

This was published 9 years ago

Make Libya the first step in tackling the unfolding Syrian disaster

The West and its bickering allies must prove themselves capable of sorting out the mess they helped create in Tripoli.

By Maher Mughrabi

Reading the latest of Boris Johnson's clarion calls for action in Syria, one cannot help but be reminded of traditional fox hunts – the blare of the horn, the eager yelping of the hounds, the massing of red-and-black jackets as the trail is laid. As spectacle, it may get some people's blood up; as pest control, it is worthless.

That Islamic State is a menace cannot be contested, and not just to the ruins of Palmyra or the future of the Syrian tourist industry. Its destruction of built heritage extends to present-day churches and mosques, and its reign of terror is destroying the lives of human beings, who now as always are our most important repositories of heritage and culture.

A refugee sits in despair on a wooden fishing boat as he waits to be rescued off the coast of Libya.

A refugee sits in despair on a wooden fishing boat as he waits to be rescued off the coast of Libya. Credit: Kate Geraghty

But Islamic State is not the only menace in the region and – as Fairfax correspondent Ruth Pollard's reporting has shown – is far from the most lethal. Attempting to view IS in isolation from the mess that surrounds it will not produce effective solutions. What is needed is a practical approach based not on ever-increasing militarisation, but in politics, a field where the mayor of London is supposed to be a rising star.

Put simply, Sunni Muslims living in Syria and Iraq have moved to support jihadist groups – IS chief among them – as the Syrian and Iraqi states have become increasingly lethal for dissenting Sunnis. These Sunnis might have supported secular armed groups if those groups or their leadership had seemed militarily effective. And secular groups might have seemed effective if they had managed to command the world's attention and political backing.

They failed to do so, and so we are here, where the world's attention is hoovered up by beheading videos, Sunni youngsters from around the world migrating to join the fight, IS-inspired acts of random violence and the question of whether Palmyra's colonnades still stand.

Should we throw up our hands? Far from it. Politics is the art of the possible, and a number of practical steps present themselves which would lay the groundwork for a much more effective approach both to IS and to the refugee crisis gripping Europe.

If Johnson is truly seized by the Churchillian spirit – by which I mean fighting evil, rather than bombing recalcitrant Kurds – perhaps he could take a leaf out of Churchill's book and seek his first victory in Libya.

It has been four years since Johnson's prime minister David Cameron and the then president of France Nicolas Sarkozy were doing laps of honour in Tripoli and Benghazi for their role in overthrowing Muammar Gaddafi. Yet today Libya, wracked by violence, is one of the major transit and source points for refugees not just from Syria but across sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia.


Stabilising Libya would not involve negotiating between the region's Sunnis and Shiites, because there are no Shiites to speak of in the country. It would involve the West getting its own bickering allies – Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey – around the table and banging their heads together. If this is not possible for the European Union and the United States acting in concert, then frankly the question of forming an international or regional consensus on what is going on in Syria – where Russia and Iran both believe their vital interests are at stake – is like asking monkeys to rebuild Palmyra.

Stabilising Libya alone would not solve the problem of Syria's refugees. But it would certainly free up resources in Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria – supposedly stable countries that border Libya – currently being devoted to military activities. These countries could then become part of a conversation with the EU about handling migration from the Middle East and Africa.

Getting Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey in the room could also allow some other important questions to be addressed. Can the wealthy Gulf nations absorb more of the Syrian refugee burden that is currently resting on Turkey and two much poorer nations, Lebanon and Jordan?

The answer is likely to come that such refugee outflows would politically unsettle the Gulf monarchies. And here's the rub. After all the billions of dollars in arms deals the West has done with these countries, after all the coronations and weddings that Prince Charles and Prince Andrew have attended, and all the consulting fees paid to Tony Blair, these countries are still looking over their shoulder in fear at their own populations.

For the world to start repairing Syria, some of the load has to rest on these countries. And the way they are governed now, they just can't bear it.

IS advertises itself as a state because it understands that there is a vacuum in the region where just and equitable governance should be. Until we understand it too, and do something about it, no amount of online counter-propaganda or fox-hunting is likely to make an ounce of difference.

Maher Mughrabi is Foreign Editor of The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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