Bikies’ foreign power bases revealed
This is where some of Australia’s most wanted bikies have fled overseas to avoid police, as they continue their alleged criminal operations.
This is where some of Australia’s most wanted bikies have fled overseas to avoid police, as they continue their alleged criminal operations.
The wife of Sydney gangster John Macris in Athens has reacted after the getaway driver in his cold blooded execution outside his home was sensationally acquitted.
Australia’s highest-risk criminal targets, including bikies and their associates, are thwarting attempts by the nation’s most powerful law enforcement bodies to bring them before the courts.
It’s been a bloody year for bikies and their associates across the nation — with feuds leading to killings and bloodshed. This is how the gangs have changed forever.
Border Force has revealed the sophisticated lengths bikies will undertake to import cocaine and ice — which starts at footy fields and pubs. Listen to the Bikies Inc. podcast.
It’s the stuff you see on battlefields and now, with help from the AN0M app sting, police are seizing rifles off Aussie bikies used by IS. Listen to the Bikies Inc podcast.
These are some of Australia’s most well-known bikies who are currently in jail or in custody, and how they ended up there. See who’s on the list.
This is how bikies became Covid-19 superspreaders across Australia, as they escaped vaccine mandates to move drugs. Listen to Episode 2 of the Bikies Inc podcast.
Aussie bikies have found new ways to become global billion-dollar businesses as they outsource their violence. Listen to Episode One the new Bikies Inc. podcast.
Police have got new powers to track bikies’ cash to expose the white collar crimes they commit as they make dirty cash in organised crime networks. Listen to the Bikies Inc podcast.
The Bikies Inc. podcast lifts the lid on Australia’s outlaw motorcycle gangs, who now control more than $3 billion worth of illegal drugs each year.
The black market for counterfeit goods is booming for bikies and other crims with millions of dollars’ worth of fake, and potentially deadly items. See what’s been seized.
While many Aussie bikie WAGs enjoy the spoils of the luxury lifestyles, others are often left with a broken heart. See who has been left behind.
Lili Greer saw the violence her mum copped after her bikie boyfriend was suspected of killing her. Here she reveals why the battle isn’t over. Listen to Episode 3 of the Bikies Inc podcast.
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