

This was published 11 years ago

Abbott plays politics with diplomacy

By Tom Allard

Once again the Abbott government has needlessly antagonised Indonesia. Attempting to return a vessel laden with asylum seekers to Indonesia at a time when the country is furious about Fairfax Media's revelations of Australian spying activity across the archipelago was dumb.

To do it while Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop and Defence Minister David Johnston were in Indonesia was pointlessly provocative and only added to the likelihood Australia would be rebuffed.

Returning boats to Indonesia is hardly critical operationally to stemming the flow of asylum seekers to Australia. It is a purely political policy. Abbott needs to show the Australian public he can, indeed, turn back the boats. But Labor's PNG Solution has already done most of the new

government's work for it. Yet Abbott and his Immigration Minister Scott Morrison keep pushing, apparently blase about the anger it provokes in Indonesia, where issues of sovereignty remain acute after centuries of colonialism.

Also undercutting the government's authority is the dome of secrecy it has placed over information. Morrison's press conference on Friday was a farce as he declined to inform the Australian public what was actually going on with the boat stand-off.

In Jakarta on Friday, the same principle was being applied, with potential diplomatic ramifications as Senator Johnston failed to appear at a highly anticipated press conference.

A large pool of Indonesian media were waiting to hear from our new Defence Minster, encouraged by comments on Thursday by Indonesian Defence Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro that they should turn up and find out directly from the Australian about the extent of our wire-tapping operations across the archipelago.

Instead, Senator Johnston hot-footed it out of the capital, citing a prior engagement in Perth and leaving Purnomo to explain his absence.

The Indonesian press corps were fuming. It was the second time in little over a month that they had been denied access to an Australian leader. Abbott's refusal to allow them to attend his press conference when he visited earned a formal rebuke from the local journalists' union.

Senator Johnston's office said they never intended to attend any press conference and that the meeting between the two men went ''well''.


Even so, the snub - real or perceived - is important. The Indonesian press has been generally savage in its assessment of the two issues undermining ties between the countries: asylum seekers and surveillance.

Whether it was a misunderstanding or not, the Indonesian press will likely remain riled, and that means more unfavourable stories and broadcasts.

The deep disquiet within the Indonesian government on both fronts is real, but the public anger fuelled by the media only encourages Jakarta to respond firmly.


Abbott insisted on Friday that ''we've got good and improving co-operation with Indonesia''.

The reality is quite different. Indonesia's threat to withdraw from intelligence co-operation on people smuggling remains on the table, despite - or perhaps because of - the latest Australian diplomatic foray.

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