
Married couple to stand trial over Shane Geoffrey Barker murder

A 65-year-old Swansea woman will stand trial alongside her husband over the 2009 murder of Shane Geoffrey Barker – their former son-in-law. LATEST >>

Shane Geoffrey Barker’s body was found at his Campbell Town home in August 2009.
Shane Geoffrey Barker’s body was found at his Campbell Town home in August 2009.

SWANSEA woman Noelene June Jordan will stand trial alongside her husband to fight allegations the couple murdered Shane Geoffrey Barker by gunshot more than a decade ago.

The 65-year-old appeared in the Hobart Magistrates Court on Thursday via video link from the Mary Hutchinsons Women’s Prison, when she entered a not guilty plea to one count of murder.

Shane Geoffrey Barker.
Shane Geoffrey Barker.
Tasmania Police forensic officers at the crime scene, Shane Geoffrey Barker’s Campbell Town home in 2009.
Tasmania Police forensic officers at the crime scene, Shane Geoffrey Barker’s Campbell Town home in 2009.

Magistrate Michael Daly remanded Mrs Jordan in custody to appear in the Launceston Supreme Court on July 20, alongside her husband Cedric Harper Jordan.

Mr Jordan, 68, has already pleaded not guilty to the charge, which dates back to August 2, 2009.

Police allege that on that night, the Jordans murdered their 36-year-old former son-in-law by shooting him four times at his Campbell Town home.

His body was found the following morning, with detectives refusing to close the case – making it one of Tasmania’s longest-running murder investigations.

The Jordans were arrested during the early hours of May 11 this year and each charged with one count of murder.

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