

Cherie Gilmour is a freelance writer.

I’ve never sent a naked selfie. There’s no shame in a little shame

I’ve never sent a naked selfie. There’s no shame in a little shame

That we use “prude” as a derogatory term should show us the implicit pressure we put on others to embrace nudity and sexuality.

  • by Cherie Gilmour


A Very Hungry Caterpillar costume won’t turn your kid into a bookworm

A Very Hungry Caterpillar costume won’t turn your kid into a bookworm

Book Week is upon us once again but if you want your child to embrace the joys of literature, don’t delude yourself with convenient fictions.

  • by Cherie Gilmour
Now AI will soften our fury at call centre staff. Let’s rage against this machine

Now AI will soften our fury at call centre staff. Let’s rage against this machine

Don’t gag us just because we complain. We’re justifiably angry.

  • by Cherie Gilmour
The only life coaches I’d hire are long dead or too busy

The only life coaches I’d hire are long dead or too busy

It seems you can’t swing a cat without hitting a life coach these days. They’re everywhere, jacked up on positivity and self-love.

  • by Cherie Gilmour
What I learnt from watching the Ashley Madison doco with my husband

What I learnt from watching the Ashley Madison doco with my husband

Dating is surely something that should remain solidly human, but AI is shifting the ground rules.

  • by Cherie Gilmour
There’s a word for this new snowflake version of Scrabble. Do I need to spell it out?

There’s a word for this new snowflake version of Scrabble. Do I need to spell it out?

Some devotees have slammed Scrabble’s update as unforgivable. If it gets younger players off their phones, it could be worth it.

  • by Cherie Gilmour
I’m teaching my child not to have a best friend

I’m teaching my child not to have a best friend

We’re obsessed with friendship bust-ups, but it is possible to avoid the worst of the pain with a less exclusive approach?

  • by Cherie Gilmour
A new book about Bridget Jones, but not that Bridget Jones

A new book about Bridget Jones, but not that Bridget Jones

A librarian named after the famed unlucky-in-love heroine shares her namesake’s misfortune in a new novel.

  • by Cherie Gilmour
Sorry Frozen, but it’s time children let it go once and for all

Sorry Frozen, but it’s time children let it go once and for all

I know I’m treading on thin ice here, but it’s been a decade since Disney released its tale of Elsa. Can children please find something new to love?

  • by Cherie Gilmour
I demand my kids hug their grandparents. Am I a bad mother?

I demand my kids hug their grandparents. Am I a bad mother?

Hugging the grandparents seems like a small hill to die on, but for me, it represents a much broader pattern of teaching kids important lessons they seem to be losing.

  • by Cherie Gilmour
After 14 years, I left the disability sector. Money alone can’t fix its problems

After 14 years, I left the disability sector. Money alone can’t fix its problems

Throwing money at problems is what we do as a society. But sometimes in doing so, we fail to diagnose the underlying conditions that have created the problems in the first place.

  • by Cherie Gilmour

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