

This was published 9 years ago

Johnny Depp's dogs: the war on terrier hides the battle elsewhere

By Judith Ireland

Imagine you are a Hollywood studio executive, wanting to have a go.

While hunting for a hit film, the following script lands on your desk: it is a race-against-time caper. A life and death story where tiny creatures are pitted against a mighty minister. Throw in a private jet, a sexy man, his beautiful wife ... and how can you resist?

No wonder we have been transfixed by Johnny Depp's dogs.

Poor little Pistol and poor little Boo. Not only do they have utterly stupid names, they have been threatened with the Big E because they were flown to Australia by their movie star owner (here to film the latest Pirates of the Caribbean instalment), without going through the right quarantine procedures.



Depp is no stranger to poor decisions. He famously had to change one of his tattoos to "Wino Forever" after his early '90s engagement to Winona Ryder ended. But this time, it isn't his upper arm suffering.

Pistol and Boo's illegal immigrant status was sprung after they were taken for a cut and blow dry at the weekend – and the gleeful groomers posted snaps of the pets on Facebook.

Before you could say heavy black eyeliner, Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce was on the war path. As a man known to get het up at the best of times (he has a resting shade of puce) Joyce was not happy that Depp's Yorkshire terriers could have brought rabies and other unwanted organisms to Australia.


You could tell he was angry because he first referred to the movie star by his in-trouble name: "John Christopher Depp".

Johnny Depp with one of his dogs.

Johnny Depp with one of his dogs.

"Mr Depp has to either take his dogs back to California or we're going to have to euthanise them," Joyce declared on Thursday. He argued that, even though Depp has been named the sexiest man alive "twice", if the celebrity was given special consideration, it meant anyone could break the law.

"It's time that Pistol and Boo buggered off," Joyce said, using a phrase that is sure to utterly confuse (and highly offend) any North Americans following the story.

To further calm the situation, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton suggested Depp could face a "big" fine.

The public reaction duly went off like a firecracker in a backpack.

And now we can add cute dogs and dashy celebrities to the Coalition's Fight Club list

Along with the inevitable trending #waronterrier hashtag, there is an online petition demanding clemency for the pair and an international media bonanza a la, "Australians want to put down Johnny Depp's dogs".

Labor's agriculture spokesman Joel Fitzgibbon bobbed up to argue Bistolgate​ was Joyce's fault not Johnny's. "Barnaby Joyce should be answering the hard questions about the breach and what role his biosecurity funding cuts may have played," Fitzgibbon said.

A post-budget press conference was also derailed when Finance Minister Mathias Cormann was asked for his reaction on the fate of the dogs. He was so confused, he ended the session.

Meanwhile, diplomacy expert Kyle Sandilands called Joyce an "insensitive wanker" duing a radio interview.

Before you point out that there is nothing funny about exotic diseases and horrible parasites coming into the country, let us sombrely agree that quarantine is extremely important (although one doubts Depp is walking around cuddling his dogs if they are rabid).

And, of course, famous people are not above the law. While they live in a different world, with special diets, special doctors and really cool sunglasses, they still have to obey the speed limits and pet rules.

But what is it with the Coalition and picking fights?

All governments like a good brawl from time to time (think Wayne Swan v Gina Rinehart, Peter Reith v the wharfies), yet the Abbott crew seem to have a real passion for it.

Can you think of a group - besides superannuants and tradies - that it hasn't tried to go after?

The sick, the young unemployed, uni students, families with kids over six, public servants, ABC and SBS viewers, pensioners and human rights commissioners are just some of the people who have had punches thrown in their direction.

There is also that most villainous of cohorts: women who have just had a baby and dare to access both the government and employer paid parental schemes they are legally entitled to.

And now we can add cute dogs and dashy celebrities to the Coalition's Fight Club list.

Joyce could have made the point about Depp breaching quarantine rules without putting the prospect of doggy death row up in lights. In fact, it is arguable he didn't need to comment at all, and could have simply referred to it as an internal Agriculture Department matter.

But instead of letting the wheels of government turn, he set himself up in an epic Barney against Bistol battle. And instead of making him look like a tough dude, it made him look like a guy who enjoys striking fear into the small hearts of innocent puppies.

Although, one suspects this misses the real point.

Depp's dogs managed to distract the heck out of the political debate, a mere 24 hours after the budget was handed down. In doing so, it provided a handy shield against the backlash to the paid parental leave cuts that has taken the government (which was planning on a big tick on its families policy) by surprise.

Picking a fight suggests something is happening and someone is doing something about it.

In Hollywood, this is called a special effect. In Canberra, they call it business as usual.

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