
Being a tree hugger helped me overcome terrible sadness

SPENDING time in nature could be the answer to some of our mental health struggles, writes Kerry Parnell.

Got 60 seconds? Get relaxed and happy all at once

IT turns out we owe an apology to Prince Charles.

As one of the most famous tree huggers in the world HRH was famously derided in the past for his habit of talking to plants, passion for the environment and early adoption of organic farming.

But he’s not the right Charlie we made him out to be. He was prescient with his environmental concerns and organic practices and now he’s been vindicated for his love of nature.

Trees, scientists claim, could be the answer to our epidemic of depression. And no, you don’t have to take them in tablet form.

Prince Charles is well known for his love of nature and environmental advocacy. (Pic: Matthew Horwood)
Prince Charles is well known for his love of nature and environmental advocacy. (Pic: Matthew Horwood)

We’ve long known “a breath of fresh air” is good for you, but new research has shown that just a few minutes in nature can improve your mood for hours afterwards.

Researchers at King’s College London discovered that seeing trees, hearing bird song and looking at the sky raises our sense of wellbeing significantly — most noticeably in those with mental health problems. The effects also last for hours.

They’re not the first team to discover this — other research has proven being around trees, even for as little as five minutes, boosts the immune system, lowers blood pressure, increases energy levels, aids sleep and accelerates recovery from illness.

The Japanese have been practising shinrin-yoku, or “forest bathing”, for years, where a visit to a forest is used as therapy for the body and soul.

Another study discovered that city dwellers who live in streets with trees in are significantly happier than those without. University of Chicago academics found that just 10 trees on your block improves how we rate our wellbeing and University of Exeter researchers discovered Londoners living on streets with trees were prescribed fewer antidepressants than those who didn’t.

Spending time with trees could reap rewards when it comes to wellbeing. (Pic: iStock)
Spending time with trees could reap rewards when it comes to wellbeing. (Pic: iStock)

And if that wasn’t convincing enough the University of New Brunswick found city-dwellers who lived near green spaces had an eight to 12 per cent reduced risk of dying compared to those who didn’t.

I’m happy to be called a tree hugger.

A year ago my family made a tree change and swapped inner-city Sydney for a field of sheep. We replaced the roar of traffic for birdsong; the view of roads and apartment blocks with rolling fields. It was something we had to do.

Five years ago this weekend, my infant son passed away. He spent his nine and a half months of life in an out of hospital, but on the rare days when we didn’t have to go in for appointments, I’d push him around Centennial Park in his pram and he’d look up at the rustling leaves in the trees.

I adored those walks, that precious time together where everything, just for a moment, was all right. It’s those days, with the sunlight dappling through the canopies and the wind whispering through the leaves that I like to remember most.

Now the trees are still there and he is not. But those grand old trees around the park — the oaks, figs, pines and eucalypts, the paperbarks and beautiful weeping willows — gave me comfort, and eventually, over time, happiness again. They were simply the best medication I could find.

So go on, hug a tree. You’ll thank me.

In memory of her son, Kerry Parnell’s charity Team Teddy buys practical items for critically ill children and their families.

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