

This was published 4 years ago

Short seller reveals secrets of a reliable bet

By Lucy Battersby

The chief investment officer of Sydney-based fund Montaka says he would never release a damaging report on one of the companies his fund is shorting, but warns executives raise suspicion if they refuse to meet with hedge funds.

"Any company that is willing to sit down and talk and be transparent and answer all the questions from a short seller is probably not a company that you would want to short anyway,'' says chief investment officer Andrew Macken.

His comments come in the wake of multiple negative reports on large Australian companies that sent stock prices tumbling, including Bonitas Research and Bucephalus Research publishing reports on Rural Funds Group, GMT Research writing on Treasury Wines, J Capital Research publishing a report on WiseTech Global, and last year's VGI Partners report on Corporate Travel Management.

"That is certainly not our style at all,'' said Mr Macken.

"Investors should be free to publish fact-based analysis, but in a fairly neutral way. We disagree with reports that include very leading language or combative language or unfounded assertions....that’s not something that we would do at Montaka. We remain pretty private about our shorts.’’

Montaka manages about $600 million of mostly private money. It currently holds about 20 long and 32 short positions. Short positions involve borrowing stock from a long-term investor to sell at the current price, then re-purchasing it in the future at a lower price and returning it. At the upcoming Sohn Hearts and Minds conference Montaka will present both a long and a short tip, both off-shore brick and mortar retailers.

Before taking a short position Mr Macken looks for companies with four characteristics: an industry with declining revenue; overly optimistic stock prices; too much exposure to debt or new regulation; and a misrepresentation of the underlying business. A stock needs to tick several of these boxes, which is one reason Montaka chose not to join the popular short against JB Hi-Fi despite the threat of online retailers. At one point 20 per cent of JB Hi-Fi's capital was held in a short position.

"What we found is that shorts that are perhaps just based on a competitive threat alone, if that’s all you have got, you are going to be waiting a very very very long time," he said.

"We looked at [JB Hi-Fi] one or two years ago and we passed, because even though you do have that competitive threat, which is only going to become stronger, it is actually a very well run business."

It has only two long-term investments in ASX-listed companies of REA Group and Challenger, which Mr Macken said "is really an effective monopolist in annuities in Australia today" that will improve once the financial advisor sector settles down following the banking Royal Commission.


Their biggest long position is French conglomerate Vivendi, which owns Universal Music.

Montaka chief investment officer Andrew Macken.

Montaka chief investment officer Andrew Macken. Credit: Daniel Munoz

"The thesis there is that as consumers all around the world shift to digital music streaming, and it doesn’t matter if it's Spotify or Apple music or whatever, all of those platforms can only get their music from three labels - Universal, Warner, and Sony.”

Mr Macken would not name two Australian-listed companies currently shorted by Montaka, but did reveal a short position in Kraft-Heinz in the United States. While the stock has already fallen 57 per cent in the past year, he believes the heavily-indebted company might fall further as more retailers move to private labels. Kraft-Heinz has $US4 billion in debt due in 2023 with analysts forecasting declining sales. 

The Sydney Morning Herald/The Age are partners of the Sohn Hearts & Minds event to be held in Sydney on November 22. For more information go to:

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