This was published 4 years ago
Office landlords confident of market turnaround
Office and industrial landlords have survived the COVID-19 pandemic and are looking to thrive as people return to workplaces, albeit under more flexible working arrangements that they split between home and the office.
Outgoing Stockland chief executive Mark Steinert said on Thursday at the group’s interim results there were signs of a turnaround in the office sector, with new leasing deals signed at “solid rents”.
Mr Steinert, who retires from Stockland after seven years at the helm, said the pandemic had given rise to a structural shift in office design but that shared workplaces would continue to be relevant.
An artist’s impression of Stockland’s proposed development at 110-122 Walker Street, North Sydney.Credit:
“Stockland has a home-and-hub scenario, where most staff work three to four days in the office and one or two at home,” he said.
“I expect the CBD to be down about 10-15 per cent in people, with more offices being opened in the suburbs; for us it’s in North Sydney and Macquarie Park to be closer to staff homes.”
Lease demand for premium buildings remained strong, Mr Steinert said, and companies were in need of more space to observe new social distancing and COVID-19 requirements, both now and into the future.
Stockland has a $2.6 billion development program for its Piccadilly property in Sydney’s CBD and a planned site at 110-122 Walker Street, North Sydney, which will be a workplace of the future.
In Melbourne, Growthpoint said a portfolio mix of city and suburban assets had underpinned its profit result as people opted to work from offices closer to home.
For the six months to the end of December, Growthpoint Properties posted a statutory profit after tax of $205.8 million, up from $202 million in the previous (pre-pandemic) corresponding half.
Growthpoint chief executive Tim Collyer said while the pandemic continued to have a profound impact on individuals and businesses around the world, “the direct impact on our business to date has been relatively immaterial”.
“The pandemic has highlighted the resilient nature of our property portfolio and strong tenant base,” he said. “Since the group’s inception, we have focused on constructing a portfolio of high-quality metropolitan office and industrial properties – with long leases – to predominantly large organisations and government tenants.”
Mr Collyer said the group’s industrial sector continued to outperform in the first half.
“Rapid growth in e-commerce, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, led to increased demand for warehousing and logistics space,” he said.
“Tenants are particularly focused on securing new or modern assets. Institutional and private investors’ appetite for prime assets continued to grow during the period as investors looked to reweigh from other real estate sectors or increase exposure to the industrial sector. As a result, further yield compression was observed.”
Growthpoint has initiated an onmarket securities buyback as part of its capital management strategy. It will be for 2.5 per cent of the securities issued and will involve purchasing securities only when this is accretive to the net tangible asset value and funds from operations.
The interim distribution was set at 10¢ a security, 15.3 per cent lower than the previous period, reflecting the group’s decision to maintain a more conservative payout ratio going forward. This was to be paid on February 26. The full-year funds from operation guidance is 25.2-25.5¢, and the distribution guidance of 20¢ was reaffirmed.