


Same workload, same pay, longer weekend. Is Australia ready for a four-day week?

Trials show that shorter weeks for the same pay are popular and successful. But which workplaces does it suit? And how do flexible hours fit in?


The weekends always flew by too fast. Monday morning brought meetings, complex problems and dry, impersonal emails. But ever since software company Our Community shifted to a four-day week, its employees began to share with colleagues what they did on their days off. Monday emails now bring tales of bushwalking, playing in a “wannabe band”, children’s birthday parties and making chilli syrup on a whim.

The shorter week has radically changed the culture of the company, says Melbourne founder Denis Moriarty. People have more time to rest, to be with friends and family, and pursue hobbies. And here lies the other side of the coin for him: “People are willing to work harder.”

Denis Moriarty: “People are willing to work harder.”

Denis Moriarty: “People are willing to work harder.” Credit: Photo: Eddie Jim. Artwork: Monique Westermann

A handful of Australian organisations and several hundred around the world are trialling a four-day work week, dismantling the five days that car magnate Henry Ford standardised for full-timers in the 1920s.

Losing a day has been a leap too far for some. Detractors fear costs and say only certain organisations can do more with less. But others say there is no slip in productivity and four days is better for employees’ health and personal relationships, gender equality and retaining staff.

After a recent trial by 10 Australian companies and 16 overseas, only one workplace did not continue with a four-day week. Meanwhile, a Senate committee looking at how peoples’ jobs and care responsibilities could be better combined recommended this year that Australia try out a four-day week.

So, where did the concept come from? Where has and hasn’t it worked? And could it really become the status quo?


Where did the idea of a four-day week come from?

Before getting carried away with hopes for a shorter week, spare a thought for those in Australia who worked up to 14 hours for six days every week in the 19th century. In 1856, skill shortages shifted bargaining power to stonemasons in Melbourne who led the world in gaining an eight-hour work day. A harsh outdoor climate compared to Britain was one reason, they argued, for shorter days.

Until the two-day weekend took hold, people tended to work half of Saturday – Sunday was the only full day off. This began shifting post-war, formally changing in Australia when all awards were adjusted to 40-hour weeks on New Year’s Day in 1948. Then in 1981, metalworkers walked off the job as they pushed for a 35-hour week, securing what became today’s standard 38 hours. Other sectors followed if they could show cost offsets as a condition of people working fewer hours.

A rise in casual and part-time work has since dropped the average work-week in Australia to about 31 hours. But the average full-time worker still spends 37.8 hours on the clock, down a fraction from 38.1 hours in 1983. “We’ve had 30 or 40 years of technological progress, none of which has taken the form of a reduction in standard working hours,” says Queensland University economics professor John Quiggin, who supports economies moving to four-day work weeks.

For much of this century, talk of a shorter working week has been mostly among academics, entrepreneurs and unions. Iceland has acted on it: while both men and women already had generous parental leave, working hours were higher than its Nordic neighbours in 2015 when trials started to cut the 40-hour working week. After the trials, parents reported their kids wanted to come home directly from school to spend time with them. Many men took up more housework. “I’m more likely to take the initiative and do whatever is needed, hoovering or whatever,” one said. Six years later, unions had negotiated a shorter week, or the right to one, for 86 per cent of the country’s workers.

In New Zealand, Andrew Barnes and Charlotte Lockhart trialled a four-day week at their company, Perpetual Guardian, in 2018. Lockhart says the workers, who “felt they had their lives back under control”, upped productivity by 25 per cent. The couple then founded 4 Day Week Global, a non-profit organisation that has so far finished five trials for shorter work weeks across nearly 200 companies. More are underway.


At the same time, many of the world’s white-collar workers have adjusted to doing their jobs partly from home – more than 40 per cent of Australians worked remotely during the pandemic. Proponents such as Quiggin say this is proof of concept for the four-day week, while others say working from home has, in itself, already delivered time savings to some workers.

What is ‘four days’ in practice?

The idea behind a four-day week is that workers produce the same output, but in 80 per cent of the time and for no less pay. But it does not necessarily mean four consecutive work days. Lockhart says the trials are actually about reducing weekly work hours to 30 or 32 hours. “In our global economy, it’s not going to mean a three-day weekend,” she says. So while most workplaces do trial a four-day week, Lockhart says, several have trialled 10am until 3pm over five days. (Perpetual Guardian now offers time off flexibly during the week. “There’s the guy who comes in at 10am, having walked his daughters to school,” Lockhart says. “That’s what matters to him.”)


4 Day Week Global helps workplaces find productivity improvements, and charges employers and governments for the trials, as well as receiving donations. Lockhart says the biggest donors have been private companies. It is yet to receive any donations from unions, she says, and won’t accept donations from political parties. (In the UK, trials involving a separate 4 Day Week Campaign and the left-leaning think tank Autonomy were partly supported by a foundation describing itself as advancing education in Marxist philosophy and socialist history.)

What has been the upshot of trials?

All 10 companies that have been doing 4 Day Work Global’s most recent trial in Australia are continuing with it for longer. Of the 16 other businesses from New Zealand, Europe, the US and Canada that participated in the same trial, one is not continuing. Most of these companies had 25 staff or less. The businesses ranged from accountants and civil engineers to marketing companies.


Almost two-thirds of the 547 employees surveyed experienced “reductions in burnout”, 38 per cent were less stressed, 62 per cent reported an increase in positive emotions, and a third felt less anxious. Leaders surveyed rated productivity as seven out of 10, while absenteeism fell by 44 per cent. Seventeen per cent of men did more housework and childcare, numbers “a little bit larger than what we see in the other [trials],” Lockhart says.

In a separate study of Australian organisations reviewed by Swinburne University researchers, none reported a drop in productivity and seven claimed it went up during a four-day week trial. “A lot of them have said it was harder than they thought to do,” says associate professor John Hopkins, who oversaw the research, to be published later this year. “But all of the companies we’ve spoken to have either finished the pilot and they’ve continued with the four-day week, or they’ve continued the pilot.”

On average, the organisations showed no decline in performance. ‘If anything, it went up, not down.’

In the UK, of 61 companies (with a total 2900 workers) that tried the four-day week in Britain, 56 made the switch longer term. Brendan Burchell, a professor of social science at the University of Cambridge involved in evaluating the results, says workers reported feeling less stressed, sleeping better and spending more time with family. “Just their quality of life improved,” Burchell says. On average, the organisations showed no decline in performance. “If anything, it went up, not down.”


But the trial had limitations. The organisations were self-selected. Two-thirds had 25 or fewer employees. Marketing, advertising and professional services businesses (such as insurers and bankers) made up about a third of sectors. Manufacturing, construction and engineering were the smallest portion in the trial. Tony Veal, an adjunct professor at the University of Technology Sydney, suggests there are companies with more “slack in the system” where a four-day week is easier to implement. “But in quite a lot of places, there may not be that slack.”

Savings outweighed costs for British companies where either some staff or all worked four days, according to a study by the University of Reading’s Henley Business School. The savings came thanks to less absenteeism and better staff retention. But associate professor Rita Fontinha says “the costs are there”, especially for manufacturers, call centres and healthcare providers, where jobs typically involve shift work. “They invest more initially, usually because they need to recruit more to cover the needs of the service.”


There is also debate about whether being more productive to achieve a four-day week simply creates more stress for workers. Fontinha says results generally have shown this not to be the case, but impact over the long term is not yet known.

The plight of people working and caring at the same time, both forms of labour, led a Senate committee to argue in March there needs to be a “right to care, alongside the right to work”. It recommends a four-day working week be trialled in diverse sectors and geographies. The Australian Public Service Commission says it anticipates the four-day week to come up during bargaining. However, several employer groups have raised concerns for wider sectors. Australian Industry Group would oppose any regulatory change towards a four-day week. “It’s not to say it can’t be done in isolated cases,” says the group’s chief executive, Innes Willox. “But it’s something that, if mandated by a regulatory approach, would be unworkable, costly and not at all beneficial to business viability.”

Cat Yen is writing a memoir on her fifth day: “It’s having the mental space.”

Cat Yen is writing a memoir on her fifth day: “It’s having the mental space.”Credit: Photo: Chris Hopkins. Artwork: Monique Westermann

What do employees say – and what about their bosses?

When Moriarty’s organisation, Our Community, shifted to a four-day week, it spent about three times its annual training budget to improve productivity. Automation replaced laborious data entry, for example. Staff also stopped attempting to multitask – not responding to emails during a meeting, for instance. Meetings, meanwhile, were shorter, smaller and more focused. “I would have thought probably 25 per cent of our improvement was just by changing our meetings,” he says. What motivated people to change, unsurprisingly, was the prospect of having an extra day off. “It was like people were just willing to try anything,” Moriarty says. He also hired 10 extra staff, but puts this mostly down to growth, not any loss of productivity.

IT specialist Reino Basile picked up playing bass guitar while the pandemic kept him housebound. The extra day off has since given him time to play metal music with a high-school friend in a garage. “It’s a good way to blow off steam,” he says. For data analyst Cat Yen, the four-day week was “a big drawcard” when she joined the company in February. On her day off, she is writing a memoir about working-class experiences and growing up in Melbourne’s north with migrant parents. “I really finally feel like I have the time to do it properly,” she says. “It’s having the mental space.”


Not all organisations treat the day off as an entitlement, instead using it as a reward. Momentum Mental Health in Queensland offers different days off based on a preference system for workers, but only if their work is done. Change initially wasn’t easy, senior staff member Sarah Welsch recalls. “I’m a bit of a ‘have a chat’ [worker],” she says. “Now I’m more conscious of, I have to get that done, and if I don’t I’m not going to get my day off.” Welsch takes her son, who has autism, to appointments on the day off. “It’s like having the flexibility of a part-time job but the pay and security of a full-time job.”

‘Now I’m more conscious of, I have to get that done, and if I don’t I’m not going to get my day off.’

A four-day working week hasn’t been a success everywhere. Sydney aged care software company Mirus Australia trialled it in 2021 but changed tack after six months. “It didn’t really work for us in its purest form,” says chief people officer Mandy Lipschitz. The company found it challenging to navigate full-timers suddenly getting the same conditions as part-timers. Then many part-timers were unable to be as productive in less time. “It was an equity issue,” Lipschitz says. “We found that part-timers squeezing their work week, which was already really short, into less hours, was actually creating more stress.”

The approach Mirus settled on allows workers to start early or finish late, or not work at an agreed time but remain available if needed. People are encouraged to take themselves out to lunch, exercise, spend time with family and avoid long hours in front of computers. “We probably don’t have too many people who’ve managed to take off a full day,” Lipschitz says. “But we certainly encourage people to find some time off in the week.”

Our Community team leader Max Penno with Reino Basile: “I look forward to coming in.”

Our Community team leader Max Penno with Reino Basile: “I look forward to coming in.”Credit: Photo: Chris Hopkins. Artwork: Monique Westermann

Why now? And is there an ideal work-life balance?

Basile can pinpoint the moment his working week blurred into evenings and weekends. His advertising agency gave him a Blackberry phone, allowing him to answer emails at all hours. “That was really the death knell of the personal-professional life separation,” he says. Years later, he was typically working nine or more hours a day in IT, elastic hours that stretched further when he worked from home during the pandemic. “The biggest thing is getting to the end of the week and feeling exhausted,” he says.

The pandemic amplified interest in rethinking the world of work – from the right to switch off and the value of offices, to how and when we work. Hopkins believes a pay increase is less important to many people than their work-life balance. “We might be feeling the interest-rate increases and prices going up,” Hopkins says. “But we are not feeling it anywhere near as much as we felt a pandemic … People are prioritising themselves and their health and wellbeing over their job.”

‘Working is quite good up to a point. And then way down you go because you’re running out of time; you’re compromising your health.’

Lyndall Strazdins, professor of population health at ANU

Working for too long does put people’s health at risk, according to Lyndall Strazdins, a professor of population health at the Australian National University. She has examined the link between work hours and mental health. “Working 38 hours a week is actually a sweet spot in terms of mental health,” Strazdins says. Mental health then declines, and faster for women: Strazdins has found the mental health of those doing significant care and domestic work alongside their jobs worsens after 34 hours. “Working is quite good up to a point,” she says. “And then way down you go because you’re running out of time; you’re compromising your health.”

Fontinha says the number of hours people would ideally work can vary with their jobs, priorities and circumstances. Several studies mention five hours as a maximum for deep concentration. And then there’s the naval historian Cyril Parkinson, who wrote in The Economist in 1955 that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”, taken as a general truth in some contexts.

Fontinha, who has compared academic and non-academic working patterns, jokes that the physicists she corresponds with at the CERN particle collider in Geneva “would be millionaires” if they were paid for their overtime. “It’s so much like an individual mission to find the birth of the universe,” she says. “Finding a magic number [for working hours] is, I would say, unreasonable, and probably we’ll never get there.”

In the companies she observed doing a four-day week, Fontinha also found the flexibility to choose when people worked fewer hours to be just as important. “It’s not just about the work-time reduction, it’s also about flexibility and people having control over their time.” But too much autonomy can be harmful for workers, Fontinha warns. “Because then there is a lot of responsibility, and the boundaries between work and life – people may lose control of those.” She says both trends will continue to evolve, particularly if companies want workers back in offices more regularly.

She cautions the four-day week would need to be introduced conservatively, and certainly isn’t one-size-fits-all. Industries such as healthcare, manufacturing and hospitality could offer a shorter working week to attract staff and so address skill shortages, she says, but these sectors are also where it’s more costly to implement. “That is not to say it’s not worth doing it,” Fontinha says. “Especially with very high [staff] turnover rates.” If the law changed tomorrow, she says, then small businesses of five or six people also mightn’t be able to hire more staff. “So this transition, and I think the value of these trials, is exactly to understand the processes of implementation,” Fontinha says. “[But] the results tend to be consistent in that it’s better for people overall and for companies.”

Basile, whose garage band is working towards making their first EP, recalls a benign but typical feeling of dread he once experienced on Sunday nights. Now that feeling is gone. “I actually look forward to coming in,” he says of working a shorter week. “It’s quite surprising, that shift that’s happened.”

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