

This was published 9 years ago

China's most wanted fugitives in Australia

By Philip Wen and Brendan Foster

The sprawling display-style homes of Atwell, a melting pot of fly-in, fly-out mine workers, young families and a growing Asian community on the southern fringes of Perth, is the epitome of blissfully bland suburbia.

Yet here is where one of China's most-wanted "corrupt officials" resides, his name, photograph and personal details plastered on a Communist Party list of 100 alleged criminals who have absconded overseas – 10 of whom are believed to be hiding in Australia.

Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Chinese President Xi Jinping.Credit: Reuters

Neighbours describe Hu Yuxing as a quiet family man, frequently spotted going for evening walks with his wife and young grandchildren.

But when a Fairfax Media reporter approached Hu at his home and identified himself as a journalist, the 59-year-old stopped unloading cardboard boxes from his white Mercedes and erupted with the ferocity of a man on edge.

Despite protests that he was there merely to ask questions and hear his account, the bespectacled Hu rained flurries of blows on our correspondent.

"It's the Chinese government [to blame]," his wife screamed, urging the reporter to leave them alone. They were Australian citizens and had done nothing wrong, she said.

Hu was left on his driveway, chest heaving and swaying with rage as our reporter retreated with a bloodied lip, sore neck, and a smashed camera wrestled out of his grip and flung onto the front lawn.

Back in Hu's old stomping ground of Taiyuan​, the capital city of the northern coalmining hub of Shanxi​ province, the government-controlled state media breathlessly catalogue Hu's alleged crimes.

As the head of Taiyuan's housing reform office, Hu, who turns 60 this month, was depicted as overseeing billions of yuan in funds earmarked for the city's social housing developments.


But a 2002 audit uncovered hundreds of millions in unauthorised loans and investments, as well as sweetheart deals to Hu's favoured property developers – including one owned by his younger brother.

All told, Hu is accused of being responsible for amassing more than 350 million yuan ($71.7 million) in bad debts.

"With the funds in hand, Hu became one who could 'command the wind and rain' with his extensive connections," said one report in the Taiyuan Daily, denouncing Hu as "vermin".

"With Hu fleeing overseas, the people have been deeply hurt by the great and irreplaceable financial loss of housing funds."

After the red mist subsided, Hu was subsequently reached by telephone at his home in Atwell but declined to elaborate beyond protesting his innocence.

"I don't care about anyone else. Out of the 100 people, 99 of them are related to bribery and corruption, but on my [charge] they say I've abused power," he said. "This shows that the conflict with the Chinese government is different. I can very responsibly, 100 per cent tell you that I have been wronged."


The rot of corruption institutionalised within the Communist Party, and the groundswell of public discontent it engenders, is seen by President Xi Jinping​ and his close supporters as the central threat to its legitimacy, and the long-term survival of one-party rule.

Since being elevated to the top job two years ago, Xi has embarked on an anti-corruption crusade of unprecedented intensity and reach, with the dual objective of purging political rivals and consolidating his personal authority.

It is against this backdrop of political life-and-death that Xi's war on corruption has gone global, and assumed prominence in China's foreign policy agenda.

Having already signalled its intent to seek greater international police and government cooperation to track down economic fugitives that have absconded overseas, China's anti-corruption authority, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, last month published a most-wanted list of 100 corrupt officials who are scattered across the globe.

The online dossier came complete with photographs, dates of birth, personal identification document numbers as well as accompanying Interpol notices with their alleged crimes and dates they fled China.

As well as the 10 believed to have fled to Australia, the list named 40 suspected to be hiding in the United States, 26 in Canada, and 11 in New Zealand.

The list is the latest push from Chinese authorities, who last year launched "Operation Fox Hunt" to root out its so-called "foxes" hiding overseas. At the start of this year, the hunt was widened by the equally vividly-named "Sky Net" operation, which co-opts the powers of the police and prosecutors together with the central bank and the party's secretive Organisation Department, giving investigators greater scope to investigate illicit money flows and the misuse of passports.

The release of the list has been interpreted by some as designed to increase pressure on western governments like Australia, Canada and the United States to do more to help China. These Western countries, have so far been wary of the explicitly politicised nature of the fugitive hunt and more broadly of China's government-controlled judiciary.

While there is acknowledgement from Western diplomats in Beijing that the topic is likely to continue being raised as a priority by China at high-level meetings, they argue their Chinese counterparts are cognisant that any assistance would have to be consistent with existing international protocols, and crucially, in accordance with the laws of the relevant countries.

"Both countries have made it clear that neither country wants to be a haven for ill-gotten gains or proceeds of corruption," an American embassy official in Beijing told Fairfax Media.

"[But] we're not going to not uphold US legal standards just because someone anywhere comes to us and says you need to hand this person over; it's just not how it works. It's the same message we give to everybody but we've been giving it a lot to them [China]."

Australian officials have remained tight-lipped over the extent to which Chinese authorities have formally requested assistance, and the Australian response. But they are also quick to point out that any law enforcement cooperation would be consistent with international obligations and respective laws.

There is also the view that the campaign is ultimately targeting a distinctly domestic audience, aimed at showing progress in China's efforts to tackle corruption, while deterring any officials contemplating fleeing.

Most importantly, the public naming of the fugitives is designed to pressure those on the list into handing themselves in.

A spokesperson from the Attorney-General's Department said last month that Australia and China have "a productive law enforcement relationship, including in the areas of mutual assistance in criminal matters and police-to-police assistance", but that "as a matter of longstanding practice, the Australian government does not comment publicly on specific law enforcement co-operation".

The mutual assistance treaty for criminal matters between the two countries allows for information sharing and for Chinese police to request for suspect assets to be restrained and seized – but only if the quality of evidence is deemed adequate by Australian legal standards.

This is seen by the Chinese as a more efficient route to make it harder for its fugitives to remain in Australia, with a lack of a ratified extradition treaty between the two countries making repatriation difficult, though not impossible.

As well as Hu Yuxing, Fairfax Media has confirmed at least four others on the list have had documented links to companies or properties in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide.

Guo Liaowu, 49, sat on the board of South Australia-based iron ore developer Centrex Metals as a representative for major Chinese shareholder Wuhan Iron and Steel for less than a year, before leaving the company abruptly in late 2010.

Former colleagues suggested to Fairfax Media that the mining executive, apparently motivated by a desire to remain in Australia, disappeared after his Chinese bosses attempted to recall him home.

Yao Geng, a former Shanghai-based executive at Minmetals​, is accused of fleeing China in 1998 after embezzling more than 20 million yuan. He was listed as a director of Cafe Bondi (Aust) Group as recently as April 2013.

Tang Dongmei, an accountant from Fujian province charged with corruption and one of three women among the fugitives believed to be in Australia, is believed to reside in the affluent Melbourne suburb of Kew.

Also in Melbourne's inner-east is Zhou Shiqin, a 63-year-old former railway authority employee wanted for embezzlement, who left China for Australia in 2007.

The trouble for Chinese investigators has often not so much been locating its wanted fugitives in Australia, but finding a way to bring them back.

In several cases confirmed by Fairfax Media, Chinese police have been in constant communication with their alleged suspects through telephone conversations or via relatives still on the mainland, hoping to convince them to return voluntarily.

In a sign of the pressure on local authorities to deliver prized scalps amid the fervour of Xi's nationwide anti-corruption campaign, two Chinese policemen travelled without Australian authorisation to Melbourne to try and convince one of their suspects, Dong Feng – now a tour bus driver in Glen Waverley – to return to China, prompting a furious response from Canberra.

Zhou declined to be interviewed when reached by Fairfax Media, but a close family member said she too had been wronged and that they had been in contact with Chinese police for "a long time" to try and clear her name. But Chinese police, the relative said, were only interested in getting her to return to China.

"We have evidence at hand, they just don't want to consider it," the family member said. "They just want to carry out a political campaign – they're not really trying to use legal processes to resolve things."

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