
Crime In Focus

MH370 pilot social posts art
Crime in Focus

Creepy posts fuel MH370 pilot fears

Comments on a teenage model’s social media account were just one red flag that the MH370 pilot wasn’t the happy family man he portrayed, so why does Malaysia refuse to point the finger of blame?

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Convicted Melbourne gangland murderer Carl Williams in undated Facebook profile photo.

Lawyer X betrayal torched the underworld rule book

In the underworld, secrets that don’t stay secret can get you killed or locked up. Yet cunning criminals who would hardly trust their mothers, mostly trust lawyers the way churchgoers used to trust priests. At least, that’s the way it was until Lawyer X torched the rule book with a string of betrayals, writes Andrew Rule.

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Gangland lawyer Zarah Garde-Wilson. Picture: Mark Stewart

How time validated gangland lawyer’s hunch

A panicked late night call is the lot of defence lawyers. So when Zarah Garde-Wilson received one from an 18-year-old picked up in a Mokbel drug sting she duly turned up at St Kilda Rd police station. The ritual took an odd turn when Lawyer X showed with “bad advice”.

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Alleged drug lord Antonios (Tony) Mokbel leaves Victorian Supreme Court in Melbourneafter application to obtain legal aid to fund his drug trial defence.

Last drinks for drug lord before arrests

It was a who’s who of Melbourne’s underworld, a birthday bash for Tony Mokbel’s drug cook, a kind of real-life Walter White before the TV character’s time. The cook celebrated with 80 to 100 of his closest friends, including Lawyer X.

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