

This was published 8 years ago

CSIRO puts 350 staff on notice in Netflix-style culture revamp

By Jessica Gardner

Researchers at the country's peak science and research body will be pushed to pick up more digital skills or move on as part of a sweeping cultural change driven by former venture capitalist Larry Marshall.

Just one year after taking the chief executive role at CSIRO, Mr Marshall wrote to staff on Thursday morning informing them of an organisational restructure that would affect up to 350 staff and hit hardest in climate science areas.

CSIRO chief executive Larry Marshall: "The reality is some people are really resistant to change and some people embrace it."

CSIRO chief executive Larry Marshall: "The reality is some people are really resistant to change and some people embrace it."Credit: Dallas Kilponen

In an interview with Fairfax Media, Mr Marshall said a "renewal" of staff was needed to pursue goals of being more innovative, more impactful and aligning more closely with industry.

"Staff numbers will stay the same or go up slightly but in order to respond to the new strategy we realise that we need some people with different skills to the ones we already have," he said.

In the email to staff Mr Marshall said jobs in the Data61, Oceans & Atmosphere, Land & Water and Manufacturing divisions would be cut at a rate of 175 per year, over the two year "strategic realignment".

Mr Marshall used the example of climate change to show how CSIRO needs new skills as its science progresses and its strategy changes.

"We have spent probably a decade trying to answer the question 'is the climate changing?'" he told Fairfax Media.

"After Paris that question has been answered. The next question now is what do we do about it? The people that were so brilliant at measuring and modelling [climate change], they might not be the right people to figure out how to adapt to it."

Business leader and nuclear physicist Ziggy Switkowski, who is the chairman of NBN and a former Chairman of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, backed Mr Marshall and CSIRO chairman David Thodey - the former Telstra CEO.


"[They] are very capable people who I think have been appointed to reorder the priorities of CSIRO and I have confidence in their judgement," he told Fairfax Media. "If there is a shift proposed in terms of deployment of people away from basic climate research towards understanding the needs of adaption and mitigation then I absolutely support that as a priority. At first glance I think the changes that are underway at CSIRO probably set the institution up for success into the future."

However the president of the Australian Academy of Science Andrew Holmes called on the government to provide alternative funding for climate research. "Our climate and environmental scientists are some of the best in the world. We wouldn't stop supporting our elite Olympic athletes just as they're winning gold medals," Professor Holmes said in a statement.

"Without a nationally coordinated effort, our diminished research capacity will mean Australia lacks the local knowledge necessary to adapt to a changing climate."

The latest organisational revamp comes after government funding cuts in 2014, prior to Mr Marshall's tenure, forced CSIRO to cut hundreds of jobs.

Mr Marshall said he had been guided by Silicon Valley-style policies put in place at nimble technology start-ups, and added he was "absolutely" inspired by the thinking of Netflix's former chief talent officer Patty McCord. "I'm very much a student of that," he said.

A document created by Ms McCord, which Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg has called "the most important document ever to come out of the Valley", outlines the streaming company's tough, high performance culture with statements like: "Netflix leaders hire, develop and cut smartly, so we have stars in every position."

In a worst-case scenario Mr Marshall said 350 staff would be affected. "That's the sort of number of people who will have to adapt, not move on," he said. "It will be up to them and their abilities if they stay and go."

Mr Marshall anticipated there would push back among CSIRO's about 5200 staff. "The reality is some people are really resistant to change and some people embrace it," he said.

"It's always sad when people lose a job. That's always sad when people leave, but personally I think what's sadder is when someone stays but what they're doing isn't impactful anymore. It's very easy to fall into purgatory when it's just a grind."

Greens science spokesman Adam Bandt criticised the cut to climate science. "Malcolm Turnbull is an innovation imposter if he allows these reported cuts at CSIRO to go ahead," he said.

A spokeswoman for Industry Minister Christopher Pyne said the cuts were an "operational decision" and noted the overall number of jobs at CSIRO would remain the same.

"In Paris, the Prime Minister said research and innovation are key to dealing with global warming, yet here at home the Liberal government's cuts to the CSIRO mean that hundreds of climate scientists could be getting the axe," Mr Bandt said.

Across the organisation there was a lack of digital skills, especially in emerging industries such as 'big data', Mr Marshall said.

"For example in land and water we have a large number of social scientists who have been focused on attitudes to climate change and attitudes to mining, and how humans respond to those things.

"I think a new opportunity for them is using big data... so how do you figure out human behaviour from data. That means moving them out of the traditional space they were in around land and water and more into the digital age."

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