

This was published 4 years ago


Jolted into the 21st century, AMP faces its cultural awakening

The most significant aspect of AMP’s results in the longer term may not be its numbers, which were as poor as was expected, but the effective admission of the group’s cultural deficiencies.

After its recent controversies – the promotion of an executive, penalised $500,000 after settling a sexual harassment claim, to head its most valuable business and then the unexplained abrupt departure of the head of its Australian wealth management business amid allegations of inappropriate photos - it would appear AMP has a problem with women, or at least the appearance of a problem.

The challenge facing Francesco De Ferrari and his board, however, goes beyond what may or may not be isolated instances of unacceptable behaviour. The general sense from the rumblings within the group is that there is a deeper gender-related problem within the business with a relatively poor representation of women within its leadership, and it relates to the broader and deep-seated culture of the institution.

New CEO Francesco De Ferrari needs to shake up AMP's culture to protect its stability, and arrest its value decline.

New CEO Francesco De Ferrari needs to shake up AMP's culture to protect its stability, and arrest its value decline.Credit: Peter Braig

The issues highlighted by the financial services royal commission – fees for no service, inappropriate advice, charging dead people life insurance premiums, less than forthright communications with its regulator among them – signal broader and more embedded challenges than just the gender issues highlighted more recently.

The notion of AMP as an institution, rather than a company, may actually be the core of the problem.

Founded back in 1849, AMP has always seen itself as an important institution with a special place within the Australian community and has had the cultural complacency, even arrogance, that that self-image generates -- even as its history since its demutualisation in 1997 would suggest, very clearly, that it has had nothing to be complacent or arrogant about.

Finally its board and management, perhaps shocked into action by the ferocity of the internal and external response to the elevation of Boe Pahari to the CEO role at AMP Capital and the sudden departure of AMP Australia CEO Alex Wade, appear have recognised the seriousness and depth of the problems.

20th century culture

With the announcement of its first-half results, AMP announced a number of measures aimed at improving a culture that, while former chairman Catherine Brenner said it had been a major focus during her (quite brief) period in the chair, has clearly malfunctioned and continues to malfunction.


At best, AMP retains a 20th century culture within a 21st century industry. Rio Tinto’s experience after its destruction of the rock shelters at Juukan Gorge underscores not just how damaging to a brand it can be when companies are insensitive to community expectations of their behaviour, but how threatening it can be to their social licences to operate and to their value.

Since the promotion of Pahari and the controversy around it erupted, AMP’s share price has fallen about 25 per cent, although it picked up a little in response to the announcement of the interim result.

De Ferrari’s presentation referred to a "strategic objective" of driving cultural change, focusing on accountability and execution to build a high-performance culture.

'Client-first' mindset

AMP will update its performance management system to include mandatory consideration of risk-management and conduct; impose a "client-first" mindset to "embed purposes and behaviours"; establish a board culture working group and create a taskforce, led by De Ferrari, with “diverse” representation from across the company.

The task should be made easier by the $3 billion sale of the business that created that sense of institution – AMP Life.

The sale, after a complex and protracted process, to Resolution Life of the UK was finally completed earlier this year, distancing the most difficult and challenged element of AMP’s portfolio – and the most anachronistic and capital-consuming business within a 21st century wealth management business – from the group. AMP retains a $500 million investment in the new holding company for the AMP Life business.

With AMP Life gone, De Ferrari will at least have a simpler, less capital-intensive suite of businesses to manage, even though he needs to reinvent the distribution and advice components of his Australasian wealth management operations.

Dramatic simplification

In the near term, in the midst of the pandemic, volatile markets and the continuing net cash outflows that have reflected the brand damage AMP experienced during the royal commission, the dramatic simplification of the group ex-AMP Life isn’t going to produce a sudden rebound in performance as the 42 per cent slump in underlying earnings for the June half showed.

The company is, however profitable – it generated earnings of $149 million in the half-year – and, as a result of the AMP Life sale, has surplus capital.


Even after a board "buffer" above its minimum regulatory capital requirements, it has $1.43 billion of surplus capital. It will return $544 million of that surplus to shareholders via a $344 million special dividend and an on-market share buyback, subject to market conditions, of up to $200 million.

It also plans to buy back the 15 per cent of its key AMP Capital unit owned by Japan’s Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corp at a cost of $460 million.

There will be some shareholders disappointed that the return of capital isn’t greater, but the decision to re-acquire 100 per cent of AMP Capital and provide insurance against an unpredictable and volatile external environment during a period of vital change and execution of its wealth management strategies can be defended.

The impact of the simpler post-AMP Life structure and the new awareness of its cultural deficiencies will become a little clearer by the time of AMP’s full-year results another six months down the track. AMP will need to show progress on all fronts to protect its stability, and its independence.

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