

This was published 5 years ago

The Big Interview: full transcript of interview with Daniel Petre

By John McDuling

This is a full transcript of John McDuling's Big Interview with AirTree Ventures' Daniel Petre.

PETRE: So I'm the co-founder of AirTree Ventures which is my third venture capital firm. I've been doing venture capital for 20 years. Prior to that I had nearly 10 years at Microsoft where I had a number of roles. I was managing director of Australia for a number of years. But then I think my most important part of my Microsoft adventure was working in the US running one of the five product groups for nearly three years. Then came back and ran nine countries in Asia and then decided to retire for the first time. Then ended up back in venture capital.

MCDULING: So that first Microsoft experience, that was - Microsoft is again I think the world's biggest company by market value but that was really its heyday when you were working there.

PETRE: Yes it was, yeah.

MCDULING: What was that experience like?

PETRE: Well it was the best working experience of my life bar none and primarily because of Bill Gates I think. By the way I think if we segue, if you look at the Microsoft under Bill Gates and the Microsoft under Satya Nadella they are very similar beasts in they are very product focused, deeply thought through product strategies. Whereas I think the Ballmer years were about sales. You can see that. I think the Microsoft resurgence is a function of Satya Nadella and a more product strategy focus and less high competition within the company product groups.

Daniel Petre has worked with some of the biggest names in business.

Daniel Petre has worked with some of the biggest names in business.Credit: Ryan Stuart

So it was a fantastic experience. I think working with someone like Bill Gates you learn so much about how to think about business and products and problem solving. So it was extraordinary experience and stayed with me for the rest of my life.

MCDULING: Is - are there any key lessons from the way Bill Gates manages people or manages a company that really stood out?


PETRE: Yeah I think - look a number of things. I think he doesn't suffer fools gladly. By that I mean you can't have random ideas without data. You can have ideas, they've got to be backed up. A good example would be if you came with a product strategy or a product plan you have to have thought it through deeply. Now - and that's important. So it means that when you move forward with that product plan, if something goes wrong you know what part of your assumption set was wrong and then you can fix it.

Very few companies historically in Australia ever did that. They just go, oh we should think about this, let's go do something. But if it goes wrong they don't know what to unpack to see what they should do next. So the sense of, if you've thought something through and you've really interrogated it and then you've agreed a plan, if it doesn't work out you know what went wrong and you can fix it.

Bill Gates with then Prime Minister Paul Keating and  Daniel Petre (far right)

Bill Gates with then Prime Minister Paul Keating and Daniel Petre (far right)Credit: Heide Smith

The second part of that which was very instructive was, if something went wrong people weren't yelled at. It was, okay well what did we get wrong in our execution or what did we get wrong in our planning. Now of course, if you did the same - made the same mistake a few times you - there was a bit of a discussion. Fortunately I didn't have any of those experiences. But again, this sense of not a blame culture but more a learning culture. But very much focused on high intellectual focus on the problem at hand. That sort of process is something I've tried to take with me in other organisations that I've been involved with.

MCDULING: I think the period you were at Microsoft - as I said before it would have been the world's most valuable company. I think it was also the period when they were hit with the antitrust case?

PETRE: Yes, yes.


MCDULING: That was sort of - there's kind of parallels to now with regulators around the world sort of cracking down on the big tech companies do you think?


MCDULING: So what was that like inside Microsoft when that happened and do you think that - did they learn anything from that or was it just misguided regulation by - yeah.

PETRE: Well it's a bit of both I think. I think regulators are struggling to understand how to deal with companies that are being dominant in a space. Historically if you go back to the AT&Ts and to those sort of dominant players and how was their behaviour, are they excluding competitors or making it unfair for competitors. I'm not sure the Microsoft case was that fair. Again if you unpack what was happening between operating system and applications and did the Windows applications get a real advantage out of the operating system where they were never bundled together.

So it was more the success of the company and surprisingly people who didn't commit to Windows early and so when Windows took off they were behind the eight ball. So a lot more things came into play there. I don't think Microsoft helped itself by some of the grandstanding of people like Steve Ballmer. That probably didn't help. But I think at its core there was not as much going on in a monopolistic sense as people I think assume. I think actually when you look at the actual resulting court cases that was actually true. You see there wasn't as much. Today I think there's a similar set of issues that need to be unpacked with a bit more nuance if you look at Google or Facebook.

MCDULING: Do you see any similarities between like a Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg just as an observer?

PETRE: Well they're obviously both incredibly bright people. I think Bill built a far better company with far less major disasters in terms of either actions or…

MCDULING: For society.


PETRE: Yeah just generally speaking he built a much stronger company in terms of the level of executives and the reporting that Mark Zuckerberg seems to have. Also I think Bill even though he didn't like it took on board some of the criticisms. Whereas Mark Zuckerberg seems to have taking that early, of you know, move fast, break things. Which is fine if you're 12 people. If you're the sort of company you are now with two billion consumers I don't think that approach really works that well.

MCDULING: So after the Microsoft stint you made the decision to move back home and you originally were at - ran Microsoft the whole Asia Pacific out of Sydney.

PETRE: Yeah. So well I was running a product group in Microsoft, there were five product groups. I was running work group which was sort of Outlook and exchange, all the communications products. Then actually my sister was killed in a car accident in Australia so we decided to move the family home to help my brother-in-law and my niece who was badly injured. Her six-month-old baby badly injured in the accident. Bill kindly offered to move the Asia Pacific headquarters from Seattle to Sydney so I had a job to do. So I came back and ran nine countries in Asia.

The problem with that was, once you've - I wasn't very good at sport but I imagine once you've played for the First 11 or First 15 or First 7 and then you're playing in the second division, it's still very good but you kind of want to be back there. So I think you become probably not as productive as you could be. I sensed myself becoming a bit negative and not fair to the people around me in Australia. So then I decided to leave after a few years.

MCDULING: Then the next big chapter of your career I guess was ecorp.

PETRE: Yeah, so yeah.

MCDULING: Which was with the Packers.

PETRE: Yeah. So I was - I'd gone back to uni to do a PhD and I didn't know what I was going to do. Then I was approached by a few companies actually, a few media companies, to come and do something in the tech space. I met with James and Kerry and I said here's what you need to do, free advice. They said, why don't you come and do it. So then I decided to form ecorp as a subsidiary of PBL and I hired Jeremy Philips who I'd met through McKinseys and off we went. That was a hilariously fun time. It was a great time.

Jeremy's extraordinarily smart. He's gone on to run one of the largest growth funds in the US with Spark. Again we were way ahead of the curve in terms of thinking through the impact of technologies. Most of those were coming out of the US in those days. Just thinking about how technology would disrupt market places in Australia.

MCDULING: That was sort of the first phase of the internet growth really?

PETRE: It was. Yeah that was the whole sort of '97 through to 2000 and then we had the crash. I think the mistake people made is they thought, oh well valuations were crushed therefore the companies are bad. Of course that's the wrong statement. There were a lot of valuations crushed with shit companies but a lot of great companies and yes the valuation was crushed but the companies went on to do well. As an example of eBay was a perfect example of that. So we did that for a number of years and then I tend to do my life in sort of five-year chunks so I decided I'd had enough. I went and said to Kerry, I'm leaving. I don't think he was that happy. I had nowhere to go, I just decided I'd had enough I want to do something else.

MCDULING: So was that when you took a - is that when you retired or is that…

PETRE: Well it's the second time, yeah. That's the second time.

MCDULING: Then - and what was it like working with Kerry and James?

PETRE: Look it was different working with - I mean Kerry needed to blame someone. Everything went wrong, had to blame someone. There wasn't the same level of intellect going into decisions. It was much more a, here's an idea let's go for it kind of thing. Which I wasn't used to. I was used to sort of thinking something through. Also, I didn't like a blame culture, I didn't think that was very useful. I think it doesn't engender a collegiate solving of problems. It doesn't engender being transparent about what's going on in the business. People tend to hide things. So that was - they were completely [counter-wise] I believe.

James is very good though, he gave us a lot of air cover to do what we needed to do. I mean Kerry was famously saying, well eBay's stupid, no-one would every use it. Because he didn't people would trust a platform. It sort of talked more about his personality than I think actually the business. But James was very good in supporting us and letting us get along and do it. That then worked well because then James went into SEEK and he rode quite a few horses in that race.

MCDULING: Then there was netus and now AirTree.

PETRE: Yeah. So netus was a - so then I stopped and then I thought, oh I seem to be pretty good at this, I might do it again. So Jeremy had gone to the US to work with Rupert at that stage and so I then - Alison Deans, who'd been this incredible hire we'd hired out of McKinseys to run eBay who then ran ecorp, she came with me. We then looked for a third person and Craig Blair came on the scene. So the three of us formed netus and we got a chunk of money from News Corp. Again it wasn't a subsidiary it was more a company with equity from News Corp and off we went again.

It was a bit different though this time. There was a bit of US investing platforms and more local investing as well. Whereas the first, eBay was - sorry ecorp was mainly US with a few Australian and netus was more Australian and a few US and then that trend's continued now with AirTree.

MCDULING: So AirTree as we were discussing earlier, I think was it now two years ago or three years ago, raised the biggest fund in…

PETRE: Yeah. So we started in sort of '14 raising. We raised a - we actually were raising a $40 million fund. We raised $80 million, thought we had too much money and we were going to blow it up so we pulled it back to $60 million. We realised in fact that $80 million was probably the right number because we invested that quite quickly and there were a lot more opportunities coming over the transom than we thought. Then we two years later raised $250 million, at that time was the largest fund. We'll probably raise that again - because of the cadence of investing now probably raise that again probably third quarter next year.

The difference I think between the ecorp, netus and AirTree years is just the cadence of new opportunities. In the netus years, in the five years of netus - of investing time in netus we probably saw 500 start‑ups. We were seeing most of the good ideas. Not that it's a metric that matters but in AirTree we're seeing about 1000 a year. Part of that is because people can develop a start-up a lot more cheaply now because you can - the cloud and [borrow] marketing et cetera and shopping carts. So you just get a lot more opportunities that you can look at and therefore by definition there'll be a lot more good ones to invest in.

MCDULING: You're investing at a really interesting time for the tech industry in Australia.


MCDULING: You've been pretty outspoken about the government making some bad decisions when it comes to the tech sector. Can you talk us through some of the…

PETRE: Yeah I think it's part of a fundamental position which is that every job, every company and every industry is going to be impacted by technology more, not less as we move forward. You can't get away from that. Secondly, that it's all about software. Whether it's a camera or whether it's a car or whether it's a watch it's all going to be all about software. The third thing is that scale matters. More so than ever in the past. That a global successful platform will be able to penetrate a local market, whether or not you want to.

The best example would be advertising media in Australia. You go back 25 years, 100 cents in the Australian media spend was on Australian platforms and now it's got to be sub-50. Not because people have been forced to advertise on Google or on LinkedIn or on Facebook but because it provides a way better solution for advertiser return investment or a cost [of] acquisition of a consumer than traditional ones. That's without them having essentially any development down here, just some sales people down here fundamentally. Other than the case of Google who has quite a decent team working on…

MCDULING: Product and stuff, yeah.

PETRE: Yeah some product stuff. But not necessarily Australian product.

MCDULING: Yeah maps and things, yeah.

PETRE: Yeah. So I think that example tells you that technology matters. Also when you look forward it's quite clear that we're entering a time where there'll be a lot of job disruption because of technology. So you'd think in that framework you'd say, well we need to do everything we can to be the most innovative country we can in the world if we can and make us attractive for investment, attractive for talent. Pretty much the government's done everything it can to make us the antithesis of that. Our approach to skilled immigration has been appalling. The idea that we see all immigrants the same in skilled versus non-skilled.

You look in the US and 12 per cent of the US working population is foreign born. 35 per cent of the population in Silicon Valley is foreign born. 40-50 per cent of founders are foreign born. There's no question that immigrants have fuelled what is the greatest innovation system in the world and wealth creation system in the world. Even in Australia, 35 per cent of founders in Australia are foreign born. So just that immigration sort of lens, you'd say we should be doing everything we can. The whole GTS - the Global Talent Scheme has been a mess. I think there've been like, ooh seven people approved in eight months or seven months which is crazy.

Then you look at the approach on R&D. At a time when every country around the world is investing more government dollars and private in R&D, the Australian government took $2.4 billion out of the R&D pile in the federal budget last year and has put that into general surplus. Today in the MYEFO they announced another $100 million coming out of block grants. I mean it's just - it is nearly criminal to at a time when we need to be investing more in breakthrough technology and more in research, we are taking money out.

The way they've gone after the start-ups in the - with the R&D tax refund is madness. The approach to the AA bill which was the secrecy bill effectively. There are some issues we have to worry about, terrorism and secrecy but to apply it not just to messaging platforms but all software is ridiculous and it's going to completely screw a lot of platforms that have got nothing to do with cyber security. Design platforms like Canva or workflow platforms like Atlassian get trapped by this. Then the ACCC's overreach with Google and Facebook.

So again there are clearly issues with Google and Facebook about privacy access and things but to - this overreach where they need to understand the pricing algorithms for Google. Well when there was an oligopoly in the free-to-air television networks, when - did anyone ask for the pricing algorithms for Channel 9's pricing, no. Why not. So there's this whole sort of - I just have - I think the problem is many people in places of decision-making just don't understand what's going on. Fundamentally at a ministerial level and a senior departmental level, really at their core don't understand what's going on the world which is a little bit tragic.

MCDULING: Yeah. Is there - and maybe political reason - internal politics [unclear] reason?

PETRE: Oh look I think yeah, when Turnbull came out with the innovation statement I think maybe three years ago it was right on the money. He did very good things in terms of ESVCLP, the funding. It set an agenda. The problem was it didn't resonate with the average Australian and so then it was cast aside. The right response would have been, now we need to now work out how to bring the average Australian with us because this is the future. The mistake the government made and mainly because of the nutter right, was to just push that to the side and try and get back to basic politics, which is just the wrong story. You talk to anyone out there who is worried about jobs for their kids, schooling for their kids, there won't be jobs if we don't work out how to create an innovative economy.

MCDULING: There was a political question I was going to ask you. So I mean when - I'm not a political expert and things like that but it looks as though - if the polls are correct, it looks like there will be a change in government next year. Does the ALP make you any more optimistic about this stuff or is it a widespread [unclear]?

PETRE: Time will tell but Bill Shorten did a speech a couple of weeks and he hit on - which is probably one of the major issues of our country which is the spend of R&D as a percentage of GDP. Australia is sitting sort of around the 1.4, 1.5 mark. The innovative countries are sitting at twos and threes and fours. That is a lot - a chunk to do with government pulling back and a large chunk with lazy Australian companies not investing in R&D because they never had to because it was an oligopolistic structure.

So I think the fact that he's put that on the front burner, that we need to focus on research and development is a really, really good thing. So if that now translates into policies that support more research and development, more innovation, more skilled immigration, I think it's a good thing. It is diametrically opposed to where we see the current government being focused.

MCDULING: Do you think Australia's punching above its weight in tech or punching under its weight in tech?

PETRE: I think - and you break that up. If you look at research patents as a percentage versus R&D expenditure, so per $100 million worth of research money Australia actually punches above its weight. If you look at the number of patents or papers - sort of proxies for the value of the research - per $100 million Australia does very, very well. We are up as high - we're up with the UK and the US. If you look at commercialisation of research we're on the floor and that's a lot to do with corporations not taking R&D and commercialising it.

I think if you look at [unclear] you can say, well gee Australia's only got X hundred million invested in venture capital, we should be four times that. That's true in an absolute sense but on trend analysis we've gone from our industry raising maybe $150 million in 2014 to $2 billion last year. That's a fantastic trend. So I think we're coming into our own. I don't think we are - I think we're still punching under our weight in terms of our ability to build scaled technology companies but we're on the right trajectory.

The trick now is, don't screw it up. It's on the right trajectory. Companies are growing, they're adding high paid jobs. They're becoming global superstars like the [Canvas] of the world, the SafetyCultures of the world et cetera. Or even local superstars like the Prospers of the world. My theory is that in particular governments will do things that will just blow it up and then we'll go back to the bad old days where there's no money in the industry, no-one wants to invest and we'll have destroyed the future for Australia.

MCDULING: If you look at the US, I think the top five companies by market value are now all tech companies. You look at Australia, it's still probably BHP and the four banks it's something along those lines.

PETRE: Absolutely right. Yeah we're not there yet. There are good signs. I mean obviously Atlassian's on the US - on the NASDAQ but Atlassian's a great example. But also Aconex, although it was a [unclear] Aconex is a great example. Y-Tech's a great example, Canva's a great example. Then I think the good news is, if you go back say three or four years or companies who are valued at $10 million or $20 million or lower and now those companies are valued at $200 million, $300 million, $400 million, $500 million. So they're under the radar of most of the media and reporting but they are the next wave.

So I think the next two years we'll see a lot more companies - a lot more being valued at north of $500 million to north of $1 billion. That's - can you not - the Commonwealth Bank side, you're [starting to] build this super structure of companies that will grow. The issue will be that we just say - focus on, they are the more interesting companies because they are the ones hiring. If you look at the ASX top twenty, not a lot of those guys are actually doing their hiring.

So [they might] - and this - there is this discrepancy between valuation of company and labour engagement. Whereas the start-ups if you will have got valuation creation or value creation I should say and employee engagement which is where we want to end up.

MCDULING: If there was one thing the government could do to sort of fix these issues that you've been talking about, what would it be?

PETRE: Can I have two? One would be immigration. The world is starved of people like data scientists. I mean there's many categories. We'll pick one, data science. The US courtesy of Donald Trump has made the United States a place where dark skinned data scientists probably feel a bit uneasy to go there. That's where you can see this sort of issue the US has got at attracting talent now where it's always had a great talent. So this is a time we could be attracting some of the best data scientists in the world to help us grow Australian companies, hire more people, [create a cross] - a lot of leverage. So for us to have turned that tap off and been anti skilled immigration is foolish. Is at the extreme foolish. I would do that.

The other thing is we need to remember that the start-ups are the future of the country. They're people who have fundamentally taken 50 percent or 70 per cent reduction in salaries. They're doing something very risky. They're borrowing money initially from friends and family. We should be helping them grow, not trying to kill them off as seems to be the case with some of the R&D refund approaches.

MCDULING: So not the encryption legislation? Would…

PETRE: No I mean the encryption - my - well there's - [unclear]. Yeah I think encryption legislation is a disaster. My theory is, no-one will touch it prior to election because no-one wants to be seen to be soft on security, right. It's like the - if you talk about more police you're going to get more votes. But the reality is it's terrible. It's so far reaching it's going to be incredibly damaging. I guess my belief is, post the election whoever's in government going to fix it because they're going to realise this is a disaster. We need to pull it back from its over reach to focus on the messaging platforms which are the ones that - I mean if you think about it, the issue was, the terrorists are using encrypted messaging systems to talk to each other.

Yes, we should have a way to understand that. How does that translate to a company that's got design tools. How does that translate to a company that does workflow management. I mean it's ludicrous. So I just think no-one's going to touch that because it's politically sensitive prior to election. You know soft on - anyone says, well we're going to change it, oh you're soft on security. Post the election hopefully sanity will prevail and they'll fix it and make it appropriate, fit for purpose as opposed to this ridiculous overreach.

MCDULING: I think the last question probably. I think we've gone on pretty well. But you've worked with some pretty amazing founders in your career. That's what you do every day. You're a founder yourself. I was just wondering, is there a single quality that the great founders have? Or one that you would highlight as the one that founders should aspire to have?

PETRE: Yeah people always say passion, that's it you've got to have passion. I don't subscribe to that. I subscribe to a mixture of high intellect, immense curiosity and be incredibly self-aware. If you get those things right, then you're applying high intellect to a problem but you're being really self-aware about how you're solving that problem and how good are you at that and what are other people doing and how do you make that better. That mix I think is the perfect mix for being a great founder.

MCDULING: Cool. Thanks very much.

PETRE: Thanks John.

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