

This was published 8 years ago

The key to making money in the markets: buy, hold ... and wait

Decades of covering the markets shows that for investors, buy and hold is the default. This is Mal Maiden's last column for Fairfax Media.

By Malcolm Maiden

Corporate communications guru Alastair Campbell told an audience here a while back that whenever he was contacted by a company or government agency, he assumed two things: that they were in some kind of trouble, and that they believed that communication was part of the solution.

In his first meeting, he always gave the organisation's top people a plain postcard, and asked them to write what their organisation's objective was, and what strategy was being deployed to meet it.

Some rules still seem to hold true, even after decades of change on the markets. This is the old Sydney Stock Exchange in 1968.

Some rules still seem to hold true, even after decades of change on the markets. This is the old Sydney Stock Exchange in 1968.

"Nine times out of 10, I gather in a stack of different objectives, strategies which are tactics, or strategies which are objectives," Campbell said.

"I say to them, you don't have a spin problem, you have a reality problem – if you are not aligned on strategy, you the key people running the show, why should the public be expected to know and hear what you are trying to say or sell to them?"

Young reporter Malcom Maiden in 1976.

Young reporter Malcom Maiden in 1976.Credit: Fairfax Photographic

Most of the disasters and debacles I have witnessed while covering business and the markets over several decades have in some way have involved similar confusion between tactics and strategy, on both the buy and sell side.

Tactics can work, sometimes spectacularly, but only for a while. Strategy if correctly set works quietly for longer periods, and ultimately delivers superior returns: and the best strategy for almost everyone is buy steadily, and hold.

I came into journalism just as the 1973 OPEC oil price hike delivered a double hammer blow to the world: soaring inflation, and plunging economic growth.

I was in the gallery of the New York Stock Exchange for the closing bell on Black Monday, the October 1987 crash. NYSE chairman and chief executive John Phelan said that afternoon that Wall Street's one-day, 23 per cent plunge wasn't a meltdown, but was as close as he ever wanted to get. The world got an even closer look in 2008, when the financial system was within 24 hours of collapse.

And in 1992, freshly appointed business editor of <i>The Age.</i>

And in 1992, freshly appointed business editor of The Age.Credit: Fairfax Photographic

I reported on the the rise of the boom in the 90s and its implosion in 2001,the return of a bull market and Australia's commodity price boom, and mapped the event that made the October 1987 slump look like a correction, the 2008-2009 global financial crisis.

Fortunes rose and fell throughout, but it was longer-term investment strategies that worked best.

Aggressively geared investment made sense during the high-inflation era that ran from the first Arab oil shock to the early 90s, for example. Inflation steadily lifted nominal cash flow, earnings, asset valuations and debt servicing capacity. The dollar size of the original debt load stayed the same.

Solid strategies can always be undermined by bad tactics of course. Alan Bond and a global herd of "takeover entrepreneurs" used the gearing strategy, but jumped the shark by borrowing too much for acquisitions that made no strategic sense. When asset prices fell abruptly in the 1987 crash, the ones that had not taken their gains off the table were burned, and so were the investors backing them.

Gearing became less attractive after inflation was squeezed out. Buying and holding securities that offered sustainable yield that in turn drove valuation multiples higher was the new long-term opportunity, although it was difficult to discern at first as the 90s boom expanded.

The drive for yield became more obvious after the turn of the century as rates stayed low and market volatility declined. It became the dominant investing force after the global crisis in 2008 collapsed market values, ending the careers of another generation of tactical takeover merchants in the process.

Renewed volatility this year and last has revived shorter-term "buy the dip and sell the bounce" techniques, but while inflation is low, locking in dependable yields still looks to be a great strategy to me.

As for tactics, they are of their nature almost always reactive, and of limited shelf life.

Most of the companies in the boom vanished after listing without actually articulating a path to sustainable earnings. More recently, the miners abandoned strategy for a tactic of pell-mell production increases during the commodity price boom. The production surge only made sense for the lowest cost producers, and killed the boom in the process.

I am sure there are some people who have timed all these tactical rises and falls sufficiently well to make money out of them. When I look at what has happened over the sweep of my career however, the overwhelming story is that patient, diversified investment in the markets works.

The ASX's All Ordinaries Index has delivered a 963 per cent price gain since 1980, and a compound return of just under 7 per cent. The All Ords accumulation index that includes dividends has returned 11.2 per cent a year, on average. The respective average annual returns since the turn of the century have been about 7.5 per cent.

I can choose a shorter time frame and get a worse result. This sharemarket is still about 17 per cent below its pre-global crisis high, and its total return including dividends since the end of 2007 is about 2 per cent.

That is skewed by the retreat of mining shares, however, and the big message remains: it is a long-term game. Buy steadily, either directly or indirectly through super for example, and results will eventually revert to the mean – a return of about 5 to 6 per cent.

The miracle of compound interest means a return of that magnitude is enough to deliver something you probably hadn't dreamed was possible when you began: rather like my time in daily journalism, which now draws to a close. Thanks for reading, and farewell.

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