

This was published 5 years ago

Climate investment risk is 'diverse, urgent and complex': Colonial

By Ruth Williams

One of Australia's biggest asset managers has warned that climate change poses "diverse, urgent and complex implications" for investors and companies - but says unprecedented momentum is building for action.

Colonial First State Global Asset Management, which handles $212.7 billion in funds under management for investors worldwide, says it is stepping up moves to assess and integrate climate risk as part of its investment strategies - and says both companies and investors should be further boosting their disclosure of climate-related risk, including on the physical risks to assets and infrastructure posed by a changing climate.

Pablo Berrutti, Colonial's head of responsible investment for Asia Pacific, said the recent report by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change had focused minds on the need to keep global warming to 1.5 degrees - "not a good outcome, but it's a far better outcome than what it could be, so I think it should focus all of our minds".

Keeping global warming to 1.5 degrees will require ambition and innovation, says Colonial First State Global Asset Management.

Keeping global warming to 1.5 degrees will require ambition and innovation, says Colonial First State Global Asset Management.Credit: Bloomberg

Meeting the target would require "significant ambition and innovation across sectors", he said.

But told Fairfax Media he believed "we are starting to see a real tipping point" on the issue, pointing to recent pushes by regulators for improved climate risk disclosure by companies and investors, and a recent survey by the Australian Institute of Company Directors rating climate change as the top long-term priority directors wanted the federal government to address.

"While we're unquestionably at a slow start compared to where we could have been, I think you're seeing the greatest amount of momentum on this issue that we've ever had," he said.

The federal impasse on energy and climate policies had played a part in this delay, Mr Berrutti said. "Obviously, a clear and long term policy framework that would allow investors to invest with confidence for the future would be really helpful, but we're seeing investment happen in any case because of the changing economics of renewable energy, for example."


Climate change has been a recurring theme of this year's AGM season, including at Origin Energy where a shareholder resolution on climate change-related lobbying attracted an historic vote in favour of of almost 46 per cent. 


Colonial's responsible investment and stewardship report, to be released today alongside the Responsible Investment Association's conference in Melbourne where Mr Berrutti is speaking, warns that climate change is already having "real investment implications", with the asset manager assessing companies not only on their carbon footprints - their direct and indirect emissions - but also the risks thrown up by a transition to a low-carbon economy, such as the potential for assets to be rendered near-worthless, or stranded.

Colonial's report warns that a "narrow consideration" of climate change risks – or any other so-called ESG related risk – could negatively impact investment performance.

It says companies and investors should report to the guidelines produced by the G20's Task Force for Climate Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), which is anchored on the Paris agreement's pledge to keep global warming to well below 2 degrees.

“We believe climate breakdown has diverse, urgent and complex implications for investors and the companies we invest in," Mr Berrutti will say at the conference today. "However, the current approach to assessing climate risk is not comprehensive enough."

It follows the warning from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission last month that climate-risk disclosures by listed Australian companies were "far too general and of limited use to investors," and that just 17 per cent of the big companies examined had disclosed climate change as a "material risk".

I think you're seeing the greatest amount of momentum on this issue that we've ever had.

Pablo Berrutti

The Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) - which represents Australian and New Zealand investors with more than $2 trillion of funds under management, including Colonial First State Global Asset Management - has warned that companies risked losing access to capital if they fail to improve reporting on climate risk.

In 2017, Towers Watson ranked Colonial First State Global Asset Management as Australia's second biggest asset manager, behind Macquarie and in front of AMP. Its parent, the Commonwealth Bank, is planning a demerger of the Colonial asset management operation - known as First State Investments overseas - along with other businesses in its portfolio.

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