

Amy Remeikis was a former social affairs and communications reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Malcolm Turnbull, FM radio star: inside the PM's rejigged radio strategy

Malcolm Turnbull, FM radio star: inside the PM's rejigged radio strategy

A shift in media strategy has seen the PM participate in almost as many FM radio station interviews in the last month as he has the whole year

  • by Amy Remeikis


Jobs for the boys and girls: nine out of 15 defeated Liberal MPs win cushy government jobs

Jobs for the boys and girls: nine out of 15 defeated Liberal MPs win cushy government jobs

Lose your seat, collect $293,000: dumped Liberal MPs score cushy government jobs

  • by Adam Gartrell and Amy Remeikis
Bill Shorten proves he is not a dual citizen, calls for truce in document wars

Bill Shorten proves he is not a dual citizen, calls for truce in document wars

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has finally released documents proving he renounced his British citizenship.

  • by Amy Remeikis and Adam Gartrell
Government claims cashless welfare card a success, names WA Goldfields as third trial site

Government claims cashless welfare card a success, names WA Goldfields as third trial site

The government will push ahead with a third trial site for its cashless welfare card, despite opposition, after a final evaluation of the policy found it had "considerable positive impact" in its original trials.

  • by Amy Remeikis
Derryn Hinch referral to the High Court over citizenship fears dubbed a 'waste of time'

Derryn Hinch referral to the High Court over citizenship fears dubbed a 'waste of time'

In a bizarre twist to the constitutional crisis, not even his biggest opponents think he has a case to answer.

  • by Amy Remeikis
Keep calm and let the High Court carry on: John Howard

Keep calm and let the High Court carry on: John Howard

Keep calm and let the constitutional citizenship fiasco run its course, former prime minister John Howard has advised, saying it was "silly" to for politicians to try to make the issue a partisan one.

  • by Amy Remeikis
Love is not enough for marriage, says Turnbull government MP, as 'yes' campaign fires back

Love is not enough for marriage, says Turnbull government MP, as 'yes' campaign fires back

The 'yes' campaign has dedicated its first salvo in the same-sex marriage debate, arguing the only people who will be affected by changing the Marriage Act, are those who are gay.

  • by Amy Remeikis
Julie Bishop places faith and hope in sanctions as North Korean tensions escalate

Julie Bishop places faith and hope in sanctions as North Korean tensions escalate

US President Donald Trump has promised "all options are on the table" when it comes to dealing with North Korea, but Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has placed Australia's faith in economic sanctions bringing the rogue state back under control.

  • by Amy Remeikis and David Wroe
Tony Abbott spent more on travel than past three prime ministers combined

Tony Abbott spent more on travel than past three prime ministers combined

Former prime minister Tony Abbott spent more on travel last year than his three predecessors combined.

  • by Amy Remeikis
Australia ready to support Japan following North Korean missile launch: Julie Bishop

Australia ready to support Japan following North Korean missile launch: Julie Bishop

Australia stands ready to support Japan "at any time", in the wake of threatening behaviour of North Korea.

  • by Amy Remeikis and Stephanie Peatling
'An additional plaque': Bill Shorten's plan to neutralise Captain Cook debate

'An additional plaque': Bill Shorten's plan to neutralise Captain Cook debate

Labor leader Bill Shorten says some of the anger over Australia's historical monuments could be redressed – by adding additional plaques.

  • by Amy Remeikis

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