

This was published 7 months ago

Energy suppliers see demand for gas imports in race to avert shortfall

By Nick Toscano

Fresh warnings of gas shortfalls emerging in Victoria and NSW are lifting expectations that utilities will strike deals with shipping terminals vying to import super-chilled liquefied gas to Australia for the first time.

While Australia is one of the world’s biggest gas exporters, supplying vast quantities of the fossil fuel from Queensland and Western Australia to buyers in Asia, rapid declines in production from Bass Strait gas fields have renewed warnings that Victoria, NSW, South Australia and Tasmania are at risk of domestic shortages on days of extreme winter demand by 2025 without more supply.

The construction of Andrew Forrest’s Port Kembla LNG import venture is 90 per cent complete.

The construction of Andrew Forrest’s Port Kembla LNG import venture is 90 per cent complete.

By 2028, the Australian Energy Market Operator says, the entire east coast gas market will be in deficit unless action is taken to develop new production fields in the south, upgrade pipeline infrastructure or build terminals capable of importing liquefied natural gas – gas that’s cooled to minus 160 degrees and turned into liquid to be transported on special ships.

Squadron Energy, part of the billionaire Forrest family’s Tattarang Group, is building what could become Australia’s first terminal capable of receiving LNG from Queensland or overseas, and turn it back into vapour to be supplied to homes and businesses.

Squadron chief executive Rob Wheals said on Thursday construction of the terminal at Port Kembla near Wollongong was now “more than 90 per cent complete”.


“We are ready for the winter 2026 market, and we could, if needed, be ready for 2025,” Wheals said.

However, Squadron – like other developers of proposed LNG import facilities in Australia’s south-east – have been so far unable to strike the long-term offtake agreements with power and gas suppliers that they would need to underpin the launch of their terminals.

Wheals said talks with potential customers in the power and gas sector were continuing.


“There has been some good positive engagement from customers because they are looking at their gas books 18 to 24 months out,” he said. “Customers need a solution.”

In Victoria, ASX-listed fuel supplier Viva is proposing to begin importing LNG shipments at the site of its Geelong oil refinery. The project was initially planned to bring first gas by the winter of 2024, but a final investment decision on the project has since been delayed amid a drawn-out environmental approvals process and requests from the state government for additional information on its potential local impacts.

Viva’s chief business development officer, Lachlan Pfeiffer, said the project’s ability to deliver substantial gas volumes into Victoria was seen as increasingly important amid ongoing warnings of shortfalls.

“The structural gas decline from 2028 needs to be filled one way or another, so the rubber is hitting the road,” Pfeiffer said.

The Geelong project has met strong resistance from environmentalists and some community members, who argue it is too close to residential areas and schools, and fear it will set back Australia’s climate ambitions by entrenching the use of harmful fossil fuels.


Viva believes it can clear environmental hurdles when the project is put out again for public consultation later this year. If successful, Pfeiffer said, Viva could sign off on plans to start building the terminal in time to deliver first gas imports by the winter of 2027 or 2028.

While government policies to ban gas hook-ups in new residential buildings and encourage people to switch gas appliances to electric alternatives are successfully driving down long-term gas demand forecasts, the Australian Energy Market Operator warns the declines are not happening fast enough to avert a shortfall.

Conservation groups insist AEMO’s forecasts leave ample time for governments to make progress in the push to subdue demand through expanding electrification, but warn greater urgency is needed.

“The findings of the latest gas statement of opportunity report point to the risks from not moving quickly enough to get Victorians off polluting methane gas and making a fast and equitable shift to clean renewable electricity,” said Environment Victoria’s Joy Toose.

Although LNG imports into south-eastern Australia could have a sizable impact in reducing the risk of shortfalls, Royal Bank of Canada energy analyst Gordon Ramsay said on Thursday it was proving difficult to get projects “off the ground”.

“After a series of delays, the Squadron Energy Port Kembla LNG import terminal project is currently under development but in our view, the economics appear questionable, as it currently lacks customers,” Ramsay said.

Perth-based energy giant Woodside has agreed to supply LNG from WA to Victoria if Viva Energy’s Geelong terminal proceeds. However, Ramsay noted the project was being held back by the Victorian government’s environmental review and was yet to sign up customers.

Another project, Venice Energy’s proposed LNG terminal in South Australia, also “appears to have stalled”, he added, after Origin Energy elected not to proceed with a non-binding gas supply agreement.

Industry representatives for the nation’s biggest gas producers on Thursday questioned how many more warnings it would take for governments to act to “enable the urgent development of gas supplies”.

”The warning bells are getting louder as report after report forecasts gas shortfalls and exposes the urgent need for new east coast gas supply,” said Australian Energy Producers chief executive Samantha McCulloch.

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