

This was published 3 years ago

The fierce spirit of independence that has shaped the Herald’s evolution

By James Chessell

Journalism has always been a competitive business. When The Sydney Herald was founded by three recently arrived English immigrants in 1831 – Morning was added to the masthead just over a decade later – there were no fewer than five main newspapers in Sydney. By 1936, the Herald was selling more copies than its more expensive and less moderate rivals, and today its audience is the largest of any newsroom in the country.

Over the past 190 years, a bewilderingly long lineup of news outlets have challenged the Heralds preeminence. More recently, the digital revolution has upended how people consume news and transferred advertising revenue to Facebook and Google. Low barriers to entry for online news have allowed small independent publishers to flourish; multinational news giants such as The New York Times and The Guardian to set up in Australia; and the ABC to move into digital publishing. Meanwhile, the competition for eyeballs has been joined by the likes of Netflix, Stan and, yes, TikTok because people have more choice about how they spend their limited spare time.

The Sydney Morning Herald has delivered constant coverage of the global pandemic across all platforms.

The Sydney Morning Herald has delivered constant coverage of the global pandemic across all platforms. Credit: Wolter Peeters

Yet the Herald is in its strongest editorial and financial position in decades. This is no accident. Good journalism is in the business of holding the powerful to account; it should also inform, explain and, when appropriate, entertain. Newsrooms compete to come up with the best ideas. But any examination of this masthead’s remarkable longevity must also call attention to the fierce spirit of independence that has shaped its evolution.

The addition of the words “Independent. Always.” under the title is a relatively new addition to the Herald’s front and home pages but they have served as the newsroom’s guiding principle for much longer. The newspaper’s founders adopted Alexander Pope’s “Sworn to no master, of no sect am I” as their motto while the Fairfax family, which owned the Herald for almost 150 years, put in place editorial policies based “upon principles of candour, honesty and honour”. For the past 33 years, the newsrooms have operated under a charter of editorial independence which ensures “full editorial control of the newspapers, within a negotiated, fixed budget, be vested with the editors of the papers and that the editors alone shall determine the daily editorial content of the newspapers”.


It is impossible to shine light into dark places, to expose injustice or hypocrisy and, frankly, take important risks without a fully formed sense of autonomy. “Journalism, some huge percentage of it, should be devoted to putting pressure on power, on nonsense, on chicanery of all kinds and if that’s going to invite a lawsuit, well, bring it on,” New Yorker editor David Remnick once said. We agree.

The Herald doesn’t publish more important public interest journalism than its rivals because it has superior reporters. It’s because they are backed by newsrooms built on a foundation of fearless reporting. Just ask Dyson Heydon, Eddie Obeid, Don Burke, Bridget McKenzie, the early-2000s Canterbury Bulldogs or a small clique of rogue SAS soldiers serving in Afghanistan.

Independence also defines what the Herald isn’t. The masthead is not a vehicle to prosecute corporate interests or a platform to promote a particular ideology .

At a time when being a centrist can seem unfashionable, this masthead firmly believes its readers are capable of making up their own minds. This is not an argument for false balance, when both sides of an argument are presented without context or criticism. You will not, for example, be reading climate-change denialism in our pages. Rather, it is an acknowledgment that many of the challenges we face as a city, state and country are complicated – and that presenting our readers with different points of view gives us a better chance of solving them. It is increasingly rare to seek out opposing views when confirmation bias and, in some cases, misplaced moral clarity can distort and polarise public discourse. But it remains a key part of our mission.


“Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault,” former Time editor Henry Grunwald once wrote. “It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder, the claims of triumph, and the signs of horror are still in the air.”

Journalism is imperfect. Doubt is critical and great care must be taken reporting the news. It’s a responsibility we take seriously. The Herald’s success isn’t just what happens when a newsroom backs independent journalism; it is the result of a corresponding decision to have faith in the intelligence of its readers. And isn’t it wonderful to see that faith repaid over 190 years.

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