

This was published 8 years ago

Why the women at ANZ Bank felt they had to shut up and play along

By Jessica Gardner

There is plenty to smirk at in the salacious allegations of bad behaviour within ANZ Banking Group, but there is one claim in particular that should wipe the smile off our faces.

One night in June 2011 newly hired trader Etienne Alexiou and Robert O'Callaghan, the executive who helped poach him, chose to celebrate the signing of Alexiou's documents with a visit to a lap dancing bar near Sydney's Martin Place.

Accompanying them were two women from the bank's human resources department, according to court documents.

Let's consider what those two women were feeling?

Former ANZ CEO Mike Smith, left, and chairman David Gonski  both advocate for women through the Male Champions of Change group.

Former ANZ CEO Mike Smith, left, and chairman David Gonski both advocate for women through the Male Champions of Change group.Credit: David Mariuz

I do not know them, nor are they named, but I would be willing to place a very large bet on the fact that they didn't suggest the venue. And I challenge anyone to confidently assert that they really wanted to be there.

But if they're anything like many other women working in male-dominated fields they probably would have felt obliged to shut up and just play along.

That's right. For women in the workplace it is often easier to just keep quiet. The alternative - standing up to sexism, calling out unacceptable behaviour - risks a cocktail of intimidation, condescension and bureaucracy.

Denigrating language


Among many claims in court documents uncovered by The Australian Financial Review of tawdry behaviour in a trading division within ANZ, there are plenty that denigrate women.

Etienne Alexiou has dropped his case for unfair dismissal against ANZ.

Etienne Alexiou has dropped his case for unfair dismissal against ANZ.

Along with Etienne, who was sacked last year, the other trader linked to the claims is Patrick O'Connor, who was fired for misuse of his credit card and offensive remarks he made via the bank's Bloomberg chat system. Some of his worst one-liners include: 'I like a girl who gets it on early [...] saves all the bullsh-t'.

This is the same well-educated, highly-paid young man who blamed some of the credit card activity, such as payment of his rent and insurance, on a simple mistake. "My personal and corporate card are both the same colour and the bulk of these expenses claimed were accidentally placed on the corporate card over the phone rather than my personal card (by my wife)."

His wife. Of course. What a silly lady.

I reckon the female employees at ANZ, Australia's third largest bank, will read the articles in the Financial Review on Friday with mixed feelings.

There might be a bit of schadenfreude that the culture of excess within one of the divisions has been called out.

Maybe some embarrassment. But deep down I reckon there might be this sad, but confounding feeling that we all will have felt at one time or another: that we were complicit. Complicit in keeping quiet or looking the other way.

ANZ's female employees may have heard rumours about such behaviour, and even possibly experienced it, but they probably will have let it slide. Anything else would have jeopardised their careers.

That might seem hysterical, but it's easy to understand when you think back to our HR professionals.

Those two women, who by the very virtue of their job descriptions, would have been well-versed in the procedures involved in making and receiving complaints about unacceptable workplace behaviour. They are not idiots. They knew the situation they were in was ridiculous and yet, they went along, and as far as we know, never complained or raised it with someone more senior.

Imagine trying to tell these two - in the words of excellent financial journalist Michael Lewis - Big Swinging Dicks that you weren't really up for a strip club visit.

O'Callaghan - the global head of fixed income - had ANZ's backing to sign on this new recruit with the offer of a $3.7 million sweetener. Etienne, the high flying trader would go on to earn $11 million in bonuses over two years to 2014 as he rose to help manage more than $120 billion at ANZ.

And our two box-ticking HR women.

Power imbalance

The men had all the power in that room. The power to make them feel prudish, the power to belittle them and maybe if they wanted, the power to mention to someone more senior that they didn't quite fit with the culture around here.

Now, I admit, the irony is delicious. ANZ's former chief executive Mike Smith and current chairman David Gonski are members of the Male Champions of Change group of high profile corporate leaders that advocate for women. The bank is a sponsor of Chief Executive Women and last year unveiled really impressive initiatives to help women with low superannuation balances.

But this is not just an issue for ANZ. This is a broader, more widespread problem.

These revelations are the fourth high profile example since Christmas of women being completely disrespected at work: the Minister who takes advantage of his position and tries to kiss a public servant, the sports star who propositions a journalist live on air and the other Minister who calls a journalist a mad f-cking witch.

And let's not forget the female surgeon who last year advised young female recruits to 'comply' with requests for sex from senior male surgeons to protect their careers.

And yet when these sexist acts are critiqued or called out the backlash is immediate. Barnaby Joyce, who might one day be the Deputy Prime Minister, worries we might be getting too politically correct. Commentators say that cricketer Chris Gayle was just engaging in harmless flirting. And after Jamie Briggs' forced resignation unnamed Liberal party sources told journalists they were concerned the bar for acceptable conduct of Ministers had been raised impossibly high.

In a matter of days, Rosie Batty will hand over her role as Australian of the Year. Perhaps no one has done quite as much as she to prevent violence against women.

But as ANZ's and many other cases show, there is still work to be done to stamp out the slights and injuries that may not leave a mark but can still damage. And it falls to each and every one of us to do that work.

We need to stamp out these kinds of responses as much as we need to stamp out the bad behaviour.

Maybe then instead of an image of two women dutifully attending a strip club under the guise of work won't make us feel guilt or despair, but it will make us feel anger.


And we will feel empowered to act.

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