
Angus John Banks: Launceston drug driver relives near-fatal crash

A young Tasmanian who drove home from a party with cannabis and ice in his system before falling asleep at the wheel and crashing has told a court how he’s tried to turn his life around.

A third of drink and drug driving offenders come from these two professions

An emotional young Tasmanian drug driver has told a court how he has tried to put his life back together after he fell asleep at the wheel with ice and cannabis in his system after attending a party.

South Launceston man Angus John Banks, 22, pleaded guilty in Launceston Magistrates Court on Monday to charges of driving with illicit drugs in his system and possessing cannabis.

The court heard police were tasked to a single-vehicle accident on the Midland Hwy at Tunbridge about 5.20am on February 27.

En route, they were flagged down by the ambulance transporting Banks from the scene.

Police spoke with Banks, who told officers he had attended a party at Tunbridge and fallen asleep at the wheel.

He “woke up and everyone was there (at the scene of the accident),” the court heard.

Banks was unsure whether he was travelling from Tunbridge or Launceston but said he had not drunk or consumed drugs at the party.

Nevertheless, a search of his vehicle uncovered a ziplock bag containing approximately 2.9g of cannabis underneath the driver’s seat, while his blood analysis revealed the presence of cannabis and methamphetamine in his system.

Reading from a prepared statement, Banks, voice wavering, told Magistrate Simon Brown he was attending drug and alcohol counselling following his near-fatal crash.

He said he had “removed negative influences” from his life and moved out of home, while also commencing a disability support certificate at TasTAFE.

However, the injuries sustained from the crash meant he had been unable thus far to complete the practical components of his certificate.

“I feel like I’ve lost so much from this crash... I’m remorseful and embarrassed,” Banks said.

“I know how lucky I was to not lose my life.”

Banks told the court he wanted to be a “positive influence” on those around him moving forward.

Mr Brown disqualified Banks from driving for three months, fined him $500 and ordered her pay costs and levies of $91.40.

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