

This was published 8 years ago

Budget 2016: Scott Morrison's budget is not perfect, but it's balanced

By Malcolm Maiden

Discrimination is a word that has an undeservedly bad reputation. Sometimes it's good - discernment, rather than decision-making based on prejudice - and Scott Morrison's first budget is an example: with an election looming, the task was to discriminate between strategy and tactics without ignoring either, and Morrison has given it pretty good go.

The strategic task is to have a plan to get Australia's budget deficits under control, in time. The new budget has some holes in it in that respect, but is at least marketable.

The short view is that the government is taking from the rich, mainly, and keeping most of the dough for deficit repair.

The short view is that the government is taking from the rich, mainly, and keeping most of the dough for deficit repair.Credit: Getty Images

That in turn helps the government's tactical task - to win the July election. Its mildly pro-growth deficit reduction plan is coherent enough to address concerns about its own coherency that developed as tax options appeared and disappeared this year. Unlike Joe Hockey's first budget for Tony Abbott, it also helps average Australians, rather than hurting them.

Contestable but not ludicrous growth estimates combine with new revenue-raising measures in the budget to offset spending that is rising but not out of control to give the government room to argue that a trajectory towards balanced budgets still exists.

About $9.15 billion of revenue is given away over 4 years by measures including lower tax rates and better tax breaks for a larger group of small businesses (a crucial jobs generator in the economy) a $7000 increase in the 32.5 per cent personal income tax boundary line to $87,000 a year, and a useful package of superannuation savings breaks for "ordinary Australians."

It is offset by a few equally lumpy savings measures that collect just under $9 billion over four years. They include steadily rising tobacco excise ($4.7 billion over four years), and several super tax crackdowns, including a $1.6 million cap on the amount of super money that can be moved by individials into tax free accounts after they retire.

The tax-free super cap puts a choke on the retirement income treasure island that Peter Costello created in 2007. It hits only 4 per cent of taxpayers but is retrospective, in effect: existing super assets that are above the cut-off level are caught even though they have been built previously. It also hits Liberal Party uber-heartland - households that have super balances of more than $3.2 million.


One big revenue give-way and one savings measure are less certain, but again, they are roughly in balance. The first is a "Hail Mary" promise to continue expanding the 27.5 per cent corporate tax umbrella until it covers all companies by 2023-24, and to then cut the corporate rate to 25 per cent by 2026-2027. It is costed at $2.65 billion through to 2019-20, and will cost more in total, if it is carried out in full. On the other side of the ledger, the government says that it can raise an extra $3 billion in four years by pumping up the Australian Tax Office's multinatonal tax avoidance squad, and legislating more anti-avoidance law, including tax deeming powers. The ATO has generally succeeded when instructed by cash-strapped governments to improve recoveries, but the biggest, richest companies are the ones most capable of global revenue shifting: they are mobile, savvy, and capable of waging legal war for years.

The general caveat is that the budget relies on econonomic growth continuing and slightly strengthening, in particular nominal growth, which includes inflation, and reflects the actual amount of cash the government collects.

The Reserve Bank assisted the government and modestly boosted economic growth on Tuesday by cutting its cash rate by a quarter of a percentage point, but it did so after learning that inflation was well below its target range.

Nominal growth and tax revenue falls when inflation falls, and the budget does shave nominal growth forecasts, at a cost of about $3 billion over the next four years.

Inflation is down because the world still has a global crisis hangover, however. If that continues, the budget's deficit reduction strategy could be derailed. Of course we won't know about that until long after the election. The short view is that the government is taking from the rich, mainly, keeping most of the dough for deficit repair and passing some of it on to the multitudes. Not much for Labor to attack in that, you would think.

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