

This was published 1 year ago


The coming $6 billion bill that is sapping our productivity growth

If you visit an old, country bank branch you might see one of these fading away on the front door.

It’s a sticker, asking people entering the branch to remove their motorcycle helmet.

That sticker was the polite front line in bank security.

We may try to make the world as safe as a bank vault, but the costs of doing so are mounting.

We may try to make the world as safe as a bank vault, but the costs of doing so are mounting.Credit: Phil Carrick

They are a reminder of the days when there were many more bank branches (especially in our towns and suburbs), all of which held a relatively large amount of cash.

After the sticker, security effectively amounted to wide front desks and the big safe where most of the money was kept. The branch manager may have been trained how to use a pistol.

Nowadays, it’s hard to tell the difference between a bank branch and a mobile phone store. But everyone – from governments to the corner shop – is spending far, far more on security to deal with issues far, far more dangerous than a bloke in a motorcycle helmet.

It’s that explosion in security that is contributing to the slowdown in productivity that is afflicting the entire world.

And it’s that slowdown in productivity that threatens to make us, our children and their grandchildren poorer over the coming decades.

Have you noticed how big companies such as Telstra are now advertising their ability to fend off cyberattacks? In its most recent annual report, the Commonwealth Bank noted it had created a feature on its app that enables a customer to determine if a caller claiming to be from the CBA is legitimate.


The Commonwealth understands well the issues around security. It was fined $700 million in 2018 for breaching money-laundering and anti-terrorism financing laws for failing to report tens of thousands of potentially illegal transactions worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Since the September 11 terror attacks there has been an explosion in security-related laws.

At first, they were directed specifically at bomb-carrying terrorists aimed at ending our way of life.

Australia’s federal government, understandably, threw all manner of resources at dealing with the issues raised by September 11. That included legislation.

About a decade after the Howard government first developed terrorism-related laws, I printed out every piece of security-related legislation dealt with by the House of Representatives. At that point, the pile was more than two metres tall. It’s still growing.

Then the world dealt with the global financial crisis when financial regulators discovered to their horror that a bloke in a motorcycle helmet was not nearly as dangerous to the economy as people in suits finding adventurous ways to squeeze profits out of the US property market.

The global financial crisis prompted new waves of regulation that, in Australia’s case, was amplified by the activities uncovered by the banking royal commission, which tabled its report in 2019, that itself led to new laws (some of which are still coming into the parliament).

Beneath all of this has been the revolution in the IT sector that has delivered us great benefits – the reason bank branches are closing is that so many of us are moving money around via a laptop or smartphone.

But that revolution has made it much easier for criminals, non-state actors and governments to target everything from your bank loan to the water treatment system.

That’s required a huge investment in security measures.

Cybersecurity is being promoted as an emerging industry, but the cost of it is weighing on businesses and individuals.

Cybersecurity is being promoted as an emerging industry, but the cost of it is weighing on businesses and individuals.Credit: Getty

The federal government is part-way through a new cybersecurity strategy that would run until 2030. The discussion paper notes that the current “cyber market” is worth around $2.4 billion with revenues likely to reach $6 billion a year by 2026.

That’s $6 billion a year that could be spent on something else.

It’s no coincidence that as all of us – from governments to businesses to the person at home maintaining an Instagram account – spend vast sums of money and time on extra security in all its forms that global productivity growth has slipped.

Productivity growth, the ability to get more out of a set number of inputs, slowed in the wake of the September 11 attacks and has slumped following the global financial crisis.


While productivity itself can seem an abstruse subject, what it means is anything but. Our living standards are based on our ability to do and produce far more than our parents who enjoyed better living standards than their parents because of productivity improvements they oversaw.

Put it this way: a person today in a single hour produces at least seven times more than someone working an hour in 1900. Technical and educational breakthroughs have been the drivers of that productivity surge.

The recent intergenerational report, which itself was based on downgraded outlook for productivity growth in recognition of how it has slowed over the past two decades, noted that if productivity slowed even further then every Australian would be about $10,000 a year worse off in coming decades.

Vested interests and lobby groups are a dime a dozen when it comes to ideas they claim will boost productivity. Be it tax reform to technology to better educated workers, everyone has an idea.


But you never hear people talking about the productivity impost of security-related measures. Yet, the cost of that security, from being held up at the airport by full-body scans to the Norton subscription on your home PC, is there and growing.

As we as a community spend more time and money protecting ourselves from a growing number of risks, there is an enormous economic cost. And we are just accepting that cost as part of our day-to-day lives without a thought to its long-term implications.

Shane Wright is senior economics correspondent.

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