

This was published 4 years ago


The titans of tech had their day of reckoning. Now what?

The four titans of tech grilled by the US Congress would have come away from the hearing feeling bruised by the hostility they were confronted with. The critical question for them and their investors, however, is whether anything significant actually flows from it.

The interrogations of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Apple’s Tim Cook and Sundar Pichai, who runs Google's parent company Alphabet, was intense and aggressive, and centred - as one would expect from a hearing focused on antitrust issues - on claimed abuses of their market power.

The question of how the technology giants use their dominant positions in e-commerce has been an increasingly vexatious issue globally, along with the continuing global scrutiny of how much, or how little, tax they pay or should pay.

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had to testify before Congress on Thursday.

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had to testify before Congress on Thursday.Credit: AP

The four big platforms, with a combined market capitalisation of close to $US5 trillion (about $7 trillion), between them dominate online retailing and advertising, and the core question explored in the hearing is whether they use that dominance unfairly.

Unsurprisingly, the tech CEOs argued that they aren’t really that dominant.

Apple says it holds only 15 per cent of the global smartphone market, Amazon claims a share of only 12 per cent of US retail sales, Facebook cited Chinese social media app TikTok to argue it faces strong competition and Google says it has less than 30 per cent of the US digital advertising market.

Members of the House anti-trust committee, however, weren’t convinced, accusing the companies of abusing their vast hoards of user data to crush competitors, eliminating or acquiring them, and exploiting users by pushing them towards their own products and services and, in the case of commercial users, to unfairly compete with them.

Republicans, naturally, also accused the platforms of left-wing, or anti-conservative, content bias.

It is unclear what actions the hearing and the 12-month investigation by the committee that led up to it might result in, if any. The committee can’t take action directly against the companies, although it could recommend reforms of the anti-trust laws.


But it's not the only body looking at the behaviour of the big tech companies.

'Bring fairness to Big Tech'

The US Department of Justice is considering whether Google breached anti-trust laws in the online advertising market; the Federal Trade Commission is considering whether Facebook protected its social network’s dominance and killed off competitors when it acquired Instagram and WhatsApp; and the Justice Department is investigating both Facebook’s online advertising practices and the walled garden around Apple’s app store.

The Trump administration has also asked the Federal Communications Commission to review the laws that protect the platforms from liability for the content that they host, and Donald Trump himself tweeted during the hearing that if Congress didn’t “bring fairness to Big Tech” he would do it himself via executive orders.

Around the world, but most particularly in Europe, there have been similar investigations – and some action, including more than $US8 billion of fines for Google – in relation to the way the platforms exploit their dominance. The European Union is drawing up new rules for data-sharing and digital marketplaces.

Here in Australia, the tech companies face either a voluntary, or involuntary, scheme to compensate media companies for the use of their content and the government - along with most of the rest of the developed world, excluding the US - wants to impose a digital services tax on their activities.

France tried to do that unilaterally, introducing a 3 per cent tax on digital revenues, but was forced to "defer" its implementation from April to December this year after Trump threatened to retaliate by imposing tariffs on French wine and other products. There needs to be a global consensus, and US acceptance, if digital services taxes are to be imposed.

Regulators' dilemma

There is evidence that the platforms have misused customer and third-party data and acquired competitors (allegedly after actively weakening them) or used their insights to compete with their own customers in order to enhance or protect their dominance.

Against that, it is inarguable that they have also generated enormous innovation and consumer benefit.

There is a question as to whether these gatekeepers to 21st-century commerce effectively charge too much for access and whether the economic detriment of their dominance outweighs those benefits, but the core of their dominance rests on their appeal to users.

The dilemma for legislators and regulators is how to preserve the benefits of the Big Tech scale and innovation while curtailing behaviour that unfairly extends that dominance and protects the companies from competitors. That may, or may not, involve some forced divestments or structural separations of some of their activities.

Patient capital

Under-explored in the debate about the remarkable rise of the big tech companies is the role that capital has played. They have had, and continue to have, a massive cost of capital advantage over traditional competitors and the nature of the capital they attract is different.


Amazon, for instance, has by choice never delivered the profitability that its scale and business model could deliver, choosing instead to sacrifice profits to invest in expanding and deepening its operations and under-cutting competitors to maximise its eventual global market positions.

Investors who dump their holdings in, for instance, brick and mortar retailers when they barely miss market expectations, have been prepared to fund Amazon's strategy and capitalise its possibilities in a way they wouldn’t even contemplate for a company that didn’t have a in its name. That capital is not only prepared to tolerate sub-optimal profitability, but is truly patient.

It’s a priceless advantage, and a very substantial one, that neither the competitors nor the legislators and regulators trying to put some boundaries around the big tech companies’ quasi-monopolies can do anything about.

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