

This was published 4 years ago


In McFarlane, Westpac picks boardroom troubleshooter par excellence

Westpac lucked out in its search for a successor to Lindsay Maxsted as chairman. The right man was in the right place at exactly the right time.

Former ANZ chief executive, Royal Bank of Scotland director, Aviva chairman and Barclays chairman John McFarlane returned to Australia only late last year, planning a quiet retirement from non-executive life. Instead he will be on the Westpac board next month and chairing the board at the start of April.

His presence in the country, the absence of entanglements and a perfect range of experiences for the role, enabled a remarkably quick search for the new chairman and an easy transition in the difficult circumstances the bank is experiencing in the wake of the destabilising AUSTRAC affair.

It will enable the bank to accelerate its search for a new CEO to replace Brian Hartzer who, with Maxsted, was a casualty of the group’s myriad breaches of anti-money-laundering legislation.

Whether that is acting CEO (and former chief financial officer) Peter King or an external appointment will be, as it should be, the call of McFarlane and the remaining board members rather than that of an outgoing chairman.

McFarlane has vast experience as a banker and as a boardroom troubleshooter. He had a lengthy and successful career as a senior banker at Citibank and Standard Chartered even before he was appointed ANZ’s CEO in 1997.

A decade later, when he left ANZ having completely remade the bank and doubled its share price, he went onto a distinguished non-executive career in the UK as a director of RBS, chair of Aviva and later chair of Barclays.

It was in the UK where he gained the sobriquet "Mac the Knife" as he left a trail of sacked CEOs and purged boardrooms behind him. To be fair, RBS, Aviva and Barclays needed dramatic actions in the aftermath of the financial crisis that had decimated the UK financial sector.

McFarlane says himself that Westpac will be a different experience. Setting to one side the likely massive penalty it faces from the AUSTRAC allegations and the heavy costs of customer remediation and the compliance costs flowing from the banking royal commission, the underlying core of the bank is in relatively good shape.

John McFarlane says he is ''battle hardened'' and has a harder edge than his former protege, and former Westpac chief executive, Brian Hartzer.

John McFarlane says he is ''battle hardened'' and has a harder edge than his former protege, and former Westpac chief executive, Brian Hartzer.Credit: AFR

Brian Hartzer, a protégé of McFarlane’s at ANZ where he dramatically improved its retail banking business and was McFarlane’s (but not the ANZ board’s) preferred successor, is a good and prudent banker - strong on costs and credit quality and conservative when it comes to capital adequacy and liquidity.

That doesn’t mean business as usual. McFarlane, who describes himself as "battle-hardened", also says he has a sharper edge than Hartzer.

While at ANZ he developed what was regarded internally as a "warm’’ culture but he also doesn’t mind difficult conversations, something the ANZ management found out very early in his tenure as he dramatically restructured the business to slash costs and quit riskier and lower-returning operations.

He can be decisive and ruthless, selling off Grindlays and a coveted exposure to Asia and India, in particular, because he didn’t like the risk-return ratio. He also closed down a London trading platform that had been one of the bank’s most profitable operations for similar reasons.

His lengthy exposure to UK banking will be useful. The UK banks have had very similar misconduct issues – money-laundering, market-rigging, miss-selling – to the major Australian banks, only much earlier and in greater magnitude.

They’ve also operated in very weak economic conditions – far worse than Australia is experiencing – through the post-crisis era and, more recently, in the lead up to Brexit.

Those are highly relevant experiences for what McFarlane will confront when he takes the helm at Westpac.

The early priorities will be to decide on and appoint a new CEO and to resolve the AUSTRAC affair.

Westpac is conducting a global search for what McFarlane defines as a "world-class CEO", with the external candidates lined up against internal options, which would include Peter King.

It’s not going to surprise if the appointment is external to enable a fresh set of eyes and perspectives, although McFarlane’s track record suggests he’s going to be quite an active chairman. At Aviva, he had sacked the CEO and shaken the venerable insurer to its foundations before he even appointed a new chief executive.


As with most of its peers, if the non-core costs associated with conduct issues are stripped out, Westpac’s banking operations, while solid and profitable, are flat-lining because of the twin impacts of minimal if any volume growth and compressed net interest margins as a result of the weak economic conditions.

McFarlane will inevitably want to make Westpac’s management focus more heavily on costs, even though it is a relatively efficient bank. Major cost reductions are a core element of his CV, although his approach at ANZ didn’t involve cutting investment in future growth for short-term gains.

His experience in the UK, with its overload of banking regulation in the post-crisis era – including a banking executive accountability regime on which our’s has been modelled – will prove valuable. The UK has had, for instance, "open banking" since 2016 and far more developed fintech and neo-banking sectors as a result.

The big immediate issue for Westpac is to settle the AUSTRAC issues and pay the massive fine Westpac expects.

That could occur before the handover from Maxsted on April 2 with Maxsted – who deserves credit for the orderly way he is handling what could have been a very destabilising regime change – saying negotiations over an agreed statement of facts to present to the courts are progressing well and that he is hopeful the process should be more or less complete around that time.

That would give McFarlane and the incoming CEO a cleaner and more conventional slate to work with.

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