

This was published 8 years ago

Budget 2016: Labor's budget attack dulled by Scott Morrison's clever super changes

Labor says the Budget is for millionaires, but its not that simple.

By Malcolm Maiden

The response that best suggests how hard it will be for Labor to attack Scott Morrison's budget in the election campaign comes from what some may consider an unexpected place.

Industry Super Australia (ISA) is a think-tank and policy lobby organisation for 15 industry funds, including Australian Super, which has more than $US91 billion in assets and more than 2 million members, and Cbus, the construction and building industry fund that has more than $31 billion in assets, and more than 726,000 members.

Combined, the 15 industry funds oversee assets of almost a quarter of a trillion dollars on behalf of 5 million people, and the budget response from ISA is headlined: "Rebalancing of super tax concessions a sensible step in the right direction for 3 million lower income earners."

ISA is right, and that is a problem for Labor, which has come out of the traps arguing that the budget "favours the millionaires over the battlers", in Bill Shorten's words.

Illustration John Shakespeare

Illustration John Shakespeare

The government favours millionaires because it will terminate the 2 per cent budget repair tax levy on high income earners after three years in July next year as planned, Shorten argues. Labor intends to retain it. "We will ensure that the high-income budget deficit levy stays to make sure our tax system is fair," opposition treasury spokesman Chris Bowen said on Wednesday.

Those earning less than $80,000 also don't get a tax cut in the budget, as Labor is also pointing out. Instead, the government has widened the 32.5 per cent tax band that kicks in at $37,000 by $7000, to $87,000.

ISA is on the money, however, to point out this budget's super changes largely go the other way, and that they are important.

Morrison didn't balance the budget, but he outlined a path to it that is marketable, balanced cuts and concessions and, in the super sector, delivered an overdue rebalancing of the tax treatment of both contributions and post-retirement drawdowns, in favour of lower income savers, and against the rich.


In its budget commentary, ISA did say that lower income workers deserved more generous tax breaks. But it also praised the decision to extend a $500 a year top-up super payment for about 3 million low-income workers. The top-up payment compensates people who would otherwise pay more tax on contributions than they do on their take-home pay, and was scheduled to be abolished on June 30 next year.

ISA said it also supported decisions to cap the amount of super than can be transferred into tax-free retirement accounts at $1.6 million per person, as well as the easing of restrictions on personal tax deductions for super contributions up to $25,000 a year for people aged between 65 and 74 years as older people are encouraged to work and save for longer. More was needed, but the budget provided "some relief to Australians struggling to build a decent retirement income", it said.

A decision to allow super savers to "bank" gaps between their concessional contributions and the annual $25,000 ceiling and use them later to make "catch-up" payments is another part of the budget's super system rebalancing effort, as are changes that it make it easier for the self employed to build super balances.

KPMG says the budget package will "improve the equity outcomes from the distribution of tax concessions", and says the retention of tax concessions for contributions by low-income earners and the "catch-up" initiative are particularly welcome.

The government has also recommitted to describe in legislation the superannuation system's purpose: to generate retirement income that either substitutes or supplements the age pension. The description was recommended by the Financial System Inquiry, and is what Paul Keating intended when he created the national scheme.

In a sense, this commitment seeds the changes. The focus of superannuation policy needs to expand from the accumulation phase to include the retirement phase as baby boomers quit: and if the legislatively defined aim is to supplement or replace the age pension, it is reasonable to ask if those who have balances well in excess of the age pension should continue to get tax breaks.

"From a tax perspective, defining the objective has a clear consequence, being that policy settings that were more consistent with wealth accumulation or estate planning in a concessionally taxed environment are no longer justifiable," KPMG says.

The super changes in the budget are consistent with that analysis.

They take from the rich. They don't give what they take to those who are less well off. People will still need to find money to invest in super to take advantage of the changes and, on low incomes, that is never easy. They do improve the chances of people on lower incomes saving enough super to match or beat the pension, however, and the government can argue that the expansion of the lower tax regime for smaller companies does the same, in part.

They are part of the budget package – part of what Morrison calls the "plan" – and they make the budget much harder for Labor to attack as a millionaire's giveaway.

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