
Kidnapper and child rapist nurse sent back to jail after lingering near playground

A kidnapper and child rapist nurse was sent back to jail after he was monitored by his electronic ankle bracelet as lingering near a playground and a fast food restaurant. But now, he’s back out.

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A DEVONPORT nurse who once dragged a 12-year-old schoolgirl off the street and raped her in his van was sent back to jail after he lingered around a playground and a fast food restaurant.

Lindsay Trevor Reid was 37 when he abducted the girl at Latrobe in May 2014, hitting her before raping her and threatening to kill her family if she told anyone.

He has now been released from jail on parole a second time, despite admitting he has ongoing sexually deviant thoughts about children.

At the time of his horrific crime, Reid was a married father of two.

But he wasn’t nabbed until two years later, when two students reported he’d been acting lewdly in public.

Detective Inspector Rob Gunton holds an identikit image at the Devonport Police Station after a 12 year old girl was abducted and sexually assaulted at Latrobe
Detective Inspector Rob Gunton holds an identikit image at the Devonport Police Station after a 12 year old girl was abducted and sexually assaulted at Latrobe

DNA taken from him at that time was found to match that found on his victim’s clothes from 2014.

Reid was jailed for eight years, with a non-parole period of five years, and was released from Risdon Prison on parole in December last year with an electronic monitoring device on his ankle.

In a newly-published decision, the Parole Board of Tasmania revealed Reid was returned to jail earlier this year after breaching his parole conditions to not linger near areas frequented by children, like parks and playgrounds.

Police door knock residents on Shale Road after a 12 year old girl was abducted and sexually assaulted at Latrobe
Police door knock residents on Shale Road after a 12 year old girl was abducted and sexually assaulted at Latrobe

“During his initial parole period the electronic monitoring of the applicant detected him lingering near a playground and a fast food restaurant in breach of his parole conditions,” the board said.

The board said Reid attempted to minimise or deny his actions, claiming he came across the playground “by chance”, saying it contained only one or two pieces of play equipment.

But Community Corrections provided photos showing the space was a fully-equipped playground.

Reid conceded he had “ongoing sexually deviant thoughts involving children”, and was kept in custody.

Detective Murray Caine (RHS) prepares to conduct a door knock on Shale Road after a 12 year old girl was abducted and sexually assaulted at Latrobe
Detective Murray Caine (RHS) prepares to conduct a door knock on Shale Road after a 12 year old girl was abducted and sexually assaulted at Latrobe

Upon his return before the Parole Board, Reid said he’d failed to appreciate the extent of the restrictions the parole order placed upon him and his freedom of movement, and claimed he now intended to be fully compliant.

The board said it was more likely the truth was Reid believed he “was able to do as he saw fit”.

“The applicant concedes that he has a sexual interest in children. He knows on an intellectual level that he can not act on that interest. He also has a sexual interest in adults,” the board said.

The board approved his parole as of May, with conditions he be subject to electronic monitoring, be excluded from entering certain areas, and stick to a psychological treatment plan.

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