

This was published 5 years ago

'We have the right to be happy': Family's five-year battle over insurance claim

By Paul Sakkal

It was when a section of their lounge room sank that Pat and Laz Keresztesi got to the bottom of the damp smell in their house that had bothered them for a while.

A leaky pipe was responsible and the couple lodged a claim with their insurer, IAG, which told them it would take between three and six months to fix.

The Keresztesis at their Glen Iris home.

The Keresztesis at their Glen Iris home.Credit: Eddie Jim

What followed was a five-year struggle for the Keresztesis as they battled what they claim was bungled construction, buck-passing and ambivalence from their insurer.

"It's ruined our family life. We're not the same – we're just keeping it together," says Pat.

The case – as the Keresztesis note – is precisely the type of scenario tackled in the Hayne royal commission, which called for an overhaul of insurance claim handling including a requirement that they are dealt with "efficiently, honestly and fairly".

Any change on that front – which the re-elected Coalition government has moved to enact – will come too late for the Keresztesis. The saga has strained their marriage and seen both Pat and Laz diagnosed with depression as the fight with IAG dragged on.

From where I was before and where I am now is very different. Pat's a changed woman and I am a changed man.


Wife Pat lost her job, Laz's car-repair business suffered and 12-year-old Rocco asked his dad if he could join him at counselling.

To worsen the pain, the family was recently offered what Laz describes as an "insulting" amount of compensation.


"From where I was before and where I am now is very different. Pat's a changed woman and I am a changed man," he said.

For its part, IAG has apologised for the delays and sought to pin much of the blame for delay on its sub-contractors, while also saying the family contributed to some of the issues themselves.

IAG is accused of mismanaging the claim.

IAG is accused of mismanaging the claim.

A spokesperson for one of the contractors said the job was hampered by a combination of issues beyond its control, including poor and "non-conforming" work that had been done previously at the address.

Other work commissioned by the family at the same time caused "significant delays", the spokesperson said.

"The unfortunate delays to the completion of the works were regrettable, however, they were undertaken in highly challenging and unusual circumstances."

Laz says the only work commissioned was done at the suggestion of to supplement the repairs.

A second contractor declined to comment on the matter.

The ordeal began in 2013, when IAG wrongly diagnosed water damage as a lack of ventilation, a misdiagnosis that set back the Keresztesis $7000 adding vents to the house. The insurer would not cover what it regarded as storm damage due to poor drainage.

In 2014 the floor in the living room began to sink and Laz went underneath to discover the water damage missed by the insurance assessors.

IAG came back, agreed to accept a claim and said the job would take several months.

After 18 months with a cordoned-off living area, Keresztesis say it became apparent the job was stalling and they felt they were getting little communication on the part of the insurer.

The Keresztesis' kitchen during the repairs.

The Keresztesis' kitchen during the repairs.

IAG then told the family they would need to move out of the house.

"Little did we know that was the start of a living nightmare … it set the standard for how inefficient they were, how useless they were," Laz says, adding they decided to rent for six months, which should have been more than long enough given IAG's advice on how long the work would take.

"We extended the lease to six months thinking it would be well and truly done and dusted."

A year and 13 project managers later, Laz says he had to threaten legal action to get IAG to continue paying rental costs for an additional seven months.

"You could build a whole new house in seven months," says Pat.

Laz began acting as a quasi-project manager, meaning he neglected his car-repair shop, which was shedding business, as the couple say they struggled to get communication from IAG.

"I'm a human on the other side of those daily emails. To not get a response is the most disappointing thing. Someone please get back to me. I just want an answer – when can we move home?" says Pat.

Both the Keresztesis and IAG say sub-contractors used by the insurance giant to run the claim and do the construction caused some of the delays. Laz and Pat say they were simply inept and should never have been appointed.

IAG says the contractors were asked by the Keresztesis to do additional work outside the claim, which caused delays. Laz denies this, saying the only additional works were suggested by a contractor.

Whatever the cause, the delays were taking a toll.

"I remember lying in bed crying uncontrollably, I was a mess, I was unable to work, unable to function," he said.

Pat took on more responsibility, but lasted only three months before she was hospitalised and diagnosed with high blood pressure and anxiety. She eventually lost her job as a senior executive at a major Australian retailer.

In August last year, after a series of emergency meetings to get the project on track, the family finally moved back into their home after more than two years in temporary accommodation.

"The feeling of the house is different," says Laz. "It doesn't feel like my home … all the bad memories of this place."

"I'm getting tests done because I don't want to drop dead. I feel it right here in my chest," says Laz.

"You hear on the news a child drowns or was killed in a car accident and the parents get divorced, and I've never understood it. Now I understand it – what happens with that tension in your household is it creates physical changes, people function differently," says Laz.

IAG acknowledged in a letter to the couple earlier this year that the delays had caused "very clear … emotional and psychological suffering of the customer and his family". It offered $5000 in pain and suffering compensation.

A separate payment of $11,000 in compensation for a lost deposit was made conditional on acceptance of the $5000, a move Laz describes as an "unconscionable act of bullying".

A spokeswoman for the insurance company said it had "apologised" to the family for "delays … caused by [the company’s] building contractors".

"During the repair process there were ongoing issues and delays as new damage was discovered," she said.

The spokeswoman said IAG had covered rental costs, paid almost $40,000 to cover repairs to the couple's property caused while the leak was fixed and had offered the wider settlement of $16,000.

Earlier this year, the banking royal commission proposed making claims handling a "financial service" within the Corporations Act, placing greater regulatory scrutiny on insurers' actions. The recommendation was agreed to by the Coalition government.

"There can be no basis in principle or in practice to say that obliging an insurer to handle claims efficiently, honestly and fairly is to impose on the individual insurer, or the industry more generally, a burden it should not bear," the commission's final report said.

Gerard Brody, chief executive of the Consumer Action Law Centre, said the Keresztesis were entitled to a far higher amount of compensation than they had been offered.

"Any insurer that provides a contract for insurance needs to be able to deliver on that promise. People have rights to pursue their insurer if that doesn't happen, as seems to be the case here," he says.

Separately, IAG is facing a class action over alleged "misleading and deceptive conduct" spanning almost a decade in the sale of add-on car insurance through a subsidiary.

Mr Brody called for compensation levels to be lifted in the insurance sector, and says the Keresztesis were entitled to be compensated for time they were forced to live out of their home, separate to compensation for pain and suffering.

The Keresztesis had spent five years in the trenches and weren't about to back down any time soon.

"This is about more than just the house now – it's on principle. I'm acting on moral fibre here and I need to do something about this … I'll take it to the doorsteps of that court," says Laz.

"We're at breaking point. This went from a home repair to mental breakdowns and serious health ramifications … I believe we have the right to be happy."

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