
Tasmanian computer guru used IT degree skills to run fraud credit card and loan scam

A man who used his degree in computers to run a credit card and loan scam will have to repay every cent after being nabbed by Tasmania Police. Latest from court>

Tasmanian man Mark Richard Nicholas has avoided time in jail after using his degree in computers to run a credit card and loan scam.
Tasmanian man Mark Richard Nicholas has avoided time in jail after using his degree in computers to run a credit card and loan scam.

A man with specialist knowledge of computers has been sentenced for fraudulently using other people’s details to make 59 applications for loans and credit cards to the tune of $158,000.

Mark Richard Nicholas, 38, pleaded guilty in the Supreme Court of Tasmania to 23 counts of fraud and 36 counts of attempted fraud dating back to 2018.

In his comments on passing sentence, Justice Robert Pearce said Nicholas’ crimes began when he got access to the personal details of employees at a transport company such as driver licences, Medicare cards and credit card details.

Justice Pearce said he formed an intention to use the information for fraudulent purposes.

Using the details of eight people, Nicholas made 59 applications for pre-approved credit, credit cards and loans - with 23 of these being approved.

While he was approved for $158,000 in credit, the loans and cards weren’t fully drawn upon, with Nicholas accessing $36,085.

Nicholas also submitted another 36 applications, totalling at least $914,390 in credit, but these were declined by the lenders.

He was nabbed by police in August 2018, with police searching his home and finding fraudulent documents on numerous devices including 14 hard drives and a quantity of SIM cards.

Despite this, Nicholas submitted another four fraudulent applications before September that year, with three approved.

Justice Pearce said Nicholas had previously been jailed over drug, stealing, burglary and fraud offences - including 38 counts of computer-related fraud in 2019 for using a stolen credit card.

The judge said until 2021, Nicholas had a serious drug problem, with his offending related to this addiction.

“You then facilitated the crimes by your knowledge of computers and use of your addresses. You have a degree in information technology and business management,” Justice Pearce said.

“The crimes for which you are now to be sentenced involved much relatively sophisticated planning and multiple dishonest acts, both via electronic means and in person.”

Nicholas has been ordered to repay the money fraudulently obtained, and will spend the next 15 months under home detention.

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