

This was published 7 years ago

Being sacked can cost much more than the lost wage

By Giri Sivaraman

This piece is produced in commercial partnership between Maurice Blackburn and Fairfax Media.

It's often remarked that death, divorce and moving house are the three most traumatic events of a person's life. In my experience, having advised hundreds of clients about their rights who have lost their jobs, being sacked is on par with the other three. Reason being is we're often defined by what we do. Our sense of identity, our ability to function as a spouse, parent or friend is often completely wrapped up in our career. Yet according to the law, an employment contract is just like any other, and an employer breaking it doesn't warrant compensation for the hurt and distress caused.

The reality is we're seeing a rise in more precarious employment relationships.

The reality is we're seeing a rise in more precarious employment relationships.Credit: Tamara Volinski

According to the Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS), employment is the 'primary definer of self' in certain spheres. It is unsurprising then that people who transition from long-term employment to unemployment experience extreme difficulty coping with such a momentous, sudden, and sometimes involuntary or arbitrary change.

Put simply: being sacked pummels a person's self-confidence and their ability to function normally, yet the law specifically limits redress for those that are sacked. Furthermore, employees in senior roles earning over $140K a year can't even make an unfair dismissal claim.

While the world of business touts the wonders of individual rights and the individual's right to negotiate as well as buzz phrases such as the portfolio career and the contract worker in the gig economy, the reality is we're seeing a rise in more precarious employment relationships, underemployment and increased welfare dependence.

For the newly unemployed, this new world of employment sees existing financial pressures, such as mortgages and family expenses amplified and the erosion of their confidence can affect their ability to negotiate equitable workplace conditions or even negatively impact their prospects of re-entry to the workforce. Moreover, research shows that unemployment impacts on a person's future capacity to support themselves through superannuation, the educational outcomes of their children, and their relationships with those around them. Losing a job can be the precursor to marriage breakups, substance or gambling abuse and other woes.

Taking all this into account, why is distress causatively linked to termination, unfair dismissal, redundancies or otherwise not compensable at law? If an employment contract is breached, why does the law only recompense a person for lost earnings but not take into account distress, hurt and suffering? It seems counter-intuitive, given the way unemployment is so capable of causing psychological injury to a person independently of any intervening factors.

Interestingly, in other areas such as discrimination law, the hurt and suffering of an individual is taken into account while the life-changing effect of sudden unemployment isn't at all.

As is often the case, the economic justifications accompanying the rhetoric around the disruptive digital economy and the new world of work are devoid of social context, and this particular issue is no exception. The ability to leap gracefully from one job to another before lunch, accompanied by a liberal dose of corporate backslapping, is not a reality of most people's lives or work.


People care about their jobs, they invest their identity in their jobs, they give discretionary effort in their jobs. They do not choose unemployment because they want to be fanned, fed grapes and worshipped – usually, they do not choose it at all. Perhaps it's time to rework our laws to recognise the true damage of being sacked.

Giri Sivaraman is a Principal in Employment and Industrial Law at Maurice Blackburn and commentator on topical workplace issues. To read more on these issues go to


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