
Melissa Oates pleads guilty to dangerous driving after Jari Wise’s roadside death

Melissa Oates has revealed the trauma she has been through every day – including having her children told she was a murderer – since the death of “on and off” boyfriend, Jari Wise. LATEST FROM COURT >>

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MORE than a year after Huonville man Jari Wise was fatally struck by a car as he walked along a roadside, his “on and off” girlfriend Melissa Oates is behind bars.

On Monday, the 35-year-old Lucaston resident – who had been on bail since Mr Wise’s February 2020 death – pleaded guilty to a charge of dangerous driving in the Supreme Court of Tasmania.

Her plea has brought an end to a year of high tensions and furious clashes between the families outside court, with Mr Wise’s family protesting at each hearing with “Justice 4 Jari” banners.

Jari Wise, 26, (right) and on and off girlfriend Melissa Oates.
Jari Wise, 26, (right) and on and off girlfriend Melissa Oates.

Oates now awaits sentencing, scheduled for April 22.

“There is not a day or even an hour that goes by that she does not regret the decisions that she made that night,” her lawyer Garth Stevens told the court.

“She accepts that if she had never got into the car that night, Mr Wise would still be here.”

Mr Stevens said on the night in question, the mother-of-four – who shared one child with Mr Wise – had consumed alcohol and was travelling fast to find him as he walked along Wilmot Road.

“She didn’t stop at the scene of the collision due to her panic,” he said.

“No doubt that decision was contributed to by the consumption of alcohol.”

The barrister said after rushing to a friend’s house, Oates returned “immediately” to the scene of the accident.

Melissa Oates.
Melissa Oates.

“She instructs that as a result of this conduct, she is heartbroken. She doesn’t want to get out of bed on any given day, but she can’t sleep,” he said.

“She knows that she’s caused irreparable damage to her family, to Mr Wise’s family, to their children. Mr Wise has children from another relationship and she’s sorry for the hurt caused.”

Mr Stevens said Oates and her children had been subject to threats.

“She’s afraid of what will happen to her children in her absence,” he said.

“Her children have required counselling, they’ve been told that she’s a murderer.

“They wake to the sounds of tyres screeching.”

Melissa Oates at supreme court for plea. Picture: Nikki Davis-Jones
Melissa Oates at supreme court for plea. Picture: Nikki Davis-Jones

Director of Public Prosecutions, Daryl Coates SC, said her guilty plea had been entered at an early stage.

“Her plea of guilty … is one of full acceptance,” Mr Stevens said.

“She can’t change what happened. She regrets absolutely what happened.

“Hopefully there can be some consolation to all involved as a result of today’s proceedings.”

Faith Tkalac, Jari Wise’s mother, in St David's Park after Monday’s Supreme Court hearing. Picture: Nikki Davis-Jones
Faith Tkalac, Jari Wise’s mother, in St David's Park after Monday’s Supreme Court hearing. Picture: Nikki Davis-Jones

Outside court, tensions flared once again as the families clashed amid screamed arguments and chants of “murderer”.

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