

This was published 1 year ago

Wall-to-wall coverage, but no uniformity in media’s treatment of Roberts-Smith

By Nick Bonyhady

Justice Anthony Besanko’s dispassionate tone gave nothing away about the force of the judgment he was delivering in Ben Roberts-Smith’s defamation case in a federal courtroom in Sydney. “In light of my conclusions, each proceeding must be dismissed,” Justice Besanko intoned last Thursday.

But his words, broadcast initially on YouTube, echoed around the world’s media. “The judge said that the media outlets involved had managed to prove some of the most serious allegations of war crimes against Australia’s most decorated living soldier,” reporter Phil Mercer told BBC viewers.

CNN, The New York Times and Washington Post ran the story, hammering similar points. A judge had found that a decorated veteran had murdered defenceless people, his former comrades had testified against him, Australia was having a hard reckoning with how it conducted the war in Afghanistan, journalism had triumphed.

Australia’s domestic media has covered the story with a much greater intensity, reflecting its status as perhaps the biggest set-piece news event of the year. But in an often bitterly divided media landscape, exacerbated by Roberts-Smith’s employment by Seven and financial backing by proprietor Kerry Stokes, the coverage had much less uniformity than overseas.

The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, which published the original reporting on Roberts-Smith along with their then-stablemate The Canberra Times, went big on the decision. Nine News and The Australian Financial Review, which are now owned by the same company that had also invested millions in fighting Roberts-Smith’s defamation action, did the same.

The Guardian devoted a whole podcast series to the trial and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, which has done its own investigative reporting on the SAS in Afghanistan, gave it prominent placement online, on TV and on radio.

News Corp, which has previously published soft-focus stories on Roberts-Smith, gave the defamation case front-page treatment around the country. Its coverage led with the fact of Roberts-Smith’s defamation loss, with commentators diverging on how to interpret it. James Campbell, the national weekend political editor for the tabloids, argued that defending Roberts-Smith “insults all Diggers”. Peta Credlin, the commentator and former chief of staff to prime minister Tony Abbott, declared she “won’t join the pile-on against Roberts-Smith” in a feat of whataboutism.

Seven West Media group, which employed Roberts-Smith throughout the trial and is controlled by Kerry Stokes, Roberts-Smith’s financial backer, took a more muted approach. The West newspaper put the result on its front page but had an awkward gap between its live blog being removed from the top of its website and stories replacing it on Thursday afternoon. The newspaper did not respond to requests for comment.


Seven’s live coverage of the decision ended without covering remarks from the journalists on the courthouse steps. And its online story on Roberts-Smith’s resignation ran for five paragraphs and did not mention the judge had found it was substantially true that he was a murderer.

A spokesman for the broadcaster said suggestions its reporting was anodyne were “mistaken”, and it had provided “extensive coverage” on the decision in its bulletins that day along with previews on its news shows that morning.


“Seven was the only main channel to run the judgment live to air for the full hour across the country,” the spokesman said.

A commentator on that program made clear, among technical legal explanation, that Justice Besanko’s decision was a total loss for Roberts-Smith and the story led news bulletins.

“ live-streamed the full proceedings and had a decision story live immediately; both the live stream and story were splashed on the site. switched in the broadcast packages as soon as they aired.”

In a rarity, international newswire Reuters asked for the view of the Taliban, which now rules Afghanistan after fighting a brutal campaign against their local Afghan opponents and Western troops. A spokesman for the dictatorial regime used the chance to lash the West’s record in the country.

Justice Besanko is set to release his full reasons, likely running to hundreds of pages, on Monday after lawyers for the Commonwealth have checked they do not imperil national security. The move will, inadvertently, ensure the eye of the media stays fixed on the decision for days to come.

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