

This was published 10 months ago


The $164 billion test coming for markets this week

The appetite for US government debt is going to be tested this week with auctions of $US108 billion ($164 billion) scheduled for Monday and Tuesday. The sales will test the depth of demand amid concern that US debt and deficits are stretching the capacity of the market to digest the flood of securities.

The auctions were brought forward to avoid colliding with the two-day meeting of US Federal Reserve Board’s Open Market Committee, which is likely to leave its policy unchanged, but whose projections will be pored over for indications of when the first rate cut in a cycle of rate rises that started in March last year will occur.

The unintended consequences could be widespread if markets are unable to digest the piles of government debt.

The unintended consequences could be widespread if markets are unable to digest the piles of government debt. Credit: AP

The outcome of the meeting and the committee’s expectations for the US economy will influence bond market activity.

US Treasury will be issuing 3-year, 10-year and 30-year bonds this week, along with $US213 billion of short-term bills, which will take the sales of government debt this year to a record of more than $US21 trillion.

With a federal government deficit of $US1.7 trillion in the year to September and a forecast deficit of close to $US2 trillion for 2023-24 the flood of government debt is increasing in volume even as the field of large-scale buyers is shrinking.


That raises the risk of market malfunction and unintended consequences, not the least of which would be market yields out of kilter with the Fed’s monetary policies, with market yields rising even as the Fed tries to loosen financial conditions in response to a slowing US economy.

An auction of 30-year bonds last month attracted such weak demand that nearly a quarter of the debt – about twice as much as has been the norm this year – ended up being acquired by the banks, labelled primary dealers, that trade with the Fed. The yield required to clear the sale was significantly higher than pre-auction yields.

Even though it appears that the Fed’s policy rate, the federal funds rate, has peaked and that US interest rates will be falling sometime next year – which would normally cause bond investors to lock in the higher yields available today – the nervousness shown by investors about taking up longer-dated bonds seems to indicate anxiety about the avalanche of bonds in prospect as US deficits and debts mount.


The question mark over the market’s ability to absorb the ever-increasing supply of bonds relates to the changing nature of the prospective buyers.

From the 2008 financial crisis until June last year, the Fed was the major buyer of US government debt via its quantitative easing program. Its balance sheet swelled from about $US900 billion to about $US9 trillion at its pandemic-era peak as it bought bonds and mortgages.

The US needs to get its finances in order.

The US needs to get its finances in order.Credit: Reuters

From the middle of last year, however, it has been shrinking its balance sheet by about $US95 billion a month – it’s allowed about $US1 trillion of those assets to mature without reinvesting the proceeds – to, with a rapid-fire increase in the federal funds rate, tighten financial conditions in response to the surge (which is now subsiding) in the US inflation rate. More than $US600 billion of that balance sheet reduction relates to the Fed’s bond holdings.

Thus, the biggest buyer of US government debt is no longer in the market.

The other major holders of the bonds are Japan (about $US1.1 trillion), China ($US820 billion) and the UK ($US662 billion). Other governments and their central banks hold about $US510 billion of the $US26 trillion or so of total government securities on issue. The total of the debt held by offshore holders amounted to about $US3 trillion, or about 11.5 per cent of total US government debt.

Japan’s holdings are shrinking, slowly, in response to incremental shifts in its monetary policies that have seen yields edge up from negative short-term yields and yields of zero per cent on 10-year bonds.

The question mark over the market’s ability to absorb the ever-increasing supply of bonds relates to the changing nature of the prospective buyers.

With yields in their home market starting to become more attractive and competitive once the cost of hedging US dollar exposures is taken into account, Japanese investors have been repatriating their funds.

Given the likely direction of Japanese yields as decades of interventionist monetary policy are unwound, that’s a trend which is likely to continue and which could accelerate.

China’s holdings of bonds have fallen from more than $US1 trillion in the first half of last year, although its holdings started to decline early in 2021.

Given the continually increasing trade and security tensions and tit-for-tat sanctions that began during Donald Trump’s presidency and have continued under Joe Biden’s, it probably isn’t surprising that China has decided to lower its holding of US treasuries.

Fed chief Jerome Powell. The central bank will make its interest rates decision this week.

Fed chief Jerome Powell. The central bank will make its interest rates decision this week. Credit: Bloomberg

Other central banks and governments have also pulled back from the market in what has been a very challenging few years for bond investors amid considerable volatility and erratic movements in bond prices and yields (the two are inversely correlated) and a backdrop of increasing geopolitical tensions, the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East and the shock of witnessing the West’s seizure of Russia’s offshore central bank reserves.

The withdrawal of demand from the Fed and offshore has increased the onus on US domestic investors – banks, other financial institutions and individuals – to fill the gap in demand. They have been doing that, but at a price.

The Treasury, as market interest rates spiked (the yield on 10-year bonds nudged 5 per cent in mid-October) has been issuing more bills (debts with maturities of a year or less) relative to bond issuance than has historically been the case.

There’s more yield and less risk for investors in the shorter-term securities (3-month, 6-month and 12-month bills are all yielding comfortably more than 5 per cent), and US money market funds have hoovered up the bills.


You can’t, however, fund a government indefinitely on volatile short-term debt and, in any event, the money market funds have run down a large proportion of their cash to soak up the bills.

The US government will always be able to fund buyers for its debt but, if there is weak demand for the exploding supply, the balancing factor will be the price. The US will have to pay a premium to attract the demand, which will feed into higher interest costs and a larger deficit, even as that deficit is already expanding quite dramatically.

Ultimately, of course, the Fed could restart quantitative easing and support the market. If the US were to slide into recession, or if the interaction between its monetary policy and supply-demand imbalances in the bond market were to generate financial stress, it could intervene.

At some point, however, the US will need to get its finances in order, reduce its deficits and slow the growth in government debt before something unexpected in a bond market that has a history of bringing profligate governments to heel, forces its hand.

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