

This was published 7 years ago

Risk of rate cuts temper OECD's prediction of RBA hikes

By Vesna Poljak

Strategists and investors are not as convinced as the OECD is that Australia will see higher interest rates in 2017, agreeing that a shift to tightening appears possible, but for now the case for further cuts, or rates on hold, appears stronger.

"Monetary policy tightening is expected to commence towards the end of 2017 and this is appropriate given likely monetary policy developments elsewhere," the Paris-based OECD said in its latest global economic outlook. It believes hikes would stabilise housing market risks.

Market pricing still factors in the chance of rate cuts over the first half of next year, but in 12 months' time, the implied rate rises to 1.52 per cent versus the 1.5 per cent cash rate, indicating the probability of a hike.

"They're very reluctant cutters, I think they have been for a while, and [governor] Philip Lowe what he's said so far, that's the message he's giving out," observed Simon Doyle, head of fixed income and multi-asset at Schroders.

RBA governor Philip Lowe is set to give a "household debt, housing prices and resilience" speech on Thursday as the debate over solving the affordability crisis continues.

RBA governor Philip Lowe is set to give a "household debt, housing prices and resilience" speech on Thursday as the debate over solving the affordability crisis continues. Credit: Bloomberg

He believes a cut to a fresh record low of 1.25 per cent would take a collapse in commodity prices or recession globally.

"At this stage the easiest forecast to have is no change, [but] there is certainly a case to make later next year."

Mr Doyle was anticipating the sell-off in bonds that accelerated with the US election. While that has been fairly savage, lifting US 10-year yields to 2.3 per cent from 1.8 per cent this month, that only gets bonds back to where they were a year ago.

"It's amazing how quickly views turn," he said. "There's a couple of things that have changed, commodity prices have been going up so the terms of trade has stopped falling and if that continues, and the global backdrop and the US is one of stronger growth on a 12 to 18 month view, it is plausible that rates here start to go up.


"That would be the path that would be required. But there's still question marks around the sustainability of the rise in commodity prices," he countered.

"The terms of trade have been the key reason why rates have fallen as far as they have in Australia. We've seen some pretty significant rises in the iron ore price and the like." The RBA would prefer to see "a more even environment" where the "downside risks and the upside risks are a bit more balanced" before raising interest rates.

Michael Turner, fixed income and currency strategist at RBC Capital Markets, is of the view that the economy is still vulnerable to slowing.

"We see the risks skewed in a slightly different direction [than the OECD], we're still not convinced there's enough of a strong underbelly once housing begins to slow down. We still see risks skewed towards another cut from here."

To mount a case for a rate hike in late 2017 would "require a pretty decent run of data".

"We can't see growth picking up quickly enough to remove spare capacity at a rate that sees inflation moving comfortably higher," Mr Turner said. "It's more about the balance of risks."

Meanwhile, high levels of Australian household debt may discourage the RBA from hiking in 2017, Citigroup economists say. The IMF, in an earlier assessment of Australia, floated no suggestion of raising rates but did warn the RBA had little ammunition to withstand any downturn.

Adam Donaldson, head of fixed-income strategy at Commonwealth Bank, estimates a 20 per cent lift in the terms of trade in the second half of 2016 on the back of the rally in commodity prices.

Even if commodity prices stay stable, defying expectations from some forecasters they will retrace gains, the outlook for domestic inflation and employment is not hugely compelling.

"Our bias is if we see a move in the next six to nine months, it's still more likely to be a rate cut than a rate hike. That reflects the fact that inflation, the labour market and domestic demand are still generally soft. We wouldn't be surprised if inflation drifts a bit lower and labour market outcomes continue to disappoint," he said.


"The most likely outcome would be the Reserve Bank sits on its hands. We know they're highly reluctant to cut rates and the data would have to be quite disappointing in order to force their hand.

"The big uncertainty is what's happening with commodity prices," Mr Donaldson said. The terms of trade rebound represents an "enormous" increase, "and if it's sustained then it tells you that 12 or 24 months down the track the Reserve Bank would be much more inclined to be lifting rates."

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