not mean Australians would not be willing to support a significantly larger humanitarian intake from the region.

For the past 20 years Christians have been ethnically cleansed across much of the Middle East as part of the rise of Muslim militancy.

In Syria, before the civil war, more than 1 million Syrian Christians lived in security and were better educated than the general population. That number has been decimated.

In Iraq, the number of Christians has plunged from 1.4 million to about 250,000 over the past 40 years, displaced by waves of civil war, invasion and ethnic cleansing. Most Christians who remain live in the Kurdish-controlled area.

Another 300,000 Christians live under the Islamic theocracy of Iran. Most are ethnically Armenian or Assyrian.

Would it be in breach of our discrimination laws to prioritise Christians as refugees? No. I've checked.

About 1 million Arab Christians are currently displaced and have no chance of returning to safety and normalcy in their own countries. Unlike displaced Muslims they have no diaspora in the region to absorb them.

The common sense aversion by people to a large-scale influx of refugees, of any kind, is the sheer cost and the stress they place on resources. This is rational. Refugees have to be housed, sustained, educated and trained. Unemployment among unskilled workers is already high in Australia. The federal government is already running a budget deficit.

There is, however, a large pre-existing network of private social services – church groups – with the potential to sponsor thousands of refugees in the short-term, providing them with places to stay in the community.

Australia's annual refugee resettlement quota, currently 6000, is an arbitrary number (though it has real meaning in the budget estimates). With the help of church and welfare groups, that arbitrary number could be significantly increased.

This is the benefit of having secure borders and credibility on border security, which the Abbott government has achieved.

With this as a starting point, the Liberal Premier of NSW, Mike Baird, believes Australia should lift its intake from Syria. So does the Labor leader, Bill Shorten.

The Abbott government could treble the 6000 refugee number in each of the next four years – 72,000 refugees – and make a real difference, without incurring the wrath of the electorate. But only if it had the courage to give priority to Christians.

That's the political reality. That's the only way to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number in this crisis.

Twitter: @Paul_Sheehan_

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