

This was published 8 years ago

A small win for BHP on Samarco, but settlement is a very long road

Court ratification of BHP's original Samarco iron ore dam disaster settlement is a plus for the group, but it is not out of the woods.

By Malcolm Maiden

BHP cleared another hurdle on Friday when it announced that a $US2.3 billion ($3.1 billion) Samarco iron ore mine dam disaster compensation agreement with Brazil's Attorney-General, two Brazilian states including Samarco's home state, and other Brazilian authorities had been ratified by Brazil's Federal Court of appeal in the national capital, Brasilia.

But there's a long way to go before the Australian group and its joint venture partner at Samarco, Brazil's Vale group, put the disaster behind them and know how much it finally costs.

A separate claim launched at the beginning of this week by Brazilian federal prosecutors seeks a whopping $US43 billion from Samarco and its joint venture owners as social, environmental and economic compensation. BHP had unsuccessfully attempted to get the prosecutors to join the March agreement. The Brazilian government and the two states that signed the March deal are also named in the action.

It is possible that the size of any settlement of the new case could be affected by the Brazilian court's decision to effectively set the wheels of the original compensation scheme in motion.

Wasteland: The Samarco dam burst unleashed huge quantities of mud and waste that destroyed a nearby village.

Wasteland: The Samarco dam burst unleashed huge quantities of mud and waste that destroyed a nearby village.Credit: AP

What court ratification of the original deal will not do however is terminate, derail or defuse the new action. The prosecutors who launched the new case are able to run it free of direction or disruption from the governments that signed the compensation deal last March.

Brazil has a European-style civil law system that features black letter law and courts that apply rather than reshape it with their decisions, and the Federal Public Prosecution Service sits at the top of a 5000-strong army of federal, regional and state civil servants whose job is to launch legal actions on the behalf of the Brazilian people.

It is nominally part of the office of the Brazilian Attorney-General who signed the March agreement, but in reality it operates separately to the government, and is able – as it has in this case – to sue it. Its independence is guaranteed by the seventh and current Brazilian constitution, which was drawn up in 1988 after democracy was restored in Brazil in 1985, ending two decades of military dictatorship.

Brazilian prosecutors can launch both criminal and civil actions against individuals, companies and government at all levels, and have a very broad remit, to defend among other things the interests of minorities, consumers, and rights and interests of Brazilian society at large.

Greenpeace and Get Up activists protest outside the international Annual General Meeting of BHP Billiton in Perth.

Greenpeace and Get Up activists protest outside the international Annual General Meeting of BHP Billiton in Perth.Credit: Philip Gostelow

They are a key player right now for example in inquiries into allegations of fraud and bribery involving the state-owned petroleum group, Petrobras, and have taken action in that case that has both fuelled the push to impeach unseat against the current Brazilian President, Dilma Rousseff, and undermined it – most recently for example when the man who has led the push against Rousseff, Eduardo Cunha, was suspended from duty as speaker of the lower house of Brazil's parliament after prosecutors alleged he had received as much as $US40 million in bribes, money sourced ultimately from Petrobras.

The public prosecutors are sometimes referred to as the fourth power in Brazil: the first three are the executive, or Presidency, the legislature, and the courts.

They have attained that stature over decades because of entrenched, well-founded distrust of the way Brazil is governed.

The prosecutors are not immune from the mood. The guarantee of independence that the new democratic constitution delivered in 1988 gives them real power in the legal system, however, and the office is seen as a crucial step for lawyers with ambition to rise to the best law firms, the courts, and key political and public service positions.

It is the nature of their position as outsiders in the political system however that they operate initially a bit like class action lawyers do here. The claims they make at the outset are often much higher than the settlements they agree to at a later date – in part to get attention, and early traction.

in 2011, for example, prosecutors launched a $US18 billion claim against America's Chevron Group over an oil well leak off the coast of Rio de Janeiro. They settled in September 2013 for $US135 million.

Is the Chevron case instructive? Well, the amount the prosecutors are claiming in the Samarco case is in part based on comparisons with BP's Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which has cost BP more than $40 billion so far. Even taking into account that the prosecutors can seek general damages on behalf of the Brazilian polity, that looks to be a stretch.

The process in the Chevron case – where a series of reports on the relatively limited damage the oil well leak had caused resulted in estimates of the compensation required being scaled back after the case was launched – could also unfold in the Samarco case now that the Court in Brasilia has given the original remediation and compensation scheme the go-ahead.


Remediation work and compensation payments that has already begun will continue under the umbrella of the agreement, which runs for 15 years. In the process, original estimates of the cost of fixing the damage caused and compensating victims will be tested: and if the original estimates hold up, that information will feed into the new case, making it harder for the prosecutors to argue that a new and bigger payment is required.

Whatever happens, BHP shareholders should assume it will take time. All cases in Brazil do. After Rio de Janeiro's biggest airport was expanded in 1952, for example, its previous owners sued the government. The case is reported to be still running.

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