This was published 9 years ago
Sir Richard Branson: Why you should say yes
Without risk there is no reward. BusinessDay's Risk Room tells the stories of successful people who challenge the odds to do extraordinary things.
By Elizabeth Knight
One of the biggest corporate punts ever made by international entrepreneur and adventurer Sir Richard Branson happened in Australia. From the outside it looked more like a high-stakes gamble than a studied, quantified calculation of gain versus loss.
The year was 2001, one year after the legendarily brash, anti-establishment renegade had pinpointed an opportunity to enter the Australian aviation market.Branson did so against the backdrop of a corporate landscape littered with the carcasses of other airline aspirants such as Compass and Impulse, all of whom had tried and failed to get a foothold in a duopoly market locked up the then government-owned Qantas and the Singapore Airlines-Air New Zealand-controlled Ansett.
Branson's Virgin Group had invested a meagre $10 million in start-up capital for Virgin Blue, which at the time had only a few planes. The fledgling operator was unmistakably vulnerable.
Sir Richard Branson
A big offer
But on September 4, 2001, Singapore Airlines turned corporate convention on its head. It offered Branson an unbelievably generous $240 million to exit the Australian market – 24 times the amount of money Virgin had invested.
"So in my hand, I had this cheque for $240 million," Branson tells BusinessDay.
"I had the head of Singapore Airlines saying they would drive us over the cliff and we would have [to deal with] the might of the Singapore government, who were the principal shareholders of Ansett."
But while the offer was big, Branson was having none of it.
"I went to the press conference and ripped up the [Singapore Airlines] cheque, to much applause from Virgin staff but an absolute gulp from my fellow shareholders.
"I was desperately trying to work out, when I was talking to Singapore Airlines, whether this was a bluff or not.
"Did they really have the cards in their hands that they claimed to have? Did they really have Singapore government behind them?
"The size of the cheque just made me suspicious that the consequences [for Singapore Airlines] of us not disappearing were large. The cheque was far too big. I mean if they had offered us $50 million I might have thought they were a bit desperate.
Every idea that is going to make a real difference in the world is going to come from entrepreneurs.
"But at $240 million I thought they must have been really desperate."
History has delivered the verdict. Ansett declared itself bankrupt within 24 hours of that game of brinkmanship ending.
Within a year, Virgin was worth $2.4 billion, having become a member of a new Australian aviation duopoly.
Branson's risk – one that would be considered reckless by most corporates standards – paid off in spades.
Virgin played a high-stakes game by choosing to stay in the market.
At the very least Branson and his shareholders could have lost the $10 million they had invested and the opportunity to pocket another $240 million.
Understand the downside
But, like many risk takers, Branson says he always measures what he can afford to lose.
"The most important thing is protecting the downside.
"In business, as in adventure or anything, protecting the downside is critical.
"You can take risks but you have to be able to work out what the worst is that can happen."
Branson says he is all too aware of the need to have partners willing to share that vision.
It's a lesson he learnt early in his commercial career, when he embarked on his first foray into the aviation industry with the creation of Virgin Atlantic.
Having already started a successful record company, he took a punt that the travelling public would relish the experience of a different kind of airline, one that was service driven. He put the proposal to aircraft manufacturer Boeing.
Even though Boeing was underwhelmed by Branson's tales of his record company's success in signing the Sex Pistols and the Rolling Stones, the American manufacturing giant ultimately agreed to take a punt.
As Branson remembers it, he told Boeing: "If we are successful, we will buy lots of planes from you in the years to come.
"But if not successful I don't want to bankrupt my record company."
The deal was done on the condition that Branson wanted to be able to hand the plane back at the end of the first year.
"My instinct was that it would work and people would like what were going to do," he said.
"And they agreed."
Unfortunately his bankers didn't share his optimism.
Returning home from Virgin Atlantic's inaugural flight, Branson found a banker sitting on his doorstep.
The banker brought the message that Virgin's overdraft had been exceeded and its loan was being called.
Branson survived because he managed to find another bank – one that extended his company a much larger overdraft.
Part of the process
While Branson has had his share of failures, he acknowledges that falling down occasionally is all part of being an entrepreneur.
Branson has candid advice for those trapped by their fear of risk.
"I think saying yes in life is far more exciting than saying no.
"If you want to become an entrepreneur you have to be bold and take a risk.
"Maybe it's a second mortgage out on the house or giving up a good job. You may end up getting divorced.
"I mean it's hard work building a business. So every single entrepreneur is a risk taker, by definition."
It's a view commonly held that Australians are not generally risk takers in business.
We discourage risk and punish failure and lack what Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens described as "animal spirits".
But Branson sees us through a different lens.
"There are an awful lot of young entrepreneurs in Australia now and around the world that are taking bold risks and setting up businesses and making people's lives better ... despite the fact that both Europe and Australia were both slow in the internet revolution."
Whatever our risk appetite, we cannot afford not to have entrepreneurs, Branson says.
"Every idea that is going to better the world is going to come from risk-taking entrepreneurs.
"Politicians will set some framework and hopefully not get in the way, but pretty much every idea that is going to make a real difference in the world is going to come from entrepreneurs.
"So a country needs to do everything it can to encourage them, welcome them and praise them."