Stamp duty ban can solve housing crisis
Proposed moves such as a rental freeze and price caps won’t likely solve our rental and housing affordability crisis but a moratorium on stamp duty can.
Proposed moves such as a rental freeze and price caps won’t likely solve our rental and housing affordability crisis but a moratorium on stamp duty can.
A hydrogen power plant at Whyalla is ready to snare a share of $2bn in budget funds to produce green steel, among the major wins for cash splashes in SA.
Around half of all South Australian households and tens of thousands of small businesses will get a cashback to help with their energy bills. See if you’re eligible and how much you’ll get.
Critics have blasted the government for committing to a $300 billion tax vow while Aussies are struggling.
Labor ministers will have to scour their own departments for savings and existing funds to finance future new ideas and pet projects under a permanent cycle of budget repair.
The federal government will maintain a 50:50 funding split with SA for the final stage of the North-South Corridor, even with a higher price and new national infrastructure review.
Australians struggling with cost of living will benefit from a $14.6bn package to be announced in Tuesday’s budget.
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