

This was published 8 years ago

Labor and coalition agree to keep tax lurk

By Michael Pascoe

It might have sounded like "Peace for our time" last week, the political carry-on over a little compromise to agree to $6.3 billion of spending cuts.

There wasn't nearly as much self-congratulation over Labor and the coalition agreeing to continue a $1.8 billion tax lurk that benefits the few at the expense of the majority.

The reality about last week's cuts is that they are relatively minor and were already in the budget figures and thus won't actually mean any new reduction in the deficit. The $6.3 billion is spread over four years. The average annual saving of $1.53 billion compares with this year's deficit budgeted at $37 billion. It is a start, but a small one.

If both sides were serious about tackling unnecessary expenses, they could easily boost the ballyhooed savings by 28 per cent – an extra $1.8 billion over four years – by reviving the 2013-14 budget policy of ending the wholesale availability of novated leases. But both sides have shamefully bowed to political ends and decided to let the rort run.

The current FBT treatment of vehicles is particularly dumb policy.

The current FBT treatment of vehicles is particularly dumb policy.Credit: Rob Homer

As I've written here before, the current FBT treatment of vehicles is particularly dumb policy. It means the vast majority of Australians are subsidising the minority who use novated leases to acquire and run a new vehicle more cheaply than the rest of us. And it greater favours a very small minority - those in the salary packaging industry.

In those days of Abbott and Hockey total opposition and despite Hockey's claim of a "budget crisis", the Liberal Party promised to scrap the saving if elected. The salary packaging industry association donated a quarter of a million dollars to the Liberal Party and scrapping the saving was a promise that the Abbott government did keep.

But guess what happened rather quietly in May when Labor was readying for the election campaign? Bill Shorten wrote to the National Automotive Leasing & Salary Packaging Association to promise that no government of his would touch their lurk either. Labor didn't have to worry about the salary packagers making further big donations to the Liberals or campaigning against them in that election.

The triumph of politics over principles went largely unnoticed beyond the trade press. The biggest of the salary packagers, the listed McMillan Shakespeare, did note with its annual results: "Pleasingly, it was also a year when this business's exposure to regulatory risk was reduced as both major political parties recognised the value of our industry to the wider community and confirmed no change would be made to the treatment of novated leases."


McMillan Shakespeare reported a 30 per cent rise in revenue to $503 million, earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) up 31 per cent to $137 million, a 25 per cent rise in net profit after tax to $87 million, a 42 per cent rise in fee cash flow of $94 million and return on equity of 24 per cent. McMillan Shakespeare's EBITDA margin is 27 per cent – a very fat number in what are competitive times for most industries.

And that is mainly all about the novated lease tax break for the minority, as well as a dubious government policy of giving a fringe benefit tax break to some health workers and charities. Treasurer Scott Morrison's budget tightened up a little on the more excessive exploitation of the FBT loophole – the doctors putting weddings and parties on their credit cards – but the policy basically remains.

Paying health workers better in the first place or providing a direct income tax rebate would be a far more rational policy.

But the salary packaging industry wouldn't like it and neither major political party apparently has the chutzpah required to do the right thing by the workers and the nation, to put integrity ahead of politics. So it goes.

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