

This was published 7 years ago

Government's intern plan is just a pathway to poverty

This article was produced by Maurice Blackburn in commercial partnership with BusinessDay.

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By ​Giri Sivaraman

With its recent announcement to establish 10,000 internships in the retail sector, the Turnbull government has made its intentions clear – it has no problem with the legal creation of a low paid underclass of young Australians, much like what has been seen in the US.

The latest announcement arrived just as the PaTH (Prepare, Trial, Hire) initiative from last year's federal budget came into force as of July 1 this year.

The PaTH initiative is designed to push the long-term unemployed into work by encouraging them to undertake 12-week internships, which may lead to full-time employment at their conclusion. To make the internships appealing to employers, the government is willing to pay them a one-off $1000 payment for taking on young Australians while also only having to pay the interns $4 an hour.

Unfortunately, PaTH is nothing more than a pathway to poverty. Why would an employer bother employing an individual on award rates when they can employ someone on a government-subsidised internship, especially in the retail sector?

Treasurer Scott Morrison launched the PaTH scheme

Treasurer Scott Morrison launched the PaTH schemeCredit: AAP

We've already seen how easy it is for employers to take advantage of vulnerable workers with a series of high profile exposes, including 7-Eleven and its underpayment of employees in a joint Fairfax and Four Corners investigation in 2015.

I have spoken to many of my clients associated with the 7-Eleven scandal and they've relayed stories of being forced to undertake unpaid training before they were employed. Most of this unpaid "training" involved stocking shelves or serving customers with minimal or no supervision.

Unfortunately, under the new PaTH initiative, companies such as 7-Eleven would be easily able to employ people at $4 an hour to do this same work. In essence, it has legalised wage theft.

Without doubt PaTH is a government program designed to prey on Australian youth at their most vulnerable. It's a program that pulls the rug out from under their feet.

Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Philip Lowe's has bemoaned sluggish wage growth.

Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Philip Lowe's has bemoaned sluggish wage growth.Credit: Tammy Law

We already know that many young Australians feel intimidated when it comes to voicing their concerns on the job, including because they're worried about future job prospects. For some, it is their vulnerability that leads them to take up these exploitative arrangements and they're loathe to speak up, not helped by the lack of whistleblower protection in Australia.

What's even more galling is the government will be giving a $1000 subsidy to employers for paying less than the minimum wage. In effect, they're incentivising employers to tear down our whole wage system.

This clearly illustrates Australia's employment law system is completely broken. I've previously described the PaTH program as a poisoned chalice, as it lures young Australians into internships with the promise of progression but delivers little in return. Indeed, it would be interesting to track how many of these internships result in permanent jobs – my concern is that more often than not, there will be no job at the end of the "training" period.

Along with the heated exchanges between business leaders and the Prime Minister at a private dinner in Sydney last week over tax and industrial relations reform, what PaTH disturbingly illustrates is the social contract between Australian employers and employees is broken.

You have to wonder how far down this path the federal government is willing to go and where it will stop.

It's quite ironic that following Reserve Bank Governor Philip Lowe's comments last month that wages growth "would be a good thing", Australia's peak business bodies and the Federal Government are looking to undermine the awards system.

Dr Lowe hoped that relative low unemployment in many developed economies would "energise" labour markets and workers into demanding higher wages. His comments echo those of former Goldman Sachs chief economist and Conservative Party Minister in the UK Government, Jim O'Neill who called for an end to wage stagnation globally.

Yet even with stagnant wage growth which has a direct effect on domestic consumption and economic growth, business and government feel the need to further prey on the vulnerable.


You have to wonder how far down this path the federal government is willing to go and where it will stop. At present it would seem there's no end point, which is bad news for young Australians.

Giri Sivaraman is head of Maurice Blackburn's Queensland employment law department based in Brisbane. He has been recognised as a preeminent lawyer for employees in the Doyles Guide. Follow Giri on Twitter at @GiriDSivaraman

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