
Serious SuperCoach: How to beat the bye

THE bye rounds start this weekend — do we trade or not? Don’t miss the expert SuperCoach survival tips from 2011 winner Jay To. PLUS COACH CRAWF VIDEO

Shane Crawford and Jay Clark run through all the best captaincy candidates for your team in a round full of byes.

IF YOU haven’t looked closely at this weekend’s fixture, you could be in for a shock.

Round 8 is the first of three bye rounds, with six clubs taking a week off — this week Collingwood, Geelong, Richmond, Adelaide, North Melbourne and Gold Coast have the bye.

That means some very popular Nissan SuperCoach picks will be missing, but this is the time of year when astute trading can give you a distinct advantage over other players.

During the multi-bye rounds (MBRs), only your best 18 scores from your starting players will be included in your final score for the round.

This week many coaches will field fewer than 18 starting players. Therefore, there is an opportunity to make up ground during the MBRs. On the flip side, there is a risk of falling behind if you don’t plan your trades carefully.


One of the key attributes of good trading in SuperCoach is trading to improve your team rather than side-trading.

In the past, the standard approach was not to trade in the first bye round as any player that is traded in will eventually have to miss a game due to their bye. If you trade in Jobe Watson, Tom Liberatore or Josh Kennedy this week, they will miss a game in Round 9 or Round 10.

However, upgrading to a premium in Round 8 is now accepted as you are improving your team a round earlier.

On the other hand, side trading premiums in Round 8 to dodge the bye is strongly discouraged as any premium traded in will eventually have their bye in the MBRs, cancelling out any benefit from this trade.

The exception to the ‘no side trading in Round 8’ ruler is long-term injuries such to players such as Sam Mitchell as you cannot afford to leave $500K on the bench for extended periods of time.


Jobe Watson faces the Brisbane Lions on Saturday.
Jobe Watson faces the Brisbane Lions on Saturday.


Even though all players traded in at Round 8 will miss a game some time during the MBR, you may gain an advantage by the order of trading in these players.

When deciding between trading in a Round 9 (eg Liberatore) or Round 10 (eg Watson) bye player, you should trade in the player who you think will score more.

However, if you intend to trade both a Round 9 and Round 10 bye player over the next three weeks, you should trade in a Round 10 bye player (Watson) before a Round 9 bye player (Liberatore) to gain maximum benefit as you will be able to trade in Liberatore at Round 10, whereas with Watson you need to wait until Round 11 for these players not to miss a game due to their bye.


Sometimes the best trade is actually not trading at all.

If you already have six premiums/keepers in the midfield and you would like to purchase Round 8 bye players such as Joel Selwood ($555,700, breakeven 154) and Dane Swan ($564,600, breakeven 99), it may simply be better to wait a week to trade in these players after their bye, or use your trades this week to downgrade your cash cows to rookies in anticipation of upgrading to a couple of superstars in Round 9.

Don’t sacrifice that quality premium you really like just because they have a bye this round.

Say you missed David Swallow or have your eye on Jimmy Bartel as your last star defender.

Don’t trade in Luke Hodge or Shaun Burgoyne simply because they don’t have the bye in Round 8. A week later 9 Hodge and Burgoyne will have the bye when Swallow and Bartel don’t.

Look at the long-term picture and plan for the guns you want in your team for the rest of the season, not just this weekend.

Josh Kennedy and the Sydney Swans have a bye in Round 10. Picture: Phil Hillyard
Josh Kennedy and the Sydney Swans have a bye in Round 10. Picture: Phil Hillyard


While the goal is to get as many premium players into your SuperCoach team as soon possible, be wary of trading out rookies who are performing such as Jared Polec ($430,200, breakeven 25) and Dom Tyson ($343,300, breakeven 8).

There have already been some horror stories of players trading out rookies early for premiums such as Ryan Griffen and Jobe Watson only to see the departed rookie (Polec) outscore the newly acquired premium (Griffen/Watson).

If you intend to trade out Polec or Tyson, you should trade Polec next week for a Round 8 bye player (Swan, Selwood etc) and Tyson in one of the next two weeks for a Round 8 or Round 9 bye player. This allows you to trade out a player before his bye and bring in a player who has already had his.


While there are many factors to consider when trading in Round 8, sometimes it is better to accept a doughnut than waste a trade for 40 points.

If you have 17 starting players and the only player you can trade in is likely to be the substitute or a player you don’t expect to score well such as Darcy Gardiner, it is probably best to accept a zero for your 18th player.

On the other hand, if the player you can trade in is a premium who will improve your team as well as avoiding the zero, the smart move is to pull the trigger.

Fore more SuperCoach expert advice visit Jay’s website supercoachscores.comand follow him on Twitter @ImpromptuSC.

Originally published as Serious SuperCoach: How to beat the bye

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