

This was published 8 years ago

Scope economic survey: How the BusinessDay forecasting panel sees 2016-17

By Peter Martin and Mark Mulligan

It'll be a year of weaker growth and not enough jobs.

The mid-year Scope BusinessDay economic survey predicts economic growth of just 2.6 per cent in 2016-17, down from the 3.1 trumpeted by the Prime Minister in the election campaign.

The iron ore price should slide from $US60 a tonne at the time of the last budget to $US48. Non-mining business investment, which was budgeted to grow quickly, should scarcely grow at all.

Nominal GDP – the measure that drives tax revenue – would grow far more weakly than forecast, and living standards will slide for the third consecutive year.

The Scope Business Day economic survey aggregates the views of financial market economists, academics and industry economists.

The Scope Business Day economic survey aggregates the views of financial market economists, academics and industry economists.Credit: Simon Bosch

The Reserve Bank will most probably cut its cash rate one more time. Four of the 23-person panel expect at least two cuts and two an increase.

The Scope BusinessDay economic survey is Australia's longest running. For the past 30 years it has aggregated the views of financial market economists, academics and industry economists to produce a window into the year ahead and a record against which their predictions can be judged.


Over time its forecasts have proved to be more accurate than those of any of its individual members.

Australia's health

The IMF declares that the global economy "could be at a turning point" after almost a decade of sluggish growth.

The IMF declares that the global economy "could be at a turning point" after almost a decade of sluggish growth.Credit: James Davies

The official 3.1 per cent economic growth rate embraced by Malcolm Turnbull with the words "so far, so good" won't continue.

Only two of the panel expect that much growth in the coming financial year, and none expect more. Most expect much lower growth close to the budget forecast of 2.5 per cent.

Three expect just 2 or 1 per cent.

On balance the panel expects no lift in growth in either the US, China or the world as measured by the International Monetary Fund.

Around the world

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump giving a speech. But does language even matter.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump giving a speech. But does language even matter. Credit: AP

After Brexit, it sees a Trump presidency as the biggest downside risk.

The panel expects nominal GDP to grow by just 3 per cent, well short of the 4.25 per cent improvement on which the official budget deficit forecast depends.

"A Trump victory would be contractionary for global growth in the short term due to uncertainty," says former BusinessDay forecaster of the year Stephen Anthony. "It should then be broadly neutral as policy gridlock ensues."

BT Financial Group chief economist Chris Caton has two words: "God forbid!"

"We can only hope that he is not as mad as he seems, and that he will be restrained by Congress," he adds.

"In that case, the market impact will be large but temporary and the economic impact will be slight."

Saul Eslake fears US bond holders will "take fright" pushing up US rates, weakening the US economy and the dollar, and putting unwelcome upward pressure on Australia's dollar.

Global uncertainty has already pushed Australia's 10-year bond rate to a record low of 2 per cent. On balance the panel expects no further falls, and a lift to a still-low 2.4 per cent.

Sensitivity analysis included in the budget suggests a slide in the iron ore price to $US48 a tonne would cut more than $4 billion from government revenue in the first year. But the central forecast conceals a wide range.

David Bassanese and Bill Mitchell expect the price to slide to as little as $US35 a tonne. Mardi Dungey and Caton expect a rebound to $US60 a tonne. Stephen Koukoulas expects $US70 and Neville Norman expects $US78.

On balance the panel expects Australia's terms of trade to slip a further 1.6 per cent.


Premier Colin Barnett says there is no need to panic despite damning report.

Premier Colin Barnett says there is no need to panic despite damning report.Credit: Louie Douvis

Business investment should continue to slide. Mining investment is forecast to plummet a further 24 per cent after sliding 27 per cent in 2015-16 and 17 per cent in 2014-15.

That's in line with the budget forecast. But whereas the budget expects other non-mining investment to bounce back, climbing 3.5 per cent, on balance the panel expects next to no improvement, although its range of forecasts is wide, from a fall of 4.5 per cent to an increase of 5 per cent.

Julie Toth, of the Australian Industry Group, whose members would need to make the investments, predicts a fall of 2.5 per cent.

The panel expects nominal GDP to grow by just 3 per cent, well short of the 4.25 per cent on which the official budget deficit forecast depends.

One forecaster, Steve Keen, expects nominal GDP to fall. Three, Guay Lim, Richard Yetsenga and Janine Dixon, expect faster growth than does the budget, of 4.5 to 4.9 per cent.

The budget papers predict an improvement in the deficit from $39.9 billion in 2015-16 to $37.1 billion in 2016-17. The panel doesn't believe it. Its median forecast is for a deficit of $40 billion in both years. (The average forecast has been pushed higher by one extraordinary forecast of $70 billion, made on the grounds that the government will have to fight off a recession.)

Real net national disposable income per capita, regarded by the Bureau of Statistics as the best measure of Australian living standards, has been falling for nine consecutive quarters.

The panel expects it to slide for yet another year, slipping a further 1.7 per cent to be down 5.6 per cent since December 2013 and 8 per cent since the peak of the mining boom in September 2011.

Only two of the panel expect it to get worse. Fourteen expect it to sink.


APRA has sent banks revised guidance for tighter lending standards.

APRA has sent banks revised guidance for tighter lending standards. Credit: Erin Jonasson

The panel expects household spending to climb 2.6 per cent in line with budget forecasts as saving rates are wound back.

Housing investment should climb just 2.9 per cent in 2016-17 after climbing 8 per cent in 2015-16.

Sydney and Melbourne home prices should climb much more sedately than in the past year at 3.6 and 4.2 per cent.

The panellist who ought to know the most about home prices, Shane Garrett of the Housing Industry Association, predicts 6.3 and 6.9 per cent.

Economic modeller Dungey, of the University of Tasmania, expects the highest price growth, a further 12 per cent in each city.

The "Dr Doom" of house prices, Keen is predicting falls of 2 and 4 per cent, but he is not alone. Koukoulas expects falls in both cities, Jakob Madsen expects a fall in Sydney and Bassanese in Melbourne.

Inflation should climb from its present extraordinary low of 1.3 per cent to 1.9 per cent, which is just below the bottom of the Reserve Bank's target band, but it'll probably take another cut in the Reserve Bank cash rate to do it.

Most of the panel expect a cut from 1.75 to 1.5 per cent by December. One (Eslake) expects it to be reversed in the first half of next year.

Five expect deeper cuts; Shane Oliver, Michael Blythe and Tom Skladzien to 1.25 per cent and Stephen Anthony and Keen to 1 per cent. Two, Dungey and Norman expect the RBA to aggressively push up the cash rate, to 2.5 per cent and 3.25 per cent.


The ASX looks to hit 6000 before 2017.

The ASX looks to hit 6000 before 2017.Credit: Tamara Voninski.

Forecasts for the Australian dollar follow those for the cash rate. Koukoulas expects the dollar to climb to US79 cents by December and to US83 cents by the middle of next year.

He thinks the Reserve won't need to move at all during that time as the US consolidates its economic recovery, China stabilises and Europe starts to pull ahead.

It would be good news for the S&P/ASX200 share index, which he sees hitting 6000 by the end of this calendar year and 6260 by June.

"Locally, the dollar at US75 cents plus or minus 5 per cent is providing a bit of a fillip for exporters and import-competing industries," he says.

Toward the pessimistic end of the scale is trade union economist Skladzien who sees the Aussie at US67 cents by June and the share index down to 5500.

"The Australian economy and, I'd argue, a lot of other economies are just cruising along, not being really boosted by anything and performing under capacity," he says.

The average forecasts for dollar and the S&P/ASX200 share index by June are US70 cents, a decline of 8 per cent, and 5605, an increase of 6 per cent.


Australia's wage growth remains tepid.

Australia's wage growth remains tepid.Credit: Louie Douvis


The range of forecasts for the unemployment rate is unusually narrow, almost all near the present 5.7 per cent, where there would be just enough jobs created to absorb the new entrants to the labour force but no more.

Wage growth, although low at 2.3 per cent, would be comfortably ahead of inflation at 1.9 per cent.

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