

This was published 6 years ago


Can this business sell $50 million in silk sleepwear?

By Alexandra Cain

You’ve made it if Kendall Jenner sends her runner to the Beverly Hills Hotel to buy eight sets of your sleepwear, which is stocked by the famous Hollywood establishment. You might expect the business in question to be a huge conglomerate, or a US cult brand, at least.

Olivia Carr is the co-founder of Shhh Silk.

Olivia Carr is the co-founder of Shhh Silk.

But in fact, this recently happened to local business owner Olivia Carr, who co-founded her silk pillowslip and sleepwear business Shhh Silk just three years ago.

Although it already had a successful online operation, the start-up blew up, as they say, when it struck a wholesale deal with the hotel. So far, Shhh Silk has made about 7000 pieces of silk sleepwear for the hotel to the stars.

Carr made her own luck with the collaboration. “I love that hotel. You can feel the history; It's quite magical. I felt if we were ever going to go beyond selling direct to consumer and put our brand out there, it was the ideal hotel for us. So, I thought I'd fly over there to see if I could get a meeting.”

A former Pacific Brands executive, Carr flew to Los Angeles in January 2017 with her two children to stay at the hotel. “I made it a personal mission I was going to find the right person while I was there, and try to get a meeting. That summarises how we run our business. We don't do things by the books.

“There’s a store within the hotel with a beautiful collection of brands, primarily from the US. I went in and said, ‘I'm here from Australia and I've got an amazing brand, and I'd love to speak to your manager’. Of course, I was told she was away. I went down to the pool and I was explaining what happened to my kids. We walked back inside, my kids are dripping wet, I see this lady and I knew it was her.”

Kendall Jenner is a big fan of Shh Silk's products.

Kendall Jenner is a big fan of Shh Silk's products. Credit: AP

After a bolt back to her room to get a sample pillowslip, Carr made a deal with the manager, who agreed to sleep on a pillowslip for a night and if she loved sleeping on it, she would meet Carr the next day.

“The next morning I get an email, saying, ‘I'm obsessed. We have to meet.’ We did meet that day. I spoke to her about my vision, and how I didn't just want to supply product. I wanted to make it a special moment for the hotel,” she explains.


Four months from that day Carr had created a special sleepwear collection featuring the hotel’s signature banana leaf. Until that point she’d never done sleepwear, just pillowslips.

“We made a large range and she took the lot. Then she said, ‘This is amazing. But now I need you to do men's, and I also need you to do kids.’”

A team of nine now work in the business and Carr, who is a speaker at the upcoming Retail Global conference on the Gold Coast, is about to complete her second range for the hotel. Shhh Silk also has an online business and sells to 40 countries. Carr is in the throes of working out a deal with an Australian retailer that has never before sold another business’ brand.

The range is manufactured in China, and Carr has spent considerable time over there overseeing production of the range. Her advice to other businesses is to do your own quality control when manufacturing in China.

Carr stresses how involved the manufacturing process is. She would visit suppliers where there would be row upon row just of buttons from which to choose. “You spend days picking out things like little clips and working out whether to use clear or silver,” she explains.

Finding the right machine-washable silk and even wearing the garments to test them, which is important because there’s no give in silk, was an incredibly involved process for Carr.


“I'm a side sleeper, and I was looking at things like whether a slip would rip during the night if I bent my legs over each other. Lots of practical consumer, thinking went into it,” she says.

When the hotel indicated it was keen on a men’s collection, Carr smartly decided the best business decision for her and the hotel would be to create as many unisex garments as possible, for instance dressing gowns, to minimise the problem of left-over stock. She didn’t want to be left with 30 XXL men’s pyjamas at the end of a season, for instance.

I want to form a legacy. Whether this brand is the one that takes me there, I don't know.

Olivia Carr

A frustration was the manufacturer missing delivery deadlines. “Chinese manufacturers want your order. But they over-promise and under-deliver. We were very lucky the hotel was understanding,” she says.

So far, the business has been self-funded by Carr and her partner to the tune of $1 million. The business turned over $500,000 last year and is on track to generate more than $1 million in revenue this year but Carr has ambitions for Shhh Silk to be a much bigger enterprise.

“We've just received a $1.8 million order from a very large brand in the US,” she says. “I want this to be a $50 million business in five years. I want to form a legacy. Whether this brand is the one that takes me there, I don't know. But I feel like it could be, because we have so many opportunities. I’m just seeing how far I can take it.”

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