

This was published 8 years ago

Paul Howes: Defining superannuation to shake out industry

By Sally Rose

Plans to enshrine in legislation that the purpose of the superannuation system is to generate "retirement income", as distinct from accumulating savings, is not just legalese but a shift that could shake up the industry and drive some funds out of business.

Last week the Turnbull government launched a discussion paper ahead of plans to have a definition of superannuation written into law for the first time. The move has been welcomed by the retail, industry and self-managed factions of the sector – although debate remains over the exact wording.

KPMG Advisory partner Paul Howes says plans for a new legislative defintion of superannuation could be the biggest shock to the industry since 1992.

KPMG Advisory partner Paul Howes says plans for a new legislative defintion of superannuation could be the biggest shock to the industry since 1992. Credit: Louie Douvis

Assistant Treasurer Kelly O'Dwyer said the government supports the definition recommended by the 2014 financial system inquiry led by former Commonwealth Bank boss David Murray: "To provide income in retirement to substitute or supplement the age pension."

Former union boss and industry superannuation fund director-turned-KPMG partner Paul Howes told Fairfax Media the effect of formalising such a seemingly obvious truth ​should not be underestimated.

"Redefining the objectives of the super system, to change the focus from accumulation to de-accumulation, is set to be a massive shift with a huge impact on how products and services in the market are designed, sold and regulated," Mr Howes said.

"If it is done it could provoke the biggest set of challenges and opportunities to industry since compulsory contributions were introduced in 1992."

Potential driver of consolidation

Formalising "retirement income" as the purpose of super would place an imperative on funds, which have historically managed accumulation accounts, to run more-complex pension account divisions.

The government has already said it will accept another recommendation of the Murray inquiry – to force all funds to offer a "comprehensive income product for retirement" to all retiring members.


Mr Howes, who in his role at KPMG acts as an adviser to super funds, said although some of the larger and more-sophisticated players in the market were well placed to cope with those changes, many smaller funds might struggle to survive.

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority last year flagged that super funds are under increased scrutiny to show they are generating enough economies of scale to deliver value to their members.

Independent research house Chant West forecast this could lead to up to 80 funds with less than $5 billion in assets under management being forced to fold or merge.

"Market-leading funds have already begun dealing with the issue of how to retain members in retirement, but defining super as something that must provide an income in retirement would force the whole industry to shift focus," Mr Howes said.

"There is certainly the potential that the challenge of having to develop and manage more-sophisticated retirement income products could drive consolidation at a number of the smaller APRA-regulated funds."

During his time as head of the Australian Workers Union, Mr Howes was deputy chair of the country's biggest industry fund, AustralianSuper.

Challenge to sole purpose test

A more formal focus on securing retirement income could also challenge the traditional understanding of how super funds meet their prudential obligation to choose investments based solely on what is in their members' best interest.

"In the past certain groups have pushed for super funds to be forced to invest in asset classes considered to be in the national interest, such as domestic infrastructure or venture capital," he said.

Independent Senator Glenn Lazarus posted on Facebook this month that he had asked the head of an industry-funded review into governance in the non-profit super sector, Bernie Fraser, to expand the scope to consider how super funds could increase investment in Australia.

"Quite rightly, that push has always been rejected because it conflicts with the obligation to make investment decisions based solely on what was in the best financial interests of their members," Mr Howes said.

"That's unlikely to change but a more expansive definition of securing retirement incomes could lead to funds considering investments based on a combination of both the financial and strategic interests of their members."

He said aged care, affordable housing, or healthcare facilities were all assets where in the future funds might consider investments according to not just the direct financial return but how these assets might contribute to a more secure and confident retirement for their members.

Funds that have already pledged to invest more in affordable housing include First State Super and HESTA.

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