

This was published 5 years ago


Last chance for Coalition to gain franking credit from voters

The next few weeks will determine whether the Coalition is finally able to capitalise on an economic gift from Labor: Its plan to abolish franking credit tax refunds.

The Coalition’s “retiree tax” campaign has the potential to convince elderly voters of the fib that Labor wasn’t only coming after wealthier investors with share-portfolios, but all retirees, and that it is a tax, when it is the opposite.

Labor handed the Coalition a sword with which it could repeatedly wound its election chances. If only the government could keep its hands on the hilt.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg. Credit: AAP

It now seems like yesterday’s slogan, but the government has a final chance with the final round of hearings this week. It could be the governments last chance to capitalise on an issue that it has so far managed to push off the agenda through its capacity for self harm.

It will have to hand down its report by April to give the government enough time to campaign on it ahead of the May election.

It should have been so different.

Remember the hordes of retirees furious at Labor’s plan to eliminate franking credit tax refunds?

There was Geoff McLachlan, a retired teacher, who said he had voted Labor at every election, not anymore. Rex Grattidge, 81 from Townsville, who will lose 25 per cent of his income under the plan, and John Graham, who feared the change would cost his children their inheritance.

Around the country the $160,000 taxpayer funded franking credit inquiry roadshow rolled on from Townsville to Perth via Brighton and Dee Why. It heard from hundreds of voters aggrieved at Labor’s $5 billion-a-year plan to stop tax refunds to investors who had not paid any tax.


There were boos in Chatswood in February when Maureen Chuck, 63, said the money could be used to “cover the funding of public schools all across Australia” and cheers when John Graham described the policy as “an attack on our families and our grandchildren,” telling Labor to beware of “the fighting 800,000."

A veritable pool of anger, ready to be sucked up and dumped all over Labor and its shadow treasurer, Chris Bowen, who dismissed their claims to a tax credit as “welfare for the wealthy.”

Bowen didn’t do Labor any favours by declaring that if voters feel very strongly about it “they are of course perfectly entitled to vote against us”.

But then the government surprised again with its ability to create its own distractions. First it was the travels of Finance Minister Mathias Cormann via “Helloworld,” a Nationals revolt over taxpayer funded coal fired power, and finally, the PM’s intervention in the gender equality debate: “we don’t want to see women rise only on the basis of others doing worse”.

What is most galling about the Coalition’s inability to stick to the script is that it tried so hard to turn a taxpayer-funded inquiry into a political campaign in the first place.

The committee's chair, Tim Wilson, co-ordinated the $160,000 taxpayer funded inquiry with Geoff Wilson, his distant relative and the founder of Wilson Asset Management. The company has $3 billion in funds under management, many of them exposed to franking credits, two of which Wilson MP has himself invested in.

The Wilson & Wilson teamwork included funding for a government website and the transfer of concerned voters data from the government website to the company. Chairman Wilson will also have to review hundreds of submissions he pre-filled himself and encouraged attendees to submit via the website as part of his final report to Parliament.

Add to that list Liberal Party membership forms being handed out at the public hearings, the probe being used to help spruik Liberal Party fundraisers, and voters subsequently receiving advertising material from Wilson Asset Management.

Geoff Wilson and Tim Wilson.

Geoff Wilson and Tim Wilson.Credit: SMH

Two months before the inquiry began, Geoff Wilson boasted to investors about his contact with Wilson and using the inquiry to maximise the chances of defeating the policy.

It didn’t matter much to the MP that Parliamentary committee’s reputation was tarnished or that the Speaker of the House would later rebuke the MP over his conduct and the damage it may have caused to “the committee's reputation and damage to the house committee system more generally,” while clearing him of the serious charge of contempt.

It brought people to the inquiry, it got people talking about the issue. As Wilson’s colleagues pointed out, he succeeded where senior ministers had failed.

Was it all worth it?

It won’t be if the government can’t stick to a message for more than a fortnight.

All that will be left is the memory of an inquiry that could only have one outcome. A dangerous model for taxpayer funded probes that only serve the interests of a political party and its stakeholders.

What this tawdry episode has taught us is that it’s politics at any cost now.

The precedent has been set. It’s Labor’s to follow.

Ross Gittins is on leave

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