

This was published 4 years ago

'Not a playbook we have seen before': Market rebound leaves investors scratching their heads

By Charlotte Grieve and Alex Druce

One of Australia's most senior financial figures recently sent an email to his mates - all fellow PhD -qualified economists - to ask if now was a good time to catch the falling knife and buy some shares. "They all said, 'No way'," says Dr Brendan Rynne, chief economist at KPMG.

It's the kind of conundrum so many Australians are facing as equity markets rally back from historic losses triggered in March by the coronavirus crisis. Has the market bottomed out? Are we through the worst of the stock price falls? Or is a second leg down for shares coming?

Many investors have been flummoxed by the market rebound.

Many investors have been flummoxed by the market rebound. Credit: AP

The S&P/ASX 200 index has bounced about 26 per cent from its March low. It is still down 22 per cent from record highs set in February, but the fall is not as savage as many feared. In the US, the recovery has been even starker. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is now just 17 per cent beneath its own February peak.

The reversal has left many market players perplexed. Some of the world's most prominent investors, including the 'Oracle of Omaha' Warren Buffett, have warned that shares have run too far. Closer to home, Bell Asset Management’s chief investment officer Ned Bell says the idea of a V-shaped economic recovery is "comically optimistic", suggesting equities are indeed over-valued.

"[Markets] are pricing in a quick, seamless, snap back in most economies which seems incredibly unrealistic," he says. "This is not a playbook we have seen before."

My concern is the market has got ahead of itself.

Chi-X CEO Vic Jokovic

The chief executive of alternative stock exchange Chi-X, Vic Jokovic, agrees.

"If you take the stock market as a lead, you'd say everything is fine. Everything is recovering, the index itself has recovered. Does this mean everything is fine? As of last night we had the highest mortality rate that we've seen globally and the highest infection rate globally," he says. "So my concern is the market has got ahead of itself."

As governments globally plunge themselves into never-before-seen levels of debt and the threat of a second wave of infections lingers over shut-down economies facing mounting unemployment, it is easy to think the stock market is fundamentally out of step with the economic reality.


Yet in another sense, the recovery for sections of the global markets universe is understandable. Some of the biggest and most important stocks in the US tech sector have benefitted from a shift to working from home. Amazon, for example, has capitalised on a surge in online shopping contributing to a 27 per cent share price rise since the start of March. Microsoft has gone up 17 per cent in the same time frame and Netflix is up over 20 per cent.


Neuberger Berman's New York based portfolio Hari Ramanan says there is another key factor driving valuations of these companies. "Interest rates are like gravity. When interest rates are high, multiples are low. Right now, interest rates are very low. I don't think the market is over-valued as one might think when they look top down."

But Bell argues tech giants are not immune to volatility and if they sneeze, indices cough.

"The valuation leaves very little room for error," he says. "Apple is 26 times its earnings. But are we heading into a period where people are really going to be upgrading their iPhones? Probably not."

"Netflix has been viewed as a great COVID play because everyone is stuck at home, watching Netflix. But by the same token, it's very hard for them to produce content in this environment."

Janus Henderson’s senior portfolio manager Daniel Sullivan is starkly more optimistic. He manages the US$350.5 billion ($549.3 billion) fund manager's resources portfolio and says these companies have seen stable valuations as past downturns have forced companies to fortify balance sheets. "Rio has virtually no debt, has a lot of cash flow and is honouring its dividend," he says.

"The market is behaving as though the worst has been seen in this crisis. I'm not saying there won't be a second leg. But in what's happened so far, I think the market has absorbed that and moved on.

"That massive sell-off was very persistent and obviously a lot of money left the market, a lot of risk was taken off in that period," he says. "For all the terrible statistics and indicators that have been printed, the next direction is up."

Sullivan says the risk of a second wave that could extend the economic lock-downs has been "well flagged and talked about" and factored into valuations.

One major risk that threatens to confront the resources sector is an escalation of the trade war with China and Sullivan admits this has “probably not” been fully priced in. But he does not think China will target the resources sector in the same way it has slapped tarrifs on agriculture.

For all the terrible statistics and indicators that have been printed, the next direction is up.

Janus Henderson portfolio manager Daniel Sullivan

“It’s terrible for the industries that are being targeted but if you look at the big end, they're not targeting iron ore, coal, LNG. If there’s a real trade war – those are the targets but they desperately need all those things,” he says. “They’re signalling and posturing.”

For his part, KPMG's Dr Rynne is watching consumer confidence, which he says is an important factor that underpins economic growth. Job security and house prices will be impotant drivers of confidence, he says. “There is an inter-relationship between house prices and equity prices".

While house prices might be propped up by historically low interest rates, other factors like low population growth, unemployment, construction and immigration will have a negative effect. “I do anticipate house prices to be soft, and with that I expect equities to be soft,” says Dr Rynne.


Fund managers and economists agree the economic crisis fuelled by the pandemic is vastly different to the last major market shock, the Global Financial Crisis. That problem was more easily definable – a mortgage crisis that bled through the financial system. The economic impacts were slower to grip nations and the global policy response was less streamlined.

“During these kind of events we look to historical precedents and I don’t think there is anything you can look back on and compare it to,” says Rob Holder, an asset allocation specialist at Crestone.

Optimists believe Australia's targeted stimulus package, geographic isolation, and aggressive border control has put us in a powerful position to bounce back faster than other nations. Fund manger Legg Mason expects an economic recovery to begin next year. "Our view is this time next year we will be looking at economic conditions that are looking better than what will play out in June,” says portfolio manager Will Baylis.

The pessimists are not so sure.

“The biggest concern I have is that those jobs won’t come back, no matter how much stimulus you put in,” says Bell. "The very unfortunate reality is that some of those industries can only hold their breath for so long."

Chi-X's Jokovic agrees: "If you go back to the depression, the banks didn't recover for decades. I can’t see how the banks come out of this easily when we have businesses under incredible strain and retail under incredible strain and consumers under incredible strain."

"I think it is a false dawn."

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