

This was published 8 years ago

Behind BHP's plan to boost its value by 70 per cent

BHP boss Andrew Mackenzie says he has a plan to boost the company's value by 70 per cent.

By Malcolm Maiden

Four years ago, the-then BHP Billiton chief executive Marius Kloppers told a Bank of America Merrill Lynch conference in Miami that the commodities boom was winding down, and that BHP had to wind its activity down, too.

Prices were falling and "if your financial position forward changes, things are going to be sequenced in a different manner", he said.

Everyone knew what he meant. The world's miners had too much expansion planned, and were paying too much to mine the projects they had already expanded. Costs had to come down, and expansion had to be curtailed.

BHP's share price is almost 40 per cent below where it was then. The ASX 200 Index is 30 per cent higher, and the materials index that contains BHP and its peers is down about 20 per cent.

Careful and incremental low-cost expansion could work for BHP.

Careful and incremental low-cost expansion could work for BHP.Credit: Simon Bosch

BHP needs to gets its share price mojo back: and at the same conference in Miami overnight, Kloppers' successor, Andrew Mackenzie, sketched out the plan.

It's an outgrowth of what has been happening since 2012.

The group will continue to extract productivity gains, adding another $2.2 billion by June next year to savings of $10 billion realised since 2012. It will also continue to push its cash production costs down.

That makes resources in the ground more profitable to develop, and Mackenzie told the Miami conference that a million tonnes of "latent capacity" spread around the world could be brought on, at a bargain cost of $US1.5 billion.


New projects including the Spence copper mine expansion in Chile and the Mad Dog conventional oil field development in the Gulf of Mexico are also on track for approval – the efficiency drive improves their chances, too – and BHP will also step up exploration, with a focus on oil and copper, two of its core commodities.

Mackenzie says that based on last month's commodity prices and exchange rates, the production increases and the efficiency gains that underpin them could boost BHP's net present value (a discounted valuation of expected cash flows) by 70 per cent, with project expansion accounting for half of it.

It will all take several years to execute. BHP's shares rose almost 4 per cent yesterday because the less it costs BHP to mine, the more it can mine profitably. Careful and incremental low-cost expansion could work.

Animal spirits distilled

Reserve Bank boffins from Governor Glenn Stevens down have been saying for years that "animal spirits" have been a missing ingredient as the economy adjusts to the end of the commodities boom.

You might think the fact that companies are sitting on high levels of cash would be evidence of missing animal spirits. Cash that is held back is money that is not invested in growth, and non-mining investment has been weak for years.

The Reserve has just issued a research paper that concludes the opposite, however. Compared with the rest of the world, Australian companies do have high levels of cash, but apparently, it's not a problem.

The Reserve estimates that Australian non-financial listed companies had the second-highest level of cash relative to their assets in the OECD between 1990 and 2014, averaging just over 25 per cent. Separate data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics that covers all Australian companies and weights them for their size puts the overall cash ratio at 13.5 per cent, up from 9.5 per cent in 1990.

In the Reserve's listed company international comparison, only Israeli companies had a higher cash ratio, and then only by about three percentage points. Cash levels in US non-financial companies were just over 20 per cent, putting them third on the list. Companies in Canada, Scandinavia, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, France and Britain had cash levels of between 10 and 20 per cent.

Weighting the results for differences in company size, growth, and earnings volatility didn't radically change the picture. Australia was fifth in the OECD, closely behind Israel, Japan,Ireland, and Switzerland, and still ahead of the US.

Bulging corporate cash balances are a global post-crisis trend. Australian companies are in the vanguard, however and they aren't being pushed by the tax system to hoard, as companies in the US that get taxed on repatriated offshore earnings are.

The Reserve nevertheless concludes that there is not much evidence that corporate cash holdings here are excessive.

Growth opportunities for listed companies have increased, the research paper says. Their cash could therefore be earmarked for subsequent investment. More companies are also being born in industries that tend to have high levels of cash, including information technology, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.

Companies have both precautionary and speculative reasons for building cash, the discussion paper concludes, and "high levels of corporate cash do not necessarily indicate a weak outlook for corporate investment".

Where does that leave the Reserve's "animal spirits" argument? I would say intact, but refined.

Business investment has been a missing link in economic growth. The weakness is worst in Western Australia and Queensland, the states most affected by the resources sector retreat, however. There, animal spirits are low, and company cash buildups may well be precautionary.

In NSW and Victoria however, animal spirits are stronger, and business investment is rising. More of the cash that has been built up in those states' hold may be speculative: investment that is pending.

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