

This was published 5 years ago


US dollar dominance is increasing the risks of an extreme global event

Bank of England governor Mark Carney’s promotion of the concept of a "multi-polar" digital currency to displace the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency captured most of the attention at the Jackson Hole symposium of central bankers over the weekend but his diagnosis of the flaws within the current global financial system was even more compelling.

The notion of a new digital reserve currency based on a basket of multiple digital currencies issued by a range of central banks – crudely, a central bank version of Facebook’s proposed Libra – was his proffered solution to a series of deficiencies he sees within the structure of the global financial system.

Bank of England governor Mark Carney.

Bank of England governor Mark Carney.Credit: AP

Those deficiencies, Carney said, were encouraging and have been exacerbated by protectionist and populist trade policies that reduce the rate of potential global growth, increase its downside skew and bolster the likelihood of an extreme downside event.

The core of the problem is what Carney described as a "growing asymmetry at the heart of the international monetary and financial system" – the huge network effects that have kept the US dollar the dominant global currency even as the US share of global activity has diminished.

The US accounts for only 10 per cent of world trade and 15 per cent of global GDP but a third of countries peg their currency to the dollar, 50 per cent of global trade is invoiced in dollars, two-thirds of global foreign exchange reserves are denominated in dollars and two-thirds of global securities issuance is in dollars.


Carney argues that US dollar hegemony is reducing the shock-absorbing properties of flexible exchange rates and generating significant spillovers into the trade performance and financial conditions even in countries with limited direct exposure to the US economy.

The dollar dominance within the global financial system means it is structurally lowering the global equilibrium rate – the rate at which employment is maximised and inflation is consistent with central bank targets – and creating an increasing risk of a global liquidity trap as global savings rise, cross-border activity shrinks and the risk of "left-hand tail", or extreme negative outcomes, rises.

In a liquidity trap, an overwhelming preference for holding savings as cash in an ultra-low rate environment generates recession and deflation and makes monetary policies impotent.


As Carney said, dollar dominance isn’t much of an issue when there is globally synchronised growth. It does, however, matter when conditions diverge and particularly when the US economy is strengthening and its monetary policy is being tightened while much of the rest of world is struggling.

That divergence exports shocks to other economies and forces them to compromise their monetary and economic sovereignty in order to stabilise capital flows.

It also encourages them to "self-insure" by accumulating US dollar-denominated assets and helping to create a global savings glut that pushes down the global equilibrium rate and makes it difficult for central banks to generate effective stimulus for their economies.

Carney’s prescription for dealing with the issues created by the asymmetric role the US plays in an increasingly multi-polar global economy is to create a new system and a new multi-polar reserve currency that would offer diversification, a larger supply of safe assets and, because of the greater supply, reduced risk premium for those assets.

His virtual "synthetic hegemonic currency" (SHC) would, he said, be best provided by the public sector rather than by privately-owned payments infrastructure like that proposed by Facebook.

"An SHC would dampen the domineering influence of the US dollar on global trade. If the share of trade invoiced in SHC were to rise, shocks in the US would have less potent spillovers through exchange rates and trade would become less synchronised across countries," he said.


Carney didn’t refer to the geopolitical implications of a diminished role for the US dollar in the global system but it would obviously also be reduced, undermining the ability of the US to use the dominance of its currency in financial activity to impose sanctions on other economies and individuals.

It would also have an impact on the US economy. The status of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency enables Americans to live beyond their means, lowering the cost of imports and the cost of borrowings for US governments, semi-governments, companies and individuals even as US budget deficits and federal government debt are soaring.

Carney himself conceded there would be execution challenges in creating a SHC and that "changing the game" within the global system is a longer-term goal, while other central bankers seemed to find the concept of academic interest but improbable.

There was, however, a broader recognition that the US dollar is a problem for central bankers and their economies and that the current alternatives – the International Monetary Fund’s "special drawing rights" underpinned by a small basket of major currencies (an expanded and digital version of which might provide the foundations for Carney’s SHC) or the euro, or the growth in the usage of China’s renminbi – aren’t an adequate solution.

Facebook’s attempt to create its own global digital currency, however, will focus the minds of central bankers and their governments on the potential for commercial players to create their own global payments systems and potential parallel financial systems.

That might ultimately force them to pursue their own, establishment-controlled, version of a Libra. Carney’s speech might, with hindsight, be seen to have been prescient.

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