

This was published 4 years ago

Lunch with Virgin Australia chief executive Paul Scurrah

By Kylar Loussikian

For a man under the most intense scrutiny of his three-decade career, Paul Scurrah looks an island of serenity waiting for me at Cafe Sydney, the Circular Quay institution where we will lunch.

Since his appointment as chief executive at Virgin Australia almost a year ago, Scurrah has begun a cost-cutting exercise, shuttered regional routes, faced the near-collapse of an important code-share partner and stared down speculation low-cost carrier Tiger Airways would be forced to close.

Still, it’s a walk in the park compared to the collapse of Ansett Australia in 2011 that resulted in the loss of 16,000 direct jobs and with tens of thousands of additional workers also affected.

Scurrah was a senior manager at the time. He remembers it as “quite bruising”.

“There’s nothing that teaches you like a deep experience like that, but it teaches you a lot of what not to do and not so much of what you should do,” he says. “There wasn’t enough of a focus on profitability and there was some level of disregard for the fact that we had competition coming in.

Virgin Australia chief executive Paul Scurrah.

Virgin Australia chief executive Paul Scurrah.Credit: Louie Douvis

“Virgin Blue and Impulse came in and Qantas had the power of the corporate market, which they were taking off Ansett because they offered both international and domestic flights.

“The highest margin business was moving away and the leisure business, which is very cost conscious, was moving off to Impulse and Virgin because the cost base of Ansett wouldn’t allow them to drop their fares. It was just an accelerated death.”

Cafe Sydney is, as is typical, bustling. As our entrees arrive — Scurrah has opted for a twice-cooked goat cheese souffle with broad beans and a glass of South Gippsland pinot — he recounts the day that the Civil Aviation Safety Authority ordered the grounding of Ansett’s fleet of Boeing 767s, a month before the airline collapsed.

“It was Easter, which is the busiest travel time and that just heightened the attention on us and highlighted the fact our fleet was ageing and that Virgin and Impulse had newer planes. I don’t think we really ever recovered from that,” he says.


Some days later, someone I’d met through that bid rang me up and asked if I wanted to buy a couple of airlines.

Still, Scurrah managed to navigate Ansett’s collapse with some deft. He was promoted to oversee sales while the company was in administration and helped Anstaff, one of the three parties interested in taking over the airline, prepare its bid (which collapsed after an investor pulled out).

“Some days later, someone I’d met through that bid, a guy called Michael Jones, rang me up and asked if I wanted to buy a couple of airlines,” Scurrah says. “I asked him if he’d been smoking something but it turned out he was referring to a couple of the jewels inside the Ansett crown – [regional carriers] Hazelton and Kendell.”

Together they raised the money and merged the two airlines, creating Regional Express.

Scurrah began his professional life not in airlines but in football.

Brought up as one of three children in the Melbourne suburb of Chadstone, Scurrah was a junior for the Richmond Football Club until an injury forced him off the field (although he played for some time after with the Wangaratta Rovers and the Casey Demons in lower-level competitions).

A job as a teller in a suburban bank branch – where part of the job was handing out travel brochures – was what propelled Scurrah to work in travel.

“I grew up in a family that didn’t really have the means to travel much at all, so we’d get excited if we could go to Mansfield and stay in my uncle’s caravan so travel seemed a little bit out of reach for me, so it became an aspirational thing,” he says.

“And I heard if you were in travel, it was cheap travel, and that was a way to get involved.”

After Ansett, there was a stint at Flight Centre, then a lengthy tenure at Queensland Rail, something which Scurrah describes as a “right hand turn”. He had met Lance Hockeridge, then chief executive of the government-run operation, when Hockeridge was a BHP executive and Scurrah was managing corporate travel accounts for American Express.

“Lance had recalled our meeting and recalled my airline background and thought someone was needed to give Queensland Rail’s passenger business an airline-type focus,” Scurrah says.

Roasted pork belly, cider sausage, bacon, peach macadamia cream, Pedro Ximenez, muscatel at Cafe Sydney.

Roasted pork belly, cider sausage, bacon, peach macadamia cream, Pedro Ximenez, muscatel at Cafe Sydney.Credit: Louie Douvis

“Having airline experience and going into railways was actually very useful because when you think about it it’s about moving people from an origin to a destination.

“It’s technically complex operating equipment that’s high capital intensive and there’s an element of ebb and flow of demand … so scheduling and operational precision is very important, across airlines and railways, stevedores, even across hotels.

“At the end of the day they sell a very perishable good which is either an airline seat or a train seat or a slot at a wharf. Once it’s gone it’s gone.”

Eventually, Scurrah ended up as chief executive of DP World Australia, one of the country’s largest freight facility operators with terminals in Brisbane, Fremantle, Melbourne and Botany Bay.

He glances at his watch, well aware that he has one hour set aside for lunch before heading to his next engagement — Scurrah’s first year at Virgin has been an eventful one.

The twice cooked goat cheese souffle, with snow pea cream, broad beans, peas, lemon and parmesan at Cafe Sydney.

The twice cooked goat cheese souffle, with snow pea cream, broad beans, peas, lemon and parmesan at Cafe Sydney.Credit: Louie Douvis

Despite the relatively small size of Virgin, compared to some of the other corporate heavyweights listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, airlines are never far from the headlines.

The departure of his predecessor, John Borgetti, was preceded by a public spat between the then Virgin chief and his Qantas rival Alan Joyce, who criticised the company’s profitability.

Scurrah’s arrival sparked a management restructure, resulting in the departure of second-in-command Rob Sharp. And there has been constant speculation one or more of the airline’s four major shareholders — Chinese conglomerates Nanshan and HNA Group, Singapore Airlines and Etihad Airways — want to sell their stake.

I heard if you were in travel, it was cheap travel, and that was a way to get involved.

Not so, Scurrah says as lunch arrives. He’s having roasted pork belly with a cider sausage, while it’s a King George whiting with vongole for me.

“I think the thing that’s been a pleasant surprise to me is how united they’ve been as a board,” Scurrah says of his major shareholders, who own 80 per cent of the company.

“There was some belief coming in that they were not as united as they are or that they wanted to get out, but I haven’t seen any evidence of that.

“And from a shareholder point of view, each one of them has opened up their doors and said ‘we’d like to help you leverage what we’ve invested’ and that’s created opportunities for us.”

Scurrah is also reluctant to wade into a war of words with Joyce. “My view is that I’m going to keep an eye on our business and work for what’s right for us,” he says.

“Of course watching our competitor is an aspect of that but I’ve got to take actions and make decisions that actually help us become more profitable.

“I think John [Borgetti] made the right decision to make sure that Virgin and the Virgin Australia group became an airline for everyone and has a product that can compete in all different aspects of the market and that’s left a really good opportunity for me to take it forward as a good business.

What will — and has changed — is the number of routes Virgin flies. Flights from Melbourne to Hong Kong ended last week while those from Sydney will stop next month. A number of domestic routes are also coming to an end.

“There’s a part that is just being a little more brutal about routes that aren’t performing and that talks to regional, domestic, international, the entire business across Virgin and Tiger,” Scurrah says.

"That’s just raising the bar on the focus on profitability and not persisting with underperforming routes for too long. We certainly have a very strong domestic business and we intend to make that more profitable, increase the margins and capitalise on the strength we have in that market.

“And Tiger will play a part in that for sure.”

That’s in response to predictions from L1 Capital, an investor in rival Qantas, that Virgin will end up closing Tiger Airways, which the company took complete ownership of in 2015.

The bill.

The bill.Credit: Louie Douvis

“There isn’t the need, despite what some commentators say, to make wholesale closures of our business or major redirections of our business,” Scurrah says.

“It’s really about putting the right product in the right market and applying some very strict criteria about why we are in that market and the profit goals we have in that market, so you’ll see us become very responsible for our shareholders on capacity management and making sure we don’t try to be all things to all people in terms of flying everywhere.”

On other fronts, Virgin is expanding. In March, it will begin its first flights to Tokyo after winning a rare free slot at Haneda Airport which was coveted by Qantas last year with the support of Tourism Australia and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

“What really pushed it is the love affair between Queensland and Japan which is reigniting and what’s changed over the years is that there’s a much better balance between inbound and outbound ... Japan has emerged in the last five to 10 years as a huge growth market outbound for Australia because skiing is becoming more and more popular with Australians,” Scurrah says.

“So we know that’s going to be a very, very good route for us.”


The allocated lunch hour is almost over. What has been the biggest surprise coming back to aviation 20 years after finishing at Ansett?

“I think the emotion that comes through a lot of our customer engagement: a lot of very, very happy customers and if something goes wrong, there’s also a heightened emotion,” Scurrah says.

“We’re in an industry where things are magnified because of what we do and the important part we play in connecting people to their business meetings or to their holidays ... so people may see something quite minor as something more important than it really is in the big picture.”

Of note, he has some “sympathy” with Qantas over a November incident where American rapper alleged one of the airline’s flight attendants was racist after claiming she was “overly aggressive” in asking him to remove noise-cancelling earphones during an in-flight announcement.

“There is a role to play for flight attendants, it’s a safety role and it’s important people recognise that with airlines ... so I think it was a bit over the top,” he says.

And with that, and a few further musings on travel (easier now his daughters are older), his favourite hobbies (skiing in Whistler is at the top of the list) and his other interests (he is on the board of the Gold Coast Suns AFL team), Scurrah’s time is up. It’s been a busy first year.

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